Underrail > General

Custom Portraits

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How about a thread where we post our custom portraits?

I made two which I currently use. One for heavy armored characters, the other for light armored, leather/overcoat guys:
Drop the large and small versions both into the C:\Users\[Name]\Documents\My Games\Underrail\CustomPortraits folder.

Edit: Backgrounds are set as transparent now so they should interact properly with the ambient of the area (thanks epeli):


Another thing I didn't know. Awesome, will change that.

Is there a way to import a custom portrait without creating a new character ?

As far as I know you can only change the portrait of a character that already uses a custom portrait by putting a different png file with the same name previously used. For default portraits I guess we need a savegame editor. I tried opening savegames with a hex editor but I couldn't make sense out of any of the strings as the data is compiled.

I combined 2 in-game portraits to make one fitting the in-game player model wearing tactical vest coat :) Maybe someone will find them useful.

Edit: Some metal armor guy without helmet that will fit character model ->


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