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Topics - harperfan7

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 21
Builds / Optimal non-psi hammer build
« on: April 28, 2024, 06:07:06 am »

I posted this in Hammer Wizard's hammer bible thread, but I think it deserves its own thread.  It's been known forever that some mp boosts ignore armor penalty, like sprint and contraction.  What was not widely known was that hit & run would ignore armor penalty when refunding those boosts (thanks to Peet for this discovery).  Now we have a consistent way for a 95% ap tank to move around the battlefield.  This build is essentially a full tungsten tank but it has the ability to move from enemy to enemy without wasting action points.  Jumping bean and the drifter tattoo provide some mp when sprint is on cooldown. 

Another thing that's somewhat recent is spiked hammers and the way the damage from spikes is calculated.  Basically, each spike gets bonus damage from certain sources (most notably Super Slam).  Quake is your off-hand weapon, because it can proc opportunist via daze, but also because it dazes as an AoE.  An AoE daze is superb; not only does it make enemies slower and have less ability to attack on their turn, it boosts your own damage.  The AoE also does some decent damage of its own.  So you want a spiked tichrome hammer in one hand, and Quake in the other.  The spiked hammer can be poisoned, and quake can have blasting caps and CACs.  Also, since you'll spend a good deal of combat dazed yourself due to Thick Skull, you'll be happy to know that a tichrome hammer (17 ap) and Quake (18ap) can be used once each for 35 ap. 

I played through most of the game with a 3 dex 10 agi version of this (for strider and blitz) and it was great, but I definitely felt the lack of escape artist.  With its addition, I feel its perfect.  Strider and blitz were nice to have but not necessary at all.  You don't need maxed strength since you aren't using any of the big boy hammers, and with taste for blood and opportunist, your damage is plenty good enough.  The serrated blades on your armor will sometimes proc a bleed on your enemies, allowing you to get tfb started (but you also get a stack whenever you kill somebody, so it was already a decent choice for hammers), and with nail-bombs you can jumpstart it basically instantly if you want. 

Some people will scoff at grenadier, but since we're only using it for nail-bombs and flashbangs, I don't feel its egregious.  If you still can't stand it, take trigger happy so you can win initiative a decent amount of the time or at least not go dead last.

Suggestions / n16 refurbish suggestion
« on: April 26, 2024, 11:55:46 am »
Since the n16 refurbish is a lame duck; its just a frame and some money for some extra damage and a +5% precision bonus (and the magazine becomes curved for some reason), I had a genius idea and I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner.  With heavy duty installed, the refurbish could add an m203 ("n203" I guess) to the rifle and give it an option in the invoker to fire its single loaded grenade.  M203's are 40mm.  Not sure what all parts it would need; a short 40mm barrel for sure.  The holes in the handguard are kino btw and should be added to the guns icon.

Bugs / Rig raid solo bug
« on: April 25, 2024, 02:21:59 am »
If you destroy the sonar on your own, you still only get 2 exp.  Is the third exp locked behind the persuasion check with the captain?

Bugs / Minor map oversight
« on: April 24, 2024, 09:25:39 pm »
Post DC; they probably would have cleaned up these corpses/flare by now.

Bugs / Gunslinger bugs
« on: April 24, 2024, 08:56:19 pm »
When we got back to upper underrail, gunslinger gave me back "all the things I gave him", but not the stacks of grenades I gave him but he never used, and he gave me his own tacvest and goggles (I never gave him any weapons, armor, headgear, etc). 

Separate from that, he attacks from stealth even though when I talk to him the option says "engage enemies on sight".  If he's attacking from stealth on his own it should say "don't engage enemies". 

While I'm at it, even if he has bandages he often won't heal himself if he's somewhat wounded, but that's not a big deal because you can just use bandages on him yourself.  I think there should be an option to tell him to charge his shield because he often lets it stay pretty depleted.  Also, an option to "stay *right* here" would be nice; there were a couple times where he'd wander off into trouble on his own.

Suggestions / Robot dog oddity drop rate is too low
« on: April 24, 2024, 12:45:24 pm »
On dominating, I killed all patrols (including psychophract ones), several random checkpoint groups, all static placement groups/cleared all the maps, and I only got one oddity from one type of dog and none from the other.  Probably saw 12-15 skulljacks for comparison.

Bugs / Robot dogs not immune to caltrops
« on: April 22, 2024, 04:16:31 am »
I figure they are supposed to be.

Bugs / Mushroom forest spore sac
« on: April 17, 2024, 12:23:49 pm »
This one spore sac next to the secret tunnel is not a container.

Suggestions / Lucas mercantile check
« on: April 15, 2024, 03:02:54 am »
To get him to sell metal armor, boots, and helmets.  The guards wear them but he doesnt sell them (I think ive seen him sell metal boots, but not many).  If the check is fairly high, players still won't be able to get any before going to junkyard.

"So, I've noticed most of the guards wear metal armor, but you don't sell any...."

Maybe you could add a couple tiers for more and better armors.  Could be useful for lategame non-crafters who aren't protectorate, praetorian, and didnt join the institute.  Pretty niche, but it'd help flesh out the game a bit more.  Also, some or all of the checks could increase his money supply, or even give him some charons  you could buy, which would be useful for all players.

General / What build did you imagine Dread Lord having?
« on: February 04, 2024, 09:10:59 pm »
I had a specific thing in mind; I'm curious what you all thought.

Suggestions / Infusion should have ropes
« on: January 25, 2024, 12:46:46 am »
I'm surprised that underrail never made use of them, honestly.  In a world of caves and elevator shafts, using a rope to gain access to different levels would be expected.  Fallout did it.  They could be a fairly rare, fairly heavy item to be used in specific places to create new map exits.

Suggestions / New agility check idea
« on: January 22, 2024, 02:39:32 am »
Decent spots for some

Suggestions / Old Ib homestead drinks
« on: January 16, 2024, 01:16:49 am »
Just discovered that Aaron at the D&D has a stalagdrop, but the homestead or the people encountered there doesn't have any of the octoberfest ones.  Would be neat if there was at least one there; as it stands there is no particular reason to go there, other than to make the player feel bad I guess (and that poster of Ladelmans sister). 

Bugs / Boulder/squeezer shelf items
« on: January 14, 2024, 08:51:58 pm »
The items on the shelf behind them are not red-hand, in fact boulder can watch you grab them and won't go hostile.  Not sure about anybody else on the rig; wasn't spotted by anybody besides boulder.  I didn't test with squeezer. 

Bugs / Phreak is bad at math
« on: January 14, 2024, 12:32:43 am »

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