Author Topic: Fishing limit of 3 catches?  (Read 8971 times)


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Fishing limit of 3 catches?
« on: December 21, 2015, 02:29:37 am »
Whenever I set my fishing rod in a pool, I can't have more than 3 catches, ever, per body of water/water zone until I wait some time away from the area. Is this normal? How do the fishing mechanics actually work in that regard?

Fishing already isn't a very exciting mechanic, but at least there are rewards to it. With a catch limit and having to deploy your fishing rod on top of it, it makes for some very tedious fishing sessions.

Any information appreciated, whether from experienced players or a dev!


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Re: Fishing limit of 3 catches?
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2015, 06:45:30 pm »
I'm far from understanding how the fishing mechanics really work, but I have noticed that moving from spot to spot on the shore of the larger bodies of water often results in being able to reel in more catches. Go maybe 15 squares from where you were before and try casting again, it often works.

As for the limit of casts per spot, I've noticed it often does seem to stop at 3 as you note, but not always. I have caught as many as 5 fish and 1 junk item in a spot before having to move.


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Re: Fishing limit of 3 catches?
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2015, 01:53:15 am »
Fishing takes patience, be it in games or real life. Not a hobby for everyone.

That's the most silly argument I've heard today. Defending a gameplay system that will let you go a full real-time hour without having a single catch by drawing a parallel to real life.

This isn't fishing simulator 2015, there is no actual reason to put a limit on the catches per spot (and yes, there is a limit in that version, whether you admit it or not). The catches bring very little value for the time spent on it compared to other moneymaking mechanics such as crafting weapons or repair kits, which can bring thousands to the bank in a matter of mere seconds.

I'm far from understanding how the fishing mechanics really work, but I have noticed that moving from spot to spot on the shore of the larger bodies of water often results in being able to reel in more catches. Go maybe 15 squares from where you were before and try casting again, it often works.

That I've noticed too, which is why I called it a "water zone" in my first post, but the point remains the same; with the current mechanics of having to deploy your rod, pixelhunt for it, the wait, the limit of catches per spot, having to pack up your gear and look for another spot, it's just unnecessarily tedious. It makes very little sense to have such limitations when you could make easy money through other means, do some trading, and have all the reagents you need in a minute or so.


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Re: Fishing limit of 3 catches?
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2015, 04:18:07 am »
I believe that fishing rod has "active" radius.
If you installed it in place where this radius cover two water zones, then you can fish 3x2=6.
Or something like that. :)


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Re: Fishing limit of 3 catches?
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2015, 04:49:17 am »
This is a strange complaint. It's not as if the fishing ponds are 1x1 squares in size. After every single catch I simply move one or two tiles further away. When fishing for 5 blue eels it never takes me more than 2-3 minutes to get them, even with a dex 3 build. On a dexer it often takes less than a minute. I do make sure to supplement with eel sandwitches though for a bit of a bonus.

I also never heard of any rich fishermen. It would never cross my mind to do that as a source of income, not irl, not in Underrail.


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Re: Fishing limit of 3 catches?
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2015, 06:28:44 am »
This is a strange complaint. It's not as if the fishing ponds are 1x1 squares in size. After every single catch I simply move one or two tiles further away. When fishing for 5 blue eels it never takes me more than 2-3 minutes to get them, even with a dex 3 build. On a dexer it often takes less than a minute. I do make sure to supplement with eel sandwitches though for a bit of a bonus.

I also never heard of any rich fishermen. It would never cross my mind to do that as a source of income, not irl, not in Underrail.

Have you fished in the release version? If I'm not mistaken, the quest about the 5 eels is gone in this version.

So to address your points;

-The size of ponds is mostly irrelevant, the fishing areas seem to cover between 5 and 7 tiles square of water, each area holding either 3 or 6 fishes, one or the other.

-After either 3 or 6 catches, you need to wait for the area to regenerate its catches which takes a good amount of time (my main gripe here).

-Dexterity is also irrelevant when it comes to the number of catches from what I've seen, it only seems to affect whether the bite turns into a catch.

-Using the argument of fishing not being a large source of income IRL is also irrelevant, gameplay balance trumps accuracy.


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Re: Fishing limit of 3 catches?
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2015, 01:54:04 am »
I don't get it - I want to get rich from fishing?
Most absurd thing I heard.


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Re: Fishing limit of 3 catches?
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2015, 11:00:00 am »
No, fishing is not a good moneymaking mechanic, and as far as I can tell it was not meant to be. It is a way for Biologists to get components for the higher-level drugs and poisons, and if you happen to catch a shrimp or two along the way, you can sell them as an incidental profit. There is really no point to fishing unless you want the components for crafting.


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Re: Fishing limit of 3 catches?
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2015, 11:45:35 am »
Guys, fishing is kinds suxx(trying to click with your 5-years old mouse to the rod's window is very funny!) and boring until you got yourself in the Deep Caverns, where are only green and blue fishes(no worthless white ones, yeah!).

Fishing needed only for 1 quest and for players who investing in the biology skill for making some good potions. Money-making? No, there are more easy ways to make money.


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Re: Fishing limit of 3 catches?
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2015, 05:16:52 pm »
You're apparently better at spouting snarky comments than at reading comprehension, Fenix.

It's not about getting rich from fishing, it's about the absolutely unnecessary catch limit of the current fishing system. Even if you were to remove that limit entirely, fishing would never be a major source of income for various reasons;

-Limited by merchant capacity
-Limited by skills (biology, chemistry)
-Low value of goods, even transformed
-Time spent on the task

With the limit removed, it would be a supplementary income, or a worthwhile alternative way to obtain reagents. Currently, it's neither, as you're better off making money through other means and buying the transformed reagents directly.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 05:18:31 pm by BlackGyver »


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Re: Fishing limit of 3 catches?
« Reply #10 on: December 25, 2015, 09:08:53 pm »
Folks, allow me to gently suggest that fishing in video games is ALWAYS boring, and it will ALWAYS be the case that some people are okay putting up with the boredom for whatever the rewards are, and some people are not--so continuing to argue about it is probably pointless. Personally I think that the ability to get rare Biology components before you can find them in shops is worth putting up with a small amount of tedium. If you do not agree, by all means skip this non-essential game mechanic. If you want the fishing mechanics changed, take it to the Suggestions forum; that's what it's there for.


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Re: Fishing limit of 3 catches?
« Reply #11 on: December 25, 2015, 09:23:49 pm »
Personally I think that the ability to get rare Biology components before you can find them in shops is worth putting up with a small amount of tedium.
You can't find them in shops =)


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Re: Fishing limit of 3 catches?
« Reply #12 on: December 25, 2015, 09:28:52 pm »
absolutely unnecessary catch limit of the current fishing system

When I went on a fishing trip (and I did it quite often a few yars ago), fish behaved that way it can be described in words "catch limit" - now you fish some, and now you don't.
You want to exchange atmospheric moment for nothing - a few handreds of sharons that absolutely easy to get in dozen ways.


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Re: Fishing limit of 3 catches?
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2015, 04:19:51 am »
Personally I think that the ability to get rare Biology components before you can find them in shops is worth putting up with a small amount of tedium.
You can't find them in shops =)

Organic gel electrolyte is sold in small quantities.