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Messages - densley

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Combat A bit too hard?
« on: December 13, 2012, 09:44:13 pm »
Thanks A Lot for the advice guys I really appreciate it!

Bugs / Invincibility Bug
« on: December 13, 2012, 03:34:33 pm »
Hey I've encountered a Bug which basically made me indestructible

Basically I was fighting some dogs and was on the verge of death so I ran to a previous screen however I think I was bleeding from an attack so between the transition of changing areas I basically died so my character showed up dead with no Hit points but I could still move around but when I stopped moving the character changed to the dead on the floor animation.

I couldn't heal myself since my hp was 0 but I could still attack things,I dunno if it effects levelling up since I went back to an original save so I could play properly but obviously Its a pretty serious bug.

Also I dunno if it helps but I used the same save file from the original demo version in the latest Build

Suggestions / Combat A bit too hard?
« on: December 13, 2012, 03:25:24 pm »
Hey First off let me thank you for making this amazing game I've really fell in love with it and I'm proud to have bought the alpha on Desura something I'm recommending all my friends to do as well.

However I dunno if its just me but at the moment I'm relying on attacking until I'm nearly dead then running back to a previous area just to heal then going back again to attack and basically just repeating that system. It was pretty much the only way to get past the bandits that you have to deliver a package to and seems like my only available tactics when fighting the mutants.

I've done all the possible sidequests up to this point and spent all my points in mostly combat points and defence so it just seems kinda wrong I have to cheat the system just to survive.

Anyway like I said I'm really enjoying the game and if I'm doing something wrong please enlighten me!

Thanks Again for all your hard work at making this soon to be classic!

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