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Topics - drealmer7

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Well, I started and played through junkyard a couple times a while ago, but then have been waiting to play (and start over) - waiting for the expansion.  I had a thread before this 'builds' subsection, about the sort of build I have been planning to play with, but figured I'd come over here with it.

Now that the expansion is here!  and I can begin!  (I am going to wait until a couple more patches before I allow myself get to mid-game, but, will get the beginning going!)

this is the sort of build I'm going for, will tweak a bit as needed and I level beyond this.  I'm not sure what the max skillcheck reqs are with expansion, so I might be able to slip some points into chemistry or do higher mechanics (not sure how high I need to make good bows that remain effective to endgame either, so might have to tweak for that) if I can free up some points from persuasion/intimidation or elsewhere that I won't need, chemistry would be nice to have, but I don't want to miss even 1 INT or PERS skillcheck that I might come across in the game.

I'll be playing on normal and have a good amount of experience with this sort of game.

feedback welcome, though I prefer to avoid too much grief over the choice to go metathermics with the rest of what I have ( :

General / skill point / build ? for a relative UnderRail noob
« on: January 29, 2018, 12:15:37 am »
I'm not generally one to ask questions about builds.  I don't care to make a powerbuild in the slightest, just one I enjoy playing and to me that means having using skills I like, and the skill implementation in UnderRail is (some of?) the best I've seen, making me want to play the game numerous times to see what differences the game has to offer with the different skills (whereas in a lot of RPGs there tends to be less of an appeal for me to utilize so many skills that the game has to offer.) - but I don't really have time for that, so I'm looking to get the most bang for my buck time.

Anyway, I've been gaming a long time and am pretty comfortable with making characters and doing well in games, so I'm not really looking for that standard "how's this build" feedback (though I imagine such will be unavoidable with my pumping up of will and int but not doing a psi heavy build, etc.), I'm more looking for specific information in regards to skill-usage via the skillpoint# in a kind of 'how low can you go' to retain viability that doesn't make the game tedious. 


feats:  snooping, paranoia

stats: STR 3, DEX 3, AGI 4, CON 3, PER 7, INT 10, WILL 10


crossbows: 15 (18)
stealth: 15
hacking: 10 (15)
lockpick: 10
traps: 10
mechanics: 10 (15)
electronics: 10 (15)
metathermics: 10 (15)
persuasion: 10 (15)
intimidation: 10 (15)

at this point ^ I have 10 points left, and the question becomes, where do I get the most value for those 10 points?  I keep waffling between a few different variants of this build trying to figure "what is best" or what are the advantages or drawbacks to each or whatever else about them I might not be aware of in my noobness.

My desire in RPGs are always to have the most dialogue options possible that have the most sophistication/intelligence about them, so my initial inclinations are to make persuasion and intimidation both at 15 (22) - but I don't know if that is simply overkill.  I also wonder if about puting hacking up to 15 (22) [keeping persuasion at 15(22) but intimidation at 10(15), if I should perhaps make it 15 for traps or lockpicking, or both and leave the persuasion+intimidation at 10(15), OR, maybe I should put those 10 points into another crafting skill to increase the crossbow bolt potential and get some other cool stuff going on in game?  again, priority is dialogue impact, and even so I'd probably rather more trap options than bolt options, and so does that mean I want to put traps up to 15 to start, or into crafting capabilities that make traps, or whatever else is relevant.

OR, are all those 10s in the skills too many / too spread regardless of any of the above ^ / regardless of the (#) ?

okay thanks for reading if you did...

Suggestions / Psionics - meditation method
« on: March 02, 2017, 06:07:32 am »
I'm not sure if I made this suggestion here before or not but a search has me thinking I did not.


The doc at the beginning mentions this method that has been "lost" and so you just take a pill if you want to do psionics.  Very interesting but what if:

you could wait just a little while to unock psi powers and go about it differently, simply for the option to do it differently because flavor and options are fun. 

Something like, find an old shaman type guy hiding in an ancient sacred cave area, inquire about his knowledge in unlocking mental depths.  And then he gives you a simple quest like "Collect 10 mindshrooms", then you bring them back and consume them in the cave, trip out, and unlock the psi-powers that way.

A delayed gratification for an alternate choice in doing something not the 'easy take a pill chemical way."  I'd love it.

Suggestions / Psi abilities - meditation method
« on: February 18, 2016, 10:50:30 pm »
I'd love to have the option to activate the PSI abilities via the meditation method actually implemented into the game somehow.  It's suggested to be a method by the doc., and could be a viable play-option for people.  It could easily work as a quest or just a different way than "taking the pill" immediately upon being given the opportunity.  "It takes longer" could mean that you have to collect 10 mindshrooms and once you have the 10, go to a special cave somewhere, dose the shrooms, and then become "unlocked."  It would be really cool!  I definitely would forgo the ability to immediately be able to begin training psi abilities for a delay like this that simply adds flavor and depth and option.

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