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Messages - Taggart

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Bugs / Re: Junkyard minor bugs
« on: March 25, 2016, 11:28:13 pm »
Next problem is captain Broderick and the quest "Retrieve the lost cargo". When I came to Junkyard first of all I visited Depot B and started Scrappers quest line. So I visited docks with a purpose to take more quests only after I completed "Black Eels route to Old Junkyard" for Scrappers and I learned that Silas dont want to give me any of his quests, even the start ones "Collect Grover's debt" and "Retrieve the lost cargo". He told me that there is no wormhole anymore and he is not able to help me with acces to Depot A, but I personally see no problem in giving at least starter quests to a player who finished Scrappers quest line.

And even though Silas did not wanted to gave any of his quests, captain Broderick told me a story about Silent Isle and I had an option in dialog with him to take me there. So, I came to the Silent Isle, explored it and founded lost box of cargo, but neither captain Broderick nor Silas want to speak about it. Funny situation: I know from captain's story that he lost cargo and that he is sad about it, I know a place where this lost cargo could be, captain took me there and I was lucky enough to find it, but I can't give it back because there is no such options in dialog window.

That seems more like a "loose end" than a bug. Would be nice to be able to approach Silas with a "Heard you lost some cargo - how much is it worth to you" if you find it but the quest isn't offered. But doesn't sound like a "bug" per se. Deferring to "those that know"; that's my "just a player" observation. :)

Fast travel. Please, add fast travel option in Core city, Junkyard, SGS and Foundry. It's fun to explore area for the first time, but when you came there for 10th, 20th, 30th time it's not fun anymore! For example: Foundry quest to kill the Beast - player has to run all over Foundry to metro, than to SGS, than back to Foundry and again run through all the locations and back to metro and SGS. it is so BORING! A simple fast travel window when you arrive at location would help much, like the one in Fallout or Fallout 2: <snipped>

For myself, the only places where fast travel would be good are Core City and the University.

But if it were added, I'd like to see it added as an in-game feature, not a "meta-game" feature (which a "fast travel map" would be, to me.

For example, in Core City, it would make sense for a "business person" to set up a "Rickshaw"-style service between the various areas, particularly the docks, train stations, bar and merchant areas, and "upper end" residential area. Fast travel of some sort like that would fit the "world" well, IMO (particularly a tiny one-passenger Rickshaw that could fit into the elevator). In Core City I think one would be using such FT over and over again (if available and one wanted to do so).

For the University, a Rickshaw might seem out of place. Also there are a lot of stairs. So I'm not sure offhand of a good in-game fast-travel method there. But it is also a pretty large, sprawling place where "faster" travel would be useful. Would be good for an in-world solution and not just a FT Map.

In regards to Foundry - all that running around you mention - well it basically happens over one stretch - when your doing the quests. After that you really don't need to do that anymore. Well, okay, maybe a bit more times running to the back to get some Super Steel Plates. I don't think FT is needed there, although during those particular times it would be a convenience.

SGS is not really big enough to need it - the whole layout is basically single small floors connected to an elevator shaft. You only need to make way to from the elevator to go elsewhere. No FT needed there IMO.

Same with Junkyard - it isn't really that big. FT there would only be a minor convenience.

I would love to see a "keychain".

Agreed - a cool facility with such a cool "cover story" could use more to do there. The Storage floor vendor is a good addition making it worth multiple visits - but more quests would be nice.

Yes, it would be cool if, after awhile, you got approached by a "messenger" with an invite for a new fight with a challenger that made it up through all the ranks. That said. it should probably be awhile later, as you basically killed the whole "ladder" and it needs time to be "rebuilt" with contenders.

Agree about a ladder or steps where you indicated. Also would be cool to have some on-going community "need" for Gas Masks or other "bad air"-mitigating items (heck maybe they already do - I haven't specifically checked).

.. dead bodies ..:
Actually dead bodies in general are a problem for me. I just can't believe Gorsky or Buzzer (or many others) NEVER clean up their areas after battles. You go there days/weeks later and they sill have all those dead bodies laying around. Gorsky even tells you how they've "cleaned up the place" - yeah, except for ALL THE DEAD BODIES ALL OVER THE PLACE. Come on NPC's - clean up your areas!

Just some extra thoughts there.. :)

General / Re: Requesting crossbow build from Wildan
« on: March 25, 2016, 10:52:50 pm »
Not necessarily. Just eat more junk without savescumming! Junkyard Surprises are cheap...

Actually that is even worse due to 5s cooldown.
I hesitantly agree.

At first I used to keep piles of Junkyard Surprise and just eat eat eat until I got the combo I wanted.

Then, one time, I accidentally ate one more; which was also my last one - so I reloaded.

To my surprise, the reload was a lot quicker than the time to eat another one.

So now, I admit it, I save scum it - it's just quicker to eat/reload until the right combo comes up, than it is to eat eat eat. And, if you are unlucky, you end up "eating up" a lot of time trying to get that right combo. Save scumming saves quite a bit of time, over time, if you end up unlucky.

Bugs / Can climb down ladder but not up?
« on: March 23, 2016, 08:44:16 am »
Not sure if bug or not..

In the Upper Underrail Lunatic Base (SE of Core City), there is a ladder you can climb down, but not up.

The top of the ladder(where you can climb down) has a freight hoist. Maybe that's why you can't climb up. But, since you can climb down even though it's there, I thought it might be worth a mention..

(Ref attached)

General / Re: Underrail 3d map
« on: March 16, 2016, 01:09:43 am »
This sounds pretty cool.

I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, but I was wondering - do you need to go online out to a web location to use this map?

Or is it something that can be downloaded and used locally?

Bugs / Re: Minor inconsistency in GMS Compound
« on: March 04, 2016, 12:44:50 am »
My memory of this is fading, as it's been awhile now since doing it - but isn't there a vent into the room? Feels like that's how I got in there.

If so, it wouldn't be surprising for the old guy to not be aware of that as an entry point.

Bugs / Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« on: March 02, 2016, 08:22:16 pm »
Twitch in Oculus:

PC to Twitch:

2) I might some surveillance help.

Missing word 'need'.

Should be:

2) I might need some surveillance help.


ref attached

Bugs / Wit Nosek BIO Dialog bug? (SPOILERS)
« on: March 02, 2016, 12:51:06 am »
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not; but it's not the typical handling so I thought I'd post about it just in case..


If I talk to Wit Nosek and have 23/28 Bio, I get a [Biology] dialog option.

if I first level up once and put all 40 points into Biology (resulting in Bio 63/79), the [Biology] option disappears.

Typically, the more skill your PC has, the more likely a related dialog option is applicable.

In this case it's the reverse - more Bio results in the dialog not appearing at all.

Not sure that's a bug, but just in case something is reversed where it shouldn't be, I report it..


(ref attached)

[edit to add game version]

General / Re: No logical way of finding Wit Nosek (spoilers)
« on: March 01, 2016, 05:19:29 am »
Does a dialog option to ask Jon about Thallo pop up if you ask him about Wit Nosek before learning his alias?

I don't think so.

If you ask Jon about Wit Nosek before knowing the Thallo alias,all he does (for me at least) is say he's never heard of Wit Nosek. End of conversation.

After learning the Thallo alias, you can ask him again, but slightly differently this time - and then he points you to Talloski.

Ref attached..

Bugs / Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« on: February 29, 2016, 06:22:24 am »
Sophie in Hardcore Bar:

"She drifts off into deep though and remains..."

though = thought


attached - dialog snip

Discussions / Re: How did you find out about this game?
« on: February 27, 2016, 11:59:17 pm »
Never heard of it until it hit GOG (basically the only place I buy games for the past few years).

Even though I haven't completed a playthru yet (but am on my 2nd up thru about L20 - a playthru I'll continue hopefully to conclusion); I consider Underrail to be a classic - right up there with my favorites:

Fallouts (all of them, including Tactics; except 4 which I haven't played and probably won't for awhile - due to DRM)

Dead State
Invisible Inc
Thief series
Gothic 3 & Risen 1 (will get around to playing the rest of these series)
Fallen Earth (MMO)
Anarchy Onliine (MMO)
Neocron (MMO)
Star Wars Galaxies (MMO - defunct)

All the above I have found to be very immersive and amenable to good roleplaying. Underrail fits right in with them in that way. Excellent game!

Bugs / Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« on: February 26, 2016, 10:21:31 pm »
Tchort U, PI Georgis; his introductory blurb could use a couple small changes:

Scratch the word "of". Not needed.

Correct "relief" to the proper "relieve".

Running v1.0.1.4

see attached..

Bugs / Re: Holloway quest confusion... (spoilers)
« on: February 26, 2016, 05:51:39 pm »
Cool, thanks!

I'll hold off on advancing this quest for the time being..

General / Maurice
« on: February 26, 2016, 02:50:29 am »
Haha, Maurice:

"Some people call me Maurice. Some call me..."

space cowboy
the gangster of love

Bugs / Re: Holloway quest confusion... (spoilers)
« on: February 26, 2016, 01:08:58 am »
Not to reply to myself, but does no one else (including the moderators/devs) see this as an issue?  Just me?

Maybe it means I'm "missing the obvious" and thus simply no one feels the need to jump in and add anything to the topic.

But I've looked it all over, again, and it still seems to be heavily implied that you don't have to just go attack them (or just Holloway), and you don't "have" to select a Persuade or Intimidate route (even if you do have sufficient prerequisite skill); and instead are encouraged to report back your findings, and, basically, let Protectorate deal with it.

That implication was not changed by my character not having any points in Persuade or Intimidate (which, BTW, I currently have 3 levels of XP saved up, so I tested those options and they do work - but again - the dialog choices lead me to conclude I can just report back if that's my PC's choice).

As my character is a "stealth" character, I tried the "sneak in and kill Holloway only and sneak out, undetected. That also works; but results in a dead person.  My PC is sympathetic to Holloway's "cause" and thus doesn't choose to do that.

But (again), the dialog points to not having to do those things (attack or use a Persuade or Intimidate option) if one's PC would choose not to - and instead the PC should be able to just report back and let Protectorate handle things from there.

If that isn't an intended conclusion then it seems like a fair issue to say the dialog ought to reflect that.


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