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Messages - scazzy

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General / Balance Discussion - Quick tinkering
« on: February 24, 2016, 04:07:39 am »
As much as I hate to say it, I think quick tinkering is way too overpowered and needs to be nerfed. I'll explain why I believe this is the case, and also a couple of solutions which would bring the feat back into a more balanced state.

Before I start, I'll preface this by saying I play exclusively hard mode and usually ironman as well. My opinion on this feat is shaped by my experience playing this game on the hardest difficulty with no margin for error. When I die, I restart.

Why is QT OP?

Quick tinkering is the strongest defensive feat in the game. With proper 'technique' you can hold down any single door choke point indefinitely. What makes this feat so powerful is its combination of a 2 turn CD and its synergy with bear traps (to a lesser extent chemical blob traps). QT trivialises combat scenarios where the is any kind of exploitable choke point. The only way enemies can breach your defensive position is if you make a mistake and allow the bear trap to kill its target (opening up the choke point and allowing subsequent enemies to 'breach' you position). When an enemy is trapped in a doorway, you can basically hide behind the corner, wait out the cool down on QT, kill the enemy and then re-lay another trap. The enemies behind will fluff around not doing anything because they cannot walk through the unit blocking the doorway. So you just rinse and repeat indefinatly. As an ironmode player, this feat is the single strongest one in the game.

What can be done to balance QT?

I see two solutions.

Either A, increase the cooldown on QT to 3 turns. The rational being that the cool-down will EXCEED the amount of time an enemy is held by a beartrap (2 turns), therefore requiring a broader strategic approach to a combat scenario. Non more insta-gib.

Or B, Give more enemies Escape Artist. There are NO enemies in the entire game (that I have encountered in numerous playthroughs) who have escpae artist. They ALL just sit there like morons when I trap them. Make them dangerous again by giving some enemies the ability to escape my defensive cheese.

*Edit - There is a third potential solution which is to make QT cost action points. An AP cost would at least make it more challenging to duck back behind a corner in certain scenarios to avoid taking damage. I believe this would be the least effective change however.

In its current state, enemies have no strategic counter-play to QT. As much as QT has made my ironman runs so much more pleasant, it needs to be nerfed!

General / Re: [NEW CONTENT] Rails section south of Rail Crossing
« on: February 23, 2016, 07:52:58 am »
One more thing:
Thick Skull rocks against Cawlers. Better dazed then stunned.

Not as good as antidote...

Bugs / Re: combat hangup after killing enemy
« on: February 01, 2016, 05:33:10 am »
Elpusher, let me clarify. This is not a crash. This is a hangup. When the bug happens, I can still still press esc and the menu comes up as usual. I can select an option from that menu and it will execute. I can scroll around with the mouse and push the camera around the map.

The game is for some reason, simply unable to resolve the turn. Both times it has happened to me, somewhere in between triggering the attack cutscene in Core City. The next time I entered combat the bug occurred.

Bugs / Re: combat hangup after killing enemy
« on: January 31, 2016, 12:56:46 am »
Right I was unaware this had been flagged already. Exiting and reentering the game fixed the problem for me. At least I can continue with my run :) Is it still worth me sending through the save file?

Bugs / combat hangup after killing enemy
« on: January 30, 2016, 01:37:52 pm »
Having a problem with combat hanging up after having killed an enemy and ending my turn. After I press end turn, the hourglass just spins endlessly. This is the second run through I have experienced this and both times happened at the exact same time and place during the game.

It happened after handing in the drill rotor board to Tanner and triggering the core city faceless cut scene. I bought TNT and cleared the rock stack directly east of where Old Jonas is in the caves outside SGS. I transitioned east to the next area intending to visit camp hathor. Any combat I initiate after that point hangs up as soon as I kill an enemy and then press end turn.

It doesn't matter which enemy I kill, they all cause the hang up. I can take actions and move around in combat. The hangup only occurs after killing an enemy and ending the turn.

I have a save file and can provide it. Loading the file always replicates the bug.

Bugs / Re: Incendiary granade burning damage too low.
« on: January 29, 2016, 02:12:00 am »
Is that not a design/balance decision as opposed to a bug?

Bugs / Player environmental damage not yielding experience
« on: January 29, 2016, 02:10:43 am »

First off, congrats to developers on such an awesome game!

Just one query/observation. As far as I can tell, there seems to be an inconsistency with environmental damage and experience gain in classic XP mode. For example, fire from molotov cocktails I will classify as environmental damage. It is indirect damage the player deals to enemies.

In classic XP mode it appears that enemies do not always yield experience gain when they die in fire. I have recently recorded a LP type series and have numerous cases where this is clearly shown to be the case. Is this working as intended?

Suggestions / Re: Ironman Mode/Achievement
« on: January 24, 2016, 12:48:37 am »
I said reward those who master the game mechanics,
So far people have been discussing "Ironman" as if it meant "not dying". Is that what you meant? In the original post where you gave a name but no definition, it sounded to me as if your "Ironman" reward was awarded for exploration:
Underrail has one of the most comprehensive and well developed game mechanics of any RPG I've played. Reward those who take the time to fully master and explore it.

I haven't played Steam achievements.

Just for the sake of clarity, satisfying what criterion (or criteria) would award this "Ironman" status in UnderRail?

Ironman means you play from one save file which cannot be reloaded. If you are killed the run is effective over. When I say "reward those who take time to master and fully explore it," I am referring to a player needing a comprehensive knowledge of the game mechanics. Without this understanding, it would be very difficult to successfully complete the game in Ironman. Especially in a game like Underrail with complex and difficult combat scenarios.

Other games which offer an Ironman system which you can use as a basis for comparison are (off the top of my head) Wasteland 2, Pillars of Eternity, Xenonauts, Europa Universalis 4 etc etc

Suggestions / Re: Ironman Mode/Achievement
« on: January 23, 2016, 09:49:46 pm »
I can't really say dev encourage save-scumming but Underrail is for sure not meant for ironman gameplay.
Yet I ONLY played permadeath (ironman) in Underrail. I managed to complete the latest alpha but we only had normal difficulty back then, Oddity XP system was way to generous and some builds were totally op like Electroshock pistol or pure psionics. In release version I made it several times into DC but I'm having a difficult time surviving, even with a 10 CON/Thick Skull character. You can be the best strategist and play with optimal builds, shit will still happen and it usually costs life late game.

As for the ironman achievement. I don't see a way for the game to make sure you still didn't "cheat" and reloaded because things went wrong or because you missed too many times. It's not just about dying, it's about accepting ALL consequences.

I don't care for such achievements at all or if ironman is even built in as a mode. If you need the game engine to force it on you than ironman (I prefer the term permadeath) is simply not for you.

I don't need the game engine to force me to play Ironman. I'm currently in the process of doing one now. I said reward those who master the game mechanics, not prompt those who need incentivisation.

As for implementing the game mode, I can't imagine its excessively challenging. It's one save file that autosaves on quit and can only be loaded from the menu. I recently played through Pillars of Eternity and Wasteland 2 (Dir Ed) and both are are good examples of a properly implemented Ironman mode system.

Suggestions / Ironman Mode/Achievement
« on: January 23, 2016, 12:36:31 pm »

Fairly simple and self explanatory concept. I would love to see an Ironman mode (or equivalent steam achievement) for Underrail.

Underrail has one of the most comprehensive and well developed game mechanics of any RPG I've played. Reward those who take the time to fully master and explore it.

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