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Topics - lagi

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / UI improvment
« on: April 28, 2014, 03:54:43 pm »
a) In the character creation sheet/window (and when level up) it would be handy to allocate +5 point with [SHIFT]+ mouse click
(when you creating hero you have to  click 135 times and 40 click when level => 27 click's & 8 click's)

b) could you make transparent (or just hide) walls (south and east walls) that hindered vision when hero stay in rooms? now they are semi transparent for characters when you press tab/z.

c) could you add shortcut button to [take all] when hero open some container [A key?].

d) could you add shortcut button to swap weapons in hands [X key?]

Pages: [1]