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Messages - l0cus77

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Builds / Re: Noob questions: Building an "Inventor"/"Engineer"
« on: June 11, 2020, 11:29:17 am »
1) Energy pistols have immense crit damage multipliers when crafted, and with Dex build can get many shots per turns, probably the strongest in a critical build. Also requires a few specific feats for them to use.

Chem pistols have great utility (fear and dot with fire, acid entanglement effect with acid), also requires a few perks to be used, less damage than laser in most cases. This one can complement laser if you want perfectly, not needed tho.

Xbox incurs in armour penalty (robots and armoured enemies can be tricky to kill if you don't have the proper tools) but can be extremely strong in good hands and also lots of tools to play with different bolts. Probably requieres a very specific build and not so mixable with others, only exception would be a versatility build with laser pistol, or versatility with cooked shot acid pistol to trigger deadly snares (there is a build called versatility crossbow in this forum that explores that very well).

2) the first 2 are very mixable with little effort, Xbow I recommend you plan ahead and probably not the easiest to pull off on a first play through. Using the 3 of them is possible, but you would spread too much imo.

3) there is lore that only psi can access, but requieres high amounts of will (never played full psi so I do not know exact numbers, but thresholds are posted in this forum). If you want to learn everything about lore probably full psy is the best option.

Builds / Re: Noob questions: Building an "Inventor"/"Engineer"
« on: June 11, 2020, 08:05:02 am »
It looks like a laser pistol high technicalities build, for sure. It is the only thing that scales from int.

For that kind of build You do not need to fully max int, with 8 - 9 is more than enough (both for crafting and power reasons). If you go that road I recommend you search for storm trooper build in this forum (maxes Dex versatility critical build with high int, passes every check in the game and crafts everything relevant).

If you want to fully role play and go max int then you will need perception rised to a decent value plus all the int you want.

Builds / Re: Psi Sniper/Shotgun - Traps vs Metathermics
« on: June 10, 2020, 06:59:05 pm »
Traps are definitely great, but you do not need a big investment in them to use. Stealth and QT makes early game really easy even on dominating just with bear traps. I think if you really want to go that route totally consider getting an extra point in Dex and grab QT. About escape artist, for melee is kind of mandatory, for a sniper probably not, but if you have already the 7 dex and the free spot for the perk, go for it. You can always test it (it is in expedition that shines) and if you think is not worth it get a pre lvl save.

Builds / Re: Psi Sniper/Shotgun - Traps vs Metathermics
« on: June 10, 2020, 06:23:49 pm »
Imo if you feel starved for points, I would drop persuasion, specially with will 3 (previous post also has nice tips on points optimization). Also I think pistol is probably a better sidearm for sniper. And finally if you want to go psy sniper, you really want to squeeze in thermoD.

Trap expert is a total waste, but QT is really nice to have. If you have 7 int, go for the battery perk, it is really useful.

Personal preference anyway.

Well strength on SMG is only advised for full auto at 7. You could still get it if keep putting points there every 4 lvls until 24 (if you did not waste too many before) but it is going to take longer.

Full auto is still really recommended for AR, not so mandatory for shotgun build. You can perfectly keep the build, at 5 Str you unlock shottys and at 6 AR, 7 for more options. You can meet the wield requirements with food also, (+1 str) but you need the hard stat for the feat.

That way you can try more weapons if it is your first run, and decide later if you want to do a second run. Specially on normal since you do not need such an optimised char.

Or you can reroll now if you prefer, I'd you already passed depot A you won't have too much trouble doing it. A second time.

Builds / Re: Wanted some opinions about my "Spartan" build
« on: June 02, 2020, 06:32:41 pm »
 By all means, don't let me or anybody change your mind about your build, it is the most fun part of this game imo. Every time I blindly followed a guide I gave up that run kind of soon. Finding out if your build is viable is what keeps you hooked.

Anyway, this one looks more realistic than the previous one. I guess you are not taking any psi as a choice, which is cool.

One important thing: have in mind that sword use rewards you for using flurry all you can, interruption of your flurry to throw a spear is going to work against your main strategy. So you should take it more as 2 combat modes: spear and granades thrower in open field and corners vs groups/ melee sword super slasher when you have space to manoeuvre.

1 thing you could investigate is rising Dex instead of Srt. Would benefit your parry hability, increase critical chance and improve spear throw. I don't think damage lose will be that big, specially for normal.

Early game stealth and assassination is going to be your friend. Mid game granades are going to be your best friend, so be sure you put early points into chemistry. Late game plasma granades with high electronics are going to help you a lot. Gas granades are useful the entire game. With that you can savage almost any build in normal.

I would look to try to squeeze three pointer probably, with that amount of throwing invested granades abuse is going to evaporate enemies in normal. Not mandatory thought. Granadier too, for same reason.

Also for expedition Beeing basically a melee build you might want to check Scape artist. Even with granades and spear throw.. probably worth it. Just save a lvl up and test if needed when you face what you will.

Specialization points needs to be checked thought, if you are using your sword to do most of the work, you are going to need to put in flurry action post reduction. If you still use your spear to throw (which u will be able to do once each turn with no psi) probably spear throw action point reduction also worth it. Swords are insane with critical damage multipliers so rest of points should go into critical power / cheap shots. If you really want to increase critical chance, I would invest into recklessness instead of wesponsmith.

What still makes me scratch my head is the parry and riposte. You are investing in dodge, which works in the opposite direction, and you should also increase its chance by specialization points if you want to go that way.

I would say, if you go mobile high dodge evasion, try not to get hit and rely on flurry to do your damage (no parry riposte). Or if you go heavier, build in to them and don't worry about getting hit at all, avoiding dodge and evasion. I think the first option would fit more your original idea.

Run some test and of course wait to hear other opinions of more experienced players (specially with swords, since it is your main interest)

PS: your post got into my head and theorycrafted a litte. http:// underrail (.) info (.) tm/build/?HgcNCwMDAwYAwqAAwqAowqAAAAAAABkAAAAAAAAAAAAAACQ5wpXCjAYSR0FLwo0AE04-wrHCpTHip74H4rKIBeKzogPfvw

I would probably try something like that if you want to play sword + spear throw in normal. Orgnize skill points as desired, but maxing dodge in normal is cool (you won't be able to do that in harder difficutlies, so do take advantadge of normal rules). I would go dexterity and agility. Better crit and spear throw, and also initative. Better skill point distribution also.

Core feats would be Spear throw at 2, Flurry at 4, Cheap shots at 6. Expose weakness is recommended for sword builds, can be delayed if you have no trouble with more resistent enemies. Blitz and uncanny dodge can be pushed for later in favour of weaponsmith and recklessnesss if you prefer more crit sooner. Critical power at 14 and Onslaught at 16 are very recommended for critical sword builds. If you can do expedition woithout scape artist, take strider as you planed. Other than that, feel free to toy with feats order.

For gear consider Infused Siphoner / Cave Hooper tabis (investing in improved srpint really ask for the seccond one, specially with no temporal manipulation); Infused rathound / Infused Siphoner leather armor depending on more crit / more evasion dodge; and night vision detection googles (improving chance hit for spear throw). Doctors pouch would be the the go to belt.

Gameplay wise, you should get a high mobile stealthy sword slasher, that has great granade and spear burst when needed at distance. Always try to run for cover after you hit, and if not possible rely on dodge /evasion to survive. Of course craft a good energy shield and you should be fine even with 3 con. You should be hitting something like 50 % crit chance with focus stim and infused rathound armor, with insane crit multipliers for swords, and very good ones for spear (use thungsten). Spear throw damage also has a distance damage multiplier, so throwing very far away (that can be safely done with the amount of throwing skill you will have) and critting will be devastating, one shotting a lot of enemies.

It is just an idea, again, not tested, based on your post, but should be fun for normal. Adjust as desired if you decide to try it, and have fun!

Builds / Re: Wanted some opinions about my "Spartan" build
« on: June 02, 2020, 07:21:20 am »
Search in this forum for spear + temporal manipulation. That guy is a good starting point. You lack key feats (spear guardian) and picked other questionable ones.

I don't know about going both swords and spears, their gameplay is different and both requiere heavy investments in one direction or the other.

In general, you go light armour and evasion dodge or heavy armour, not both. What difficulty are you planning to run with?

For what I tested, metal armour is just better than spear and shield build if you want to go the juggernaut way. Of course it is your build and you can play and find what you enjoy the most, specially in lower difficulties.

I totally encourage you to play with spear anyway. It is really fun and adds taste to the gameplay if you already played with easier builds. I am currently initiating high mobility spear thrower in dominating and having a lot of fun.

How did light armour worked with swords? I always thought it would be more metal armour oriented since you want to be there connecting flurrys and using parry, what involves getting hit in the end.

Builds / Does smart google work with spear throw?
« on: May 19, 2020, 05:31:20 pm »
As the title says, I still did not test, but spear throw is for what I get from the wiki a "quick invoker's attack".

The doubt is if it is considered "ranged" and matching with smart lens description (which would make sense to literal description), or you "throw a melee weapon / attack)" therefore not qualifying as "ranged attack".

I still couldn't finish my current run and I am already planning the next one.. this game is a sickness  ;D


Ps: well, reading the description of the Google instead of lense, it says "special attacks with ranged weapons". Spear is not a ranged weapons so I guess it wouldn't work.

What a pity, would've been cool, since I will use lenses anyway for night detection throwing spears.. confirmation is appreciated anyway.

Builds / Re: A blind laser pistol build (aka Stormtrooper)
« on: May 13, 2020, 09:05:46 am »
Last question, do you use polariser? Or since you are 1 shooting most enemies is a waste?

Builds / Re: A blind laser pistol build (aka Stormtrooper)
« on: May 13, 2020, 08:09:45 am »
 Thanks very much for your response Koveras, good piece of advice. I will test my self, and probably also surrender to the power of laser pistols  8) !

Builds / Re: Beginner build
« on: May 12, 2020, 09:36:47 am »
My advice as a kind of new player is, try to figure out the build that fits you. I like to think in this game as a puzzle RPG, with lots of ways to solve them (on higher difficulties witlower options, but higher and more fun challenge). Don't feel bad if you have to restart, you will earn knowledge for future runs.

The gems are imo: crafting, all builds benefit from them, so learn components, vendors, economy.. utilities (in other games you would save those nades traps etc for latter, here you really need to use all your tools) and stealth mechanic, that as said above, all builds benefit from them even with small or no investment (you can craft stealth gear).

An smooth first play could be normal diff with pure psi or tin can riffle. For me got boring soon and went to dominating and other "less efficient" builds, in the end it is a single player game, play it the way you enjoy the most, once you find it. Have a good ride!

Builds / Re: Riot gear non-flurry sword PSI tank build Dominating
« on: May 12, 2020, 09:20:02 am »
I used to play a Sledge - Wizard with max Str - corporeal projection - psychokinesis damaging psi school (with the ocassional Thermodynamic Destabilization). Was a lot of fun, allowed Sledge to hit things at distance and having AOE attacks. Thing is, I used a lot of psy, and not that much as I liked Sledge, have in mind that.

Probably can extrapolate the concept to your build tho.

Builds / Re: A blind laser pistol build (aka Stormtrooper)
« on: May 12, 2020, 09:10:49 am »
Hi Guys, knid of new over here.

I did several semi runs (first one in normal, rest on dominating) and this build is exactly what I was looking for, I want to finish the game with it. I got some knowldedge of the game this way, but not total since I never went to expedition / got higher that lvl 18. Super fun anyway finding out the build that fits me (I tried tin can - Crossbow versatility - Sledge wizard - Spear thrower, and know this one).

1- I ony wanted to know what kind of adjustments would you do to stay proefficent at knife attacks. The idea is to keep using knife (Kurki at first, crafted latter) vs light armored targets, energy pistol vs armored guys. For the the moment I only added cheap shots at lvl 6, leaving same stat distribution. Do you think I am going to miss Ripper and or mobility for agi? Expose weakness? Does not seem so by having energy weapons as backup, what's your opinion on that ?

Right now I am playing as knifer and using that versatility to use all sorts of light guns as backup (having the chance to use those lovely uniques I didn't use in other runs), with cheap shots at lvl 6 and altering a little order of feats. Lots of fun. Plan is to max throw, get three pointer and even Fatal Throw late game to have all sorts of toys to play with (fatal throw makes me want to get Ripper, but again, do not want to lose those lovely INT points, never got that far into the game to know its effectivness in dominating tho).

2- If those changes are necesary to stay good with knifes, wich ones are mandatory and what would you sacrifice? 2 points in int and probably high technicalities to get ripper? Seems like a heavy loss all things considered. Would it hit damage outpout of laser guns too hard?

Thanks in advance

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