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Topics - PraeposterXim

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Suggestions / On Tchort and An Alternative
« on: August 04, 2017, 02:03:24 am »
Hello all! First time posting here, but I bought the game at the Steam Sale and have been playing it nonstop ever since getting it. I'm already up to 100 hours, and I have lost sleep to this amazing game  :P

Right now I am on my first proper playthrough, a battlemage protectorite and (what I thought would be) a devoted Tchortist. A gal who tries to be good and make the best of bad situations, but devoted to trying to minimize conflict in the Underrail as much as possible. I was excited to see what was in store for me in the Institute, but my heart sank when I saw Eidein die to the Faceless, and I got a "creeping dread" when I kinda spoiled the whole Tchort is the boss and there is no way to save or salvage the biggest technological/religious organization in (at least South) Underrail. I went on to kinda spoil a lot more details about Six, Tanner, the Faceless, et cetera, but I haven't gotten to killing Tchort just yet.

In general, I don't feel entirely comfortable killing Tchort considering the lack of information on what its plans are for humanity, I am unsure of the extent to which it could negitavely affect humanity, and the fact that the Faceless have committed just as much of (if not more) of a sin against mankind by culling the Institute. As a player, I am philisophically stuck in a position where I gotta be the guy who "killed god" (If the weird alien-mutant that is Tchort can be described as such), but as Neitzche says in his writings that comes with its own slew of problems. Killing Tchort should be a decision, but that does not mean that you can't still have a boss fight of perhaps equally epic proportions.


You get Eidein safely to the deep caverns, but the Faceless follow you there, and you must face perhaps an entire race of these rockmen and kill their strongest warriors/leaders as to ensure Tchorts Safety. While you do this, Six, Tanner, and perhaps another one of their "kin" comes to attempt to kill Tchort personally and obtain the Cube. You make it just as Tchort is brought into a weakened state, and you need to find a way to kill all three of these f*****s, perhaps with Eideins help. I think this would offer a great alternative to Tchortist-sympathetic characters, and besides the quest of killing Faceless I don't see it as being quite that hard to impliment.

Tl;dr: Lemme fight Six, Tanner, and another dude instead of killing Tchort.

And yes, I am aware Tchort means Demon :D

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