Author Topic: Shotgun/AR Survival Build Playthrough on Dominating /w Commentary and Tips  (Read 1676 times)


  • Scavenger
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This is a build that can go anywhere and fight anything. Mainly Shotgun focused, but with Assault Rifle to reach out when needed.
Build post here:

Shotgun mainly used vs. Evasive targets or heavily armored. But this is not a "only use that and nothing else" build/run. We have Quick Tinker and Telecinetic Imprint with a side of TM. So it is made to survive and to go through everything comfortably. AR is used mainly for long range Ambushes and often outshines the shotgun in damage even without Focused Fire 😅😅 - but why not use both? 😁

Ask me any questions in comments. And I hope you will enjoy the ride 😄