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Messages - RailNomad

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Suggestions / Re: Some thoughts after finishing Early Access content
« on: July 07, 2015, 12:22:02 pm »
Level scaling can be done well and it can be done awfully. All in all, I think that creatures of the same type should have some variation in their stats to add unpredictability to the combats. In a world where the protagonist can level himself up quickly, why other entities couldn't? But well, Underrail will do fine without level scaling, but it does need a few more creatures and difficult fights.

Suggestions / Re: Some thoughts after finishing Early Access content
« on: July 07, 2015, 09:41:04 am »
I agree especially on the parts about Trading and Super Steel.

About Difficulity: enemies scaling to your level is something that many rpg players hate, but enemy scaling is very common feature in RPG games for a reason. The set of enemies in quite limited in Underrail and when there is no scaling, you have quickly seen every single enemy there is and know exactly how to fight them. Introducing some kind of enemy scaling system, that is not tied to your level, but on the difficulity level of the location would make the game more interesting. Having a few extremely experienced rathounds in the Rathound King's lair would certainly make the fight more interesting. And to be honest, I wouldn't argue against rathounds getting a bit tougher as you level up. Since level up is something you do at will, the payoff in getting new skill points and traits would be facing increasingly more difficult enemies.

I remember Nethack (?) had this system where Enemy level = (Your XP level + Dungeon level) / 2. It is a system that keeps game interesting also on the higher levels.

Of course this is a kind of big thing to introduce to the game at this point, but I don't mind waiting if the games gets more polished.

Suggestions / Re: Online?
« on: June 23, 2015, 07:30:14 pm »
Exporting character sheets and getting a game generated list of achievements would be nice way to share the gaming experience online.

Suggestions / Re: Investing in traders.
« on: June 22, 2015, 08:56:30 pm »
Traders need to be a little more specialized to make finding them more interesting and worth the trouble. My suggestion is to add guaranteed or nearly guaranteed (like 75% 50%) on some of them and make someone to sell particularly good quality components of some specific kind, Traders are at the moment perhaps the least polished spot in the game. It's not a big deal, but would benefit from a little love.

Suggestions / Re: Lack of Directions
« on: June 12, 2015, 11:02:10 am »
Map is not necessary, but giving each sector a name would improve the experience. A small box in the corner displaying Caves A 1 would definitely help in navigating.

General / Re: how long to wait for super steel?
« on: May 31, 2015, 04:11:05 pm »
Try to exit and re-enter the area with the furnace.

General / Re: Wtf is with those bots?
« on: May 31, 2015, 03:34:41 pm »
The security question should be something Underrail specific that is not resolved by a single Google search. Like "What is the three-letter word for mind powers in Underrail?" Or "SGS stands for South Gate... (Fill in the last word)"

Suggestions / Re: Transparent Cave walls
« on: May 29, 2015, 05:41:03 pm »
Are you talking about the "HIGHLIGHT" function which automatically forces transparency and reveals all objects/containers/charcters? I'm sure it works in all assets, including the caves. I use that button so often that I even have it remapped to the mouse.
That works, but I think transparency should be automatically on when you or enemies are behind those walls. I've been attacked several times by little creatures that were creeping behind the walls, but I had no idea they are there.

Suggestions / Roguelike character info dump
« on: May 23, 2015, 10:46:06 am »
I don't know how necessary this feature is, but I remember how fun it was back then to share ascension posts in nethack newsgroups. Some kind of summary of your stuff, attributes and deeds upon dead and upon finishing the game would be great. Also possibility to dump your character info in text or in a single screenshot during the game would be nice.

Just a thought.  ;)

General / Re: Playing an assault rifle combatant
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:23:53 am »
I do like it that you don't get super precision because it makes most games very boring. One thing which I overlooked though is the night vision. I only tested it at the very last phase of the game. It does make a difference.

Suggestions / Re: A few thoughts on the quests and other things
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:19:35 am »
It's possible to figure out everything on the wiki just by playing. Trust me, I have first-hand experience. :P
Sometimes your character might have to make choices without knowing the exact consequences, but that's what roleplaying games are all about.
I'm sure the quests you refer to are designed to be somewhat obscure on purpose, considering the nature of the relevant organization. But both Lenox and Nosek quests have more hints. You can make the name connection by browsing SGS patient data on the morgue's computers.

When you enter Fort Apogee for the first time, the guard who lets you in clearly mentions that you need to holster your weapons. Just like Lt Garren does at the junkyard embassy. (That restriction should probably concern the whole base, not only the offices.)

Trains: Do you mean South Gate Station (your home station) or something else? Because you can travel to SGS with train... :O
I mean the Protectorate Station at Junkyard. What it's called? Edit: The United Stations embassy.

Concerning T-Ray quest at Tchort institute: The guy should just tell you to put it on the table. I tried dropping it and activating it and wondered why that doesn't resolve the quest. You're told not to put it on metal surface but in my eyes the table looks very metallic.

Suggestions / A few thoughts on the quests and other things
« on: May 22, 2015, 11:38:26 pm »
After two weeks of intense gaming I finally reached the bottom (sic) of the alpha. First of all: great job. This is exactly the game I've been wanting to play for years. It's got already massive amounts of content, it's pretty well balanced and no huge bugs. Here's a subjective list on some things that could be done to further polish the game:
-Some quests include lot of walking back and forth. Foundry is a major example of this, but also the stolen train quest at Rail Crossing and Protectorate South Station.
-Some quests are too difficult to figure out on your own. (I know this one is very subjective.) The wiki is nice, but I'd rather play without the wiki - if there's a chance I can figure out what to do on my own.
-Beginning with the Abram's frst quest. There should be some hint on what the old man is up to and that if you give him correct answers he'll offer you more work. Later on you will know that the cybernetic spawn is for spying, not killing the protectorate people and releasing it to the protectorate building won't screw your relations with Protectorate. Abram could say someyhing like: "It won't hurt anyone." Basically there is no reason why someone should skip this questline, but from the point of role-playing it's possible that someone would like to remain loyal to protectorate and thus turn away Abram's offer.
-Gang war in Junkyard: Is there a point or reward in letting one gang run over the other? Currently this quest lacks a decent outcome.
-Lenox quest. I know this quest is supposed to be difficult, but I don't like the ask everyone about everything solution, especially not the Jon part and as far as I notifced, Mardre's new alias was not on Oskar's list. How you're supposed to make the connection? A bit more pointer's here wouldn't hurt.
-Wit Nosek quest: Okay, again this is supposed to be difficult, but I couldn't find any info that he might be on the attic. Finding those note codes just to be able to introduce yourself as Ai... It's not good. A bit more rumors and pointers wouldn't hurt.
-Foundry level design needs a bit more thought. All the important people should be accessed more easily, without having to walk and walk great distances. Major should be available early on and should give a hint that the recent deaths bother him and he can't talk before those are solved.

That's about it on the quests.

On the game mechanics. Not much to improve here. Accessing the best stuff (especially the chimera frame) almost always requires savescumming with the vendors. I think there should be guaranteed valuable items on certain vendors so that exploring and finding a new vendor would pay off. They shouldn't replenish all their inventory at once. It may be difficult to implement but there could be example a list of "hot" items on each vendors inventory meaning that these items are likely to be sold and disappear. And I think the next set of items should be pregenerated and not randomized so that savescumming is encouraged.

The game was very interesting up until the point where I reached the level cap and got all the stuff I wanted. Faceless invasion on Tchort Institute was interesting on it's own, but otherwise once the character progression stops, the game becomes a lot less interesting. There are interesting locations in the caves for sure, but once you can't really beef up your character anymore, exploring them is not that interesting. Easy solution would be to slow down the xp progression, but that's hardly the optimal solution. Adding a few more named artifacts could make the exploring a bit more interesting. I'd also like to see more boss-like enemies and rare animals. They would make up some real though fights that are entirely optional.

Feats: rapid fire feat is useless. Cooldown should be 0s. Packrat feat should give significantly better bonus for carrying and something else too. Commando feat: super-cool, but probably over-powered.

Crafting: very satisfying at the moment. Minor improvement: the information on which items can be used could be on the crafting page so that you wouldn't need to consult the wiki for it.

Provoking hostilities: There are quite a few situations where I accidently provoked somebody. Nothing serious, but could be given a look. At Fort Apogee upper floor people are apparently irritated by visible guns. However no one mentions tihs. There are severeal unlocked red-handed doors, which the character will take if not told not to do so. Can't remember any of these currently, but the wayfinding routine should not make the player open these doors. Friendly fire: it seems a bit of an overreaction that if one bullet in my spree hits a fellow soldier then the whole faction starts attacking me. It propably won't be implemented but it wouldn't hurt to have a single warning from each faction if you try to steal something or enter someplace you're not supposed to enter. Something generic like "stop that immediatly" "Hands off!" "That doesn't belong to you" will do. This would reduce the need to reload just because your cursor was in wrong place.

Train: Why can't you travel by train to South Station?

Well. I guess that's it. The game deserves all the praise, but here's just a few suggestion. It's alpha alright, so I guess giving feedback is okay :D

General / Re: Best shield?
« on: May 22, 2015, 08:58:01 pm »
I chose the high capacitor too for my assault rifle build with two high frequency modulators. Shield capacity 1022! Though a low frequency modulator would possibly have been better since crippling strikes are the ones that hurt me most.

Bugs / Re: 0.1.14 bugs
« on: May 22, 2015, 06:35:19 pm »
Mediant Samuel at Tchort Institute keeps giving you coins if you return with Matteos head and keep asking about him.

General / Best shield?
« on: May 22, 2015, 08:47:59 am »
What is the optimal shield if you craft one? Consisting of two good quality high frequency modulators and shield capacitor? Or should I use medium frequency modulator as the second modulator? I guess shield capacity is more important than the shielding value since the shield takes all the damage without any resistances and it won't last many turns in any case.

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