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Topics - Hawkknot

Pages: [1]
Builds / Help with High Caliber Gunslinger Build on Normal
« on: June 04, 2020, 12:45:59 am »

I've been tinkering with a Revolver build. The plan is to use the .44 that the dude in Depot A drops for more critical chance. Two shots per turn. Tac Vest (Regen if I can get enough points in bio), and High Level Damage grenades for AOEs.

I've not played the expansion yet.

I've been doing some number crunching, so I think I've got a good handle on things, but please have a look and let me know if I've missed something essential.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Builds / Build advice (Soldier)
« on: August 19, 2018, 10:35:10 am »
Hello. I need some build advice regarding my soldier. I'm going for a Rambo style dude, with a big ass machine gun and grenades aplenty. He also needs to be able to craft his own ammo, grenades and equipment, so I gave him some intelligence at the cost of agility.

Here is a link to the character planner:

The skill values are an approximation. I will place my points "by ear" as I play, but info regarding max values would be awesome, since this will free me up to put some points into biology for combat stims.
I also plan to go for vests and not metal armor, but I don't know if that is the right call since I have very little agility, and will have to eat some lead from time to time.
All stats start at their respective values except for Perception with starts at 9 and gets a bump every 4 levels.
I will be playing on normal difficulty.

Let me know what you think. I'm really tired of starting over and just want a good character to finish the game with. Thanks!

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