Author Topic: (kinda) tin can AR burst w/ temporal manipulation and general utility  (Read 11112 times)


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I feel like this should cover everything, do I missed something?
I put little bit of persuasion for early goodies and Cliff quest, 25 metathermics for pyrokinesis to clear mines and saves some grenades, enough lockpick & hacking w/ huxkey + jackknife and 105 mercantile for capped skill check, according to wiki anyways.

a bit of question, since I never finished the game and always restarted in the middle :
1. is house crafting reliable enough to limit crafting skill as it is?
2. does the "soft-cap" for crafting still at 135?
3. does supersoldier drug worth the effort to fish with 3 dex? seems like its overkill and less worth for AR build
4. is there any better skill dump other than evasion? since I would assumed it'll be horrendously bad with tungsten armor + metal boots

I intended to run on hard difficulty btw. probably good enough to run dominating, but I dont have balls to do it

Final build :

Main weapon : 8.6mm hornet Rapid Reloader, Anatomically-Aware Scope
Sub / commando proc : 9mm chimera Muzzle Break, Anatomically-Aware Scope

Updated post psi nerf/balance/rework thingy :

What changed :
1. Removed Psychokinesis entirely and maxed TM
2. Reduced STR by 1, Increase INT by 1. It seems that Super Steel is pretty good, but insanely annoying to farm. with Ultra speedhack, you can get 3 SS every 30-40 mins-ish. just leave the game running in background WITHOUT PAUSING IT and watch youtube / anime / netflix or do something useful in your life.
3. Swapped wee bit of skills, and since we got additional INT, crafting skills becomes more relaxed and I have quite some spare point dump. can be put in throwing, stealth, or speech.
4. Changed feat progression according to my recent playthrough timing n stuff. You can swap Armor Sloping,  Juggernaut, and Fast Metabolism. FM might be good for Depot A, but it'll delay your heavy armor setup much further. You can also swap FM with Doctor, in case you wanna do Save Jenny quest before Expedition (Coagulation Shot).

Recommended starting stats : 6/3/3/9/9/3/7
stats progression : per, str, str, per, per, con. Basically take Con on level 24 for Thicc Skull, and put Str as soon as you want to wear heavy armor.

Oh as a side note, playing as Male character is preferable, you'll need it for certain place after you met a cool Dude. its very difficult to sneak around with low agi low stealth character, unless you want to delay it until you could make OP stealth gear. Female character gets up to 250 SGS Credit discount from learning TM, tho.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2021, 05:18:03 am by cypherusuh »


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Re: (kinda) tin can AR burst w/ temporal manipulation and general utility
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2019, 08:59:41 am »
1) It is, you also have +2 intelligence drug and the Blueprint is fairly easy to get early in the expansion (if you know where it is and how to get there). But for Chemistry and Biology, I generally ignore those bonuses because you craft expendable items constantly and it is a pain to go to your house and use boosters all the time. Also, don't forget Under Pie food(+3 skills)

2) For tin-can your cap for Mechanics is 167 (for 160q plates) and 128 Tailoring for 160q vests. 167 Electronics for dual 160q modulators, 112 Chemistry for Mark 5 Frag grenades (or 60 for incendiary), 130 Biology for SuperSolider drug (or 100 for best healing hypo).

3) On normal/hard definitely not. On dominating probably but not required. You can not use your workbenches when you get the Blueprint and that is also a big consideration.

4) Yes. You can take 45 Psychokinesis for stuns and force-field, or even max Thought Control, with synergies it will work against a lot of enemies even on Dominating. 70 Temporal for Stasis. You can raise your trowing, effective 123 is required for 90% chance 10 squares away, or put some into traps early, bear traps are extremely useful. 50 Stealth + Ninja Tabi + Balaclava + Cave Hopper leather and you can finish all sneaky stuff in the game. With the cloak generator, you are a ninja. Evasion is a total waste, you will literally see no benefit at your armor penalty.

Also, you are over-capped on lockpicking and hacking, you don't really need Metathermics you will detect all traps with that perception (and can easily tank them for 0 damage). Mercantile, you don't need 105 effective all the time just to pass the check so you can lower it too, don't forget +2 INT drug and +3 skills food.

You don't need Armor Slopping, I think that in tungsten you are going to be at a 95% armor penalty no matter what, also 30 movement points from Psycho-temporal Contraction are not affected by it. Aimed Shots will get you really low mileage at the start of the game, later you will never use it. Future Orientation is a weak pick for this build. Drop PER for CON and take Thick Skull. Take Premeditation at level 6, the best feat in-game. You can take Scrutinous for more crit. Take a look at Ambush, its great on AR if you pour some points into stealth.

For specialization points don't take SI health threshold, you are not going to be one-shootable trough shield and armor even at 30% hp. Armor slopping is a total waste. Opportunists Slowed Target as well, passive damage bonuses are additive with each other and you have Concentrated Fire. You can take increased crit chance from SI, or Critical power, also Premeditation CD is a great pick.

For weapons >
9mm Chimera with Anatomically Aware Scope&Muzzle Brake for Commando procs
and either
7.6 Hornet with Anatomically Aware Scope&Muzzle brake
8.6 Hornet with Rapid Reloader&Anatomically Aware Scope
7.6 Marauder with Rapid Reloader&Muzzle brake or Anatomically Aware Scope
depending on the quality of frames you find, your crit chance and ammo stockpile.

« Last Edit: October 19, 2019, 09:37:32 am by Apostrophe »


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Re: (kinda) tin can AR burst w/ temporal manipulation and general utility
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2019, 12:55:46 pm »
you also have +2 intelligence drug and the Blueprint is fairly easy to get early in the expansion
it goes over my head, I thought that all temporary int booster got removed, that'll helps a lot to saves some crafting points, although I wouldn't count for Under Pie, it seems to be a chore to stock up, and 3 skill points isn't that much anyway

You can take 45 Psychokinesis for stuns and force-field, or even max Thought Control, with synergies it will work against a lot of enemies even on Dominating. 70 Temporal for Stasis. You can raise your trowing, effective 123 is required for 90% chance 10 squares away, or put some into traps early, bear traps are extremely useful.
extra stun might comes in handy, electrokinetic imprint is quite cheap and it doesnt need trap + quick tinkering, and force field would be neat. idk about Thought Control, though. Trap doesn't sound good on the overall theme, plus I need to swap to stealth gear to do setup before going combat. does "wasting" stealth point for some stealth result worth it, compared to just relies on gear / straight up kill everything? since I have 3 agi without nimble, it would get reduced quite a lot isn't?

you are over-capped on lockpicking and hacking
I thought the cap are 130 lockpick and 135 hacking?

You don't need Armor Slopping, I think that in tungsten you are going to be at a 95% armor penalty no matter what, also 30 movement points from Psycho-temporal Contraction are not affected by it. Aimed Shots will get you really low mileage at the start of the game, later you will never use it. Future Orientation is a weak pick for this build. Drop PER for CON and take Thick Skull. Take Premeditation at level 6, the best feat in-game. You can take Scrutinous for more crit. Take a look at Ambush, its great on AR if you pour some points into stealth.
it might be better to just balls deep with 95% armor penalty w/ 3x tungsten plating, I guess. even if I could reduce a bit w/ 3x super steel plating and armor sloping, it only gives me less than a step. I picked aimed shot because its good to kill some critters without spending more bullets. I could also use sniper rifle for opening (although idk if its good enough without snipe + max stealth) I just like it in general unless I'm feat hungry. wouldn't Future Orientation good enough with 70 TM point invested? I put premeditation a bit later because I dont want to instantly took the pill, since I'm focusing more on the fighting, and less on psi. the plan was to pick the pill after depot 1, then invest on TM and get Haste. although it might be better to go usual psi route if I take Psychokinesis. for thick skull is it better to start with 7 CON 10 PER -> 10 CON lv 12 or focus on PER and left the last 3 CON points on veteran? idk how much impact PER on accuracy, since it'll be frustrating if I have to deal with <80%. scrutinous sounds pretty good, but idk if my PER is enough as is

For specialization points don't take SI health threshold, you are not going to be one-shootable trough shield and armor even at 30% hp. Armor slopping is a total waste. Opportunists Slowed Target as well, passive damage bonuses are additive with each other and you have Concentrated Fire. You can take increased crit chance from SI, or Critical power, also Premeditation CD is a great pick.
I was thinking about SI QoL, I guess on end-game, my DR should be high enough to reduce everything to not quite fatal, and with high CON, it should be manageable. does suppressive fire no longer slows and combo with Opportunist? it seems like a good pick.

for weapons >
7.6 Marauder with Rapid Reloader&Muzzle brake or Anatomically Aware Scope
why this? the AP cost doesn't fit enough compared to the other 2 w/ haste and adrenaline shot

My revised build

I guess I could dump the rest on throwing softcap and stealth. Not quite sure with the feat progression and the last feat, though. maybe snipe? but it seems to be such a waste, since late game double AR with this setup would be a lot better. or maybe I should keep Future Orientation, since I'm dependent on the Haste for movement,plus I could get all TM spells anyway. And I'm not sure with the early pick between opportunist, juggernaut and thick skull. probably this order is good enough, I dont remember any annoying stunner early game, other than robots and 1-2 psi bandit (although its very manageable by bursting them before getting disabled)
« Last Edit: October 19, 2019, 01:00:33 pm by cypherusuh »


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Re: (kinda) tin can AR burst w/ temporal manipulation and general utility
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2019, 01:57:29 pm »
It's Assault Rifles. You can easily play with 12 Per and be completely fine.

As a matter of fact - I'd drop Per and Str further and get to 6 Dex. That will open up Grenadier. Together with the Temporal shenanigans you'd love to be able to throw two consecutive explosives and follow up with either flashbang or a barrier for more explosive action after that. There is a +1 Str food available, so if you want to make use of Tungsten Heavy Armour, you still can, although Super Steel's higher physical resistance should be your endgame choice together with decent striders. Armour Sloping would not be a bad choice in this situation after all.

Speaking of alternate weapons and Aimed Shot - you can just make a 20 AP shotgun and use red ammo instead. It can be good on a situational basis without making you spend too much rifle ammo. That would save you a perk.

Between Lockpicking and Hacking, I'd personally pick one and put the rest of the points into Crafting. I've said it many times - Crafting will get you better results in the end. Speaking of Crafting - try to aim for 105 effective Mercantile with Hypercerbrix on. The extra shop items will boost your arsenal. And the earlier you get them - the better the run will be. Those points in Persuation don't look good, either. You could easily put them into Crafting, as well.

Personally, I am not a big fan of Aimed Shot, Survival Instincts, Premediation, Fast Metabolism, Critical Power, Recklessness in this build. I just don't think you'll make full use of these perks the way the build will play. Your main weapon will be a Hornet Rifle - less than 100% crit dmg bonus. I'd consider Trigger Happy(big QoL for newer players), Grenadier(extremely useful at softening crowds), Pack Rathound(trust me - you will love the extra carry cap), Future Orientation(you will be using that all the time). I'd also try to pick Conditioning earlier into the run. 


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Re: (kinda) tin can AR burst w/ temporal manipulation and general utility
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2019, 03:07:30 pm »
Grenadier is a really nice feat, but wouldn't it make the build a lot more spread out? I hear that farming for good super steel is way more annoying, and full tungsten is better for true tin can, and i definitely won't use str food doping for the entire run

I'm not sure with shotgun as sidearm, since it need some perk to make a good use of it, and there's not much related feat between AR outside of Full-Auto.

For general utility and crafting, my revised build should cover everything according to Apostrophe suggestion. For now, I have so much spare points, so a wee bit of persuasion for huge early boost is pretty good, since I also invest moderately on mercantile.

I'm gonna double check on crit viability, although for AR, it should be good enough to go balls in on crit. Fast metabolism might be overkill if I'm going to stay SI all the time, but it really helps a lot in a pinch, especially on high CON

For premeditation, my initial plan is not take any Psi until I could get Haste mentor, and I only use psi for haste to replace Sprint and Blitz, so without it, it should be manageable w/ enough regen without psi booster. But my revised plan I took psychokinesis, so premeditation early would be great for free stun
Pack rathound would be very nice, idk how heavy my end game loadout would be, but it's mostly QoL and my early perk are quite tight, not sure how useful packrat near the end, maybe for hauling before getting to DC?


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Re: (kinda) tin can AR burst w/ temporal manipulation and general utility
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2019, 05:37:58 pm »
it goes over my head, I thought that all temporary int booster got removed, that'll helps a lot to saves some crafting points, although I wouldn't count for Under Pie, it seems to be a chore to stock up, and 3 skill points aren't that much anyway

It's really not that bad, also you are not crafting all the time, you will upgrade your weapon&gear 3-4 times max during the game. And it's not really 3 points, its 3 x (mercantile, hacking, lockpicking, mechanics, chemistry, biology, electronics, tailoring) so a whole level of points. Enough to get you an Electrokinetic imprint. Not needed, but if you want to min-max its there. Your build is not hurting for skill points so just ignore it.

extra stun might comes in handy, electrokinetic imprint is quite cheap and it doesnt need trap + quick tinkering, and force field would be neat. idk about Thought Control, though. Trap doesn't sound good on the overall theme, plus I need to swap to stealth gear to do setup before going combat. does "wasting" stealth point for some stealth result worth it, compared to just relies on gear / straight up kill everything? since I have 3 agi without nimble, it would get reduced quite a lot isn't?

Thought control is reeeally nice, but ofc not needed at all. Bear traps are extremely useful at the start but again, not needed. You can stealth no problem with 0 points in stealth and 3 AGI with proper gear even on dominating and with just 50-100 points invested you are a ghost. It is nice to have that option if you find yourself in a sticky situation, and especially nice in the last "level" of the game. I would seriously recommend 50 points here, and get some half-decent stealth gear and keep it at all times.

I thought the cap are 130 lockpick and 135 hacking?

You have armor that gives +10 to both, also easy to get in early Expedition. There are ~10-15 130 skill checks in-game, so you can count in Under Pie if you really want to min-max. 135 hacking check is a computer console so you cant use your +15 bonus from Huxkey (or any hacking tool) and all it does is removes one of the best fights in the game. I somehow checked your skills with +2 INT turned on that's why I made that comment, your build is not hurting for skill points so there is really no need for such min-max.

it might be better to just balls deep with 95% armor penalty w/ 3x tungsten plating, I guess. even if I could reduce a bit w/ 3x super steel plating and armor sloping, it only gives me less than a step. I picked aimed shot because its good to kill some critters without spending more bullets. I could also use sniper rifle for opening (although idk if its good enough without snipe + max stealth) I just like it in general unless I'm feat hungry. wouldn't Future Orientation good enough with 70 TM point invested? I put premeditation a bit later because I dont want to instantly took the pill, since I'm focusing more on the fighting, and less on psi. the plan was to pick the pill after depot 1, then invest on TM and get Haste. although it might be better to go usual psi route if I take Psychokinesis. for thick skull is it better to start with 7 CON 10 PER -> 10 CON lv 12 or focus on PER and left the last 3 CON points on veteran? idk how much impact PER on accuracy, since it'll be frustrating if I have to deal with <80%. scrutinous sounds pretty good, but idk if my PER is enough as is

Future Orientation reduces CD of Temporal Spells by one turn, you are only going to use one Temporal ability that really does not benefit at all from it. If the fight lasts 5-7 turns you will have 20 extra AP total, that is the whole benefit, really not needed. Its a great feat for heavy CD builds because it also reduces CD of Limited Temporal Increment that in turn reduces the CD of everything else, but AR Tin-can is the exact opposite of that, especially your variant that is basically just focused on high precision with burst. As for sniper rifle, you will use 2 Assault rifles at all times and Aimed shot might save you a bullet or two doing mop-up when you are finishing off one or two low-hp enemies.

I was thinking about SI QoL, I guess on end-game, my DR should be high enough to reduce everything to not quite fatal, and with high CON, it should be manageable. does suppressive fire no longer slows and combo with Opportunist? it seems like a good pick.

Opportunist is a great pick, especially if you pick it early. Specialization points in Opportunists are a waste because all passive bonuses are additive, and by that point you already have a lot, especially with a couple of Concentrated Fire procs. So that 9% damage increase is probably closer to <1% damage increase.

for weapons >
7.6 Marauder with Rapid Reloader&Muzzle brake or Anatomically Aware Scope
why this? the AP cost doesn't fit enough compared to the other 2 w/ haste and adrenaline shot

You can fire marauder with rapid reloader 2 times with 70AP, and that's all there is to it.

My revised build

At least replace Recklessness with Scroutinous, the same benefit no downside, but I would take both. Also, 17 persuasion is a waste, it is 30 effective with synergies but you will not level up mercantilism until much later, at the point where 30 persuasion won't help you at all. You should level up persuasion first in the builder and then mercantilism. Think about some pickpocket its really nice, 50 effective and you can steal one item from everyone. Everything else skill-wise seems good. Keep in mind that it is possible to find higher quality components so its always nice to have some points in reserve if you get lucky.

You should invest your specialization points into crit, even ignore Full-Auto. Just with 5 points in crit SI, Focus drug, Recklessness and Scroutinus you have 70% chance to crit, 90% if you switch your helmet for Goggles. And with 10 points into Critical Power, each crit from your Huszar will do ~5 times more damage. If you want damage this is the way to go. If you want utility, reduce CD of Premeditation is your first pick. Also speccing into Commando for 9 extra AP is nice on AR, it will raise your leftover points enough so you can move a couple of spaces and use a drug/heal.


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Re: (kinda) tin can AR burst w/ temporal manipulation and general utility
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2019, 02:37:35 am »
So I guess everything is cleared up. For persuasion, it's enough as is, and I'm planning on maxing mercantile first, since it helps a lot with early economy. I could gimped mechanic early, since I could get free AR from GMS compound, and I think it's good enough until Depot. It would be kinda tough to juggle all the points, since it's quite spread out.
For specialization, I think Premeditation and Commando would be good for a bit of breathing room, I'm still not sure whether I should put on SI crit chance or Crit Power, since both are "conditional flag" skill, although it should be manageable to stay on SI range after I get good enough tungsten and Juggernaut. Maybe split 5:5? Although full 10 on Crit Power would be damn good for chimera w/ aimed shot

My final build


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Re: (kinda) tin can AR burst w/ temporal manipulation and general utility
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2019, 08:29:00 am »
You cant take 75 in mercantilism until level 14, if you put points in it every level, you really need to start crafting before so realistically level 18. At that point, persuasion checks will be higher, and the main draw of persuasion in the early game. Also if you are not playing dominating you are not at any point in the game hurting for money, you only take mercantilism to unlock higher quality merchandise, and for that, you have to finish Oligarch questline. Put 35 in persuasion early or drop it completely. Everything else looks good, for specialization points, I would put 10 in Critical Power.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2019, 08:32:04 am by Apostrophe »


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Re: (kinda) tin can AR burst w/ temporal manipulation and general utility
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2019, 10:16:33 am »
Just finished Depot, early stealth is a good call, it feels a lot easier in early part. I'm stopping at 35, since anything can't really detect me. Probably better to focus on electronics and craft cloaking device for faceless quest later on. Although idk what's the good enough for them, they have really good eyes ???
For the persuasion, I just take it easy tbh, if I want to do the quest sooner, probably gonna drop a few.
BTW does additional plating affect DT, or its just increasing DR by a bit? Couldn't find any additional tungsten, so I couldn't compare it with 3x steel plating, but it seems only increased my DR by 4-6%
« Last Edit: October 20, 2019, 06:22:20 pm by cypherusuh »


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Re: (kinda) tin can AR burst w/ temporal manipulation and general utility
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2019, 06:16:00 am »
Update lv 16, everything is smooth, other than occasional ammo scouring run. Post-patch, it's better to swap aimed shot with pack rathound, since burst eats up durability as much as how EA loves microtransaction. Might be kinda sucks early on without aimed shot, but it's still doable with enough grenade and force field abuse

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Re: (kinda) tin can AR burst w/ temporal manipulation and general utility
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2019, 09:37:41 am »

First off, you are NOT gonna be using the 7.6 marauder. terrible suggestion. If youre like me and drop 40 in bio( or you just end fights before they start since ARs have massive damage output) you will be swimming in adrenaline. that means most fights (or at least any difficult one) you will have 90 AP instead of 70. You should use a 7.62 hornet RR - dont worry about penetration thats why you have w2c.

this way you're dropping 27*3 = 81 AP for 3 bursts, + free burst from you 9MM AR (probably a muzzled scoped (of some kind) variant) - I usually use an AA muzzled chimaera or a high res muzzled chimaera, regaining+9 ap from commando specs, and then tossing out a nade + psi power from premed. TBH, if anything is still alive after this hailstorm, you're probably doing shit wrong. If you dont wanna use adrenaline you're looking at 54 AP for 2 bursts (plus a free one, + 9 AP for an additional 25 ap which fits nice with psi , nades + taser, reload, etc....

Aimed shot is dogshit for AR.

If you play your build right you'll never need a side-arm.

I consider AR the most powerful guns build (I have 1500 hours and 75% of it has been guns).

Dropping utility psi on top of it just makes the game laughably easy.....

As far as feats go AR is one of the most forgiving builds - take whatever you want as long as you take the core feats (commando, full auto, I think concentrated fire is way better on dominating than norm or hard) and thats basically it. Everything else is like totally optional.

Unless you're on dominating crits are basically gonna be one shotting mobs anyway so that 9 shots you just blasted on one dude, may 2 hit before he got eviscerated.


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Re: (kinda) tin can AR burst w/ temporal manipulation and general utility
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2019, 01:34:03 pm »
Everything is pretty much settled atm, other than aimed shot, which if you read all the WoT above, is my preference, and it works quite nice before repair kit nerf shenanigans. Rn my inventory got hit really bad and I wish I could swap it with Pack Rathound.

For weapon, I choose 8.6mm hornet RR Anatomically Aware w/ 9mm chimera Muzzla AA
I might dropped pickpocket and get 70 psychokinesis for implosion + max throwing for the rest tbh, haven't put any point there, and it seems that ammo and money isn't that problematic as long as I'm doing merchant run every now and then. Maybe it's useful on dominating and SMG build?

My only complains atm is heavy armor playstyle doesn't really suits me, but I need to do this one for protectorate + praetorian run. And my luck doesn't serves me well, so far I only found 108Q tungsten max, and can't really find high quality rifles (atm 138Q chimera @ protectorate US shop) and haven't found my "main" frame yet (only found 103-ish)

BTW any recommendations on what's the best padding?
« Last Edit: November 08, 2019, 01:57:07 pm by cypherusuh »


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Re: (kinda) tin can AR burst w/ temporal manipulation and general utility
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2019, 06:06:02 pm »
Everything is pretty much settled atm, other than aimed shot, which if you read all the WoT above, is my preference, and it works quite nice before repair kit nerf shenanigans. Rn my inventory got hit really bad and I wish I could swap it with Pack Rathound.

For weapon, I choose 8.6mm hornet RR Anatomically Aware w/ 9mm chimera Muzzla AA
I might dropped pickpocket and get 70 psychokinesis for implosion + max throwing for the rest tbh, haven't put any point there, and it seems that ammo and money isn't that problematic as long as I'm doing merchant run every now and then. Maybe it's useful on dominating and SMG build?

My only complains atm is heavy armor playstyle doesn't really suits me, but I need to do this one for protectorate + praetorian run. And my luck doesn't serves me well, so far I only found 108Q tungsten max, and can't really find high quality rifles (atm 138Q chimera @ protectorate US shop) and haven't found my "main" frame yet (only found 103-ish)

BTW any recommendations on what's the best padding?

I just find it find it a bit ironic that you're moving closer to what I initially pointed out.

You won't be able to make much use of Psychokinesis with only 70 points, so I'd suggest that you focus on Throwing.

Super Steel will give you MP as well as very good % Physical Resistance. There is a way to earn quick buck with Expedition on. Tungsten is not bad at all, although I find it best to use it in situations where the damage threshold just soaks everything up, like against Burrowers, for example.


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Re: (kinda) tin can AR burst w/ temporal manipulation and general utility
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2019, 12:39:29 am »
I just want to experience the 0 MP build as a true lump of steel tbh. With the buff of Haste ( no longer affected by armor penalty on next turn), it's quite doable. For the weight, I just gave up and use CE, makes the game much more enjoyable tbh.


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Re: (kinda) tin can AR burst w/ temporal manipulation and general utility
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2021, 05:02:42 am »
bumping the thread in case anyone looking for tin can AR build, I've updated the link n stuff.