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Topics - fuin996

Pages: [1]
General / Improve camp defenses/Placing traps & mines
« on: September 03, 2023, 10:59:56 am »
every time I lay down traps on the beachhead and go clear out the nexus of tech, every time I came out, somebody from the camp triggers my one of my traps and aggros me immediately the moment I load up on the beach. Any specific spots I should/shouldnt place 'em?

General / Sophie & Maxim Talloski Location
« on: August 14, 2023, 09:13:16 am »
Where are they? I wanna start the old man nosek quest. They're not where they're supposed, to be according to the wiki, sophie can be found in the hardcore bar, but I've been then multiple times and I never saw her, and with maxim, he's supposed to be outside the arena provided that you've progressed far enough with the arena fight, my next fight is the dreadlord already. Have I missed a prerequisite quest in order to progress to the old man nosek one? missed a dialogue trigger? sophia aint inside the hardcore bar either and I already asked the bartender about her family.


General / Losing coin
« on: August 11, 2023, 12:48:55 pm »
hi newb here, just started playing recently on normal/oddity, currently lvl 18, just noticed the combat feed function, toggled it and I noticed that im losing coins at almost every loading space, biggest loss I had at one instance was 90 coins and I need every bit since im saving up for the core city house. Is this a feature? bug? some kind of rng shenanigans?


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