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Messages - Kaerius

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Suggestions / Re: suggestion re: 50 point skill hump
« on: October 09, 2013, 07:59:19 am »
EDIT: I stand corrected.

Suggestions / Re: Alpha Feedback
« on: October 09, 2013, 07:56:49 am »
- Quinton - not sure what you mean? He gives you a task to get some rathound tissue samples, but that's it.
I think he means when you've done GMS and don't have enough persuasion to get Gorky to give you the key, you can talk to Quinton who'll rave about how he needs burrower venom glands for his research, chews Gorky out, and Gorky will then give you the key.

Suggestions / Re: My list of things
« on: October 08, 2013, 02:40:32 pm »
wiki traps page - You get the trap item if your traps skill is 20 points greater than the minimum skill to disarm it.

No, you do not. Wiki is wrong. Perhaps it's a bug, but you never get any trap regardless of how high your trap skill is(possible exception if you planted it yourself).

Suggestions / Re: crafting
« on: October 07, 2013, 08:11:53 pm »
Yeah specialty armor can be tricky. But my current melee guy has found(looted) at least 3 electric sledgehammers and he's not even to the junkyard yet.

Savescum shop inventories long enough and you'll get anything, except maybe triple spiked(or triple reinforced) regenerative tungsten armor. Oh and grenades over type 2. :p

General / Re: Do Monsters respawn?
« on: October 06, 2013, 04:00:49 pm »
There's a little bit of limited respawning, but I think it's tied to quest completion rather than time.

Suggestions / Re: My two cents
« on: October 06, 2013, 03:40:00 pm »
It's an alpha. Way too early for a review. Several of your "issues" will be addressed as the game becomes more complete.

If you buy a game from steam where it clearly says "early access", expect it not to be finished. It'll save you a lot of headaches in the future, and you won't feel cheated out of your money. (Personally I think $10 is a steal for this game).

General / Re: Is there an ending in the current build?
« on: October 06, 2013, 01:22:28 pm »
It's still in alpha, not complete. There is no real ending, development hasn't gotten that far yet, there's about 10 hours gameplay at the moment, more like 12-15 your first time through I'd wager. There's some replayability in taking a couple of different quest paths at one point(it branches), and of course playing different character builds.

It is however stable.

General / Re: I get slaughtered in combat...
« on: October 04, 2013, 07:29:39 pm »
Save that quest and encounter for later. Do the other quests first(testing bolts on rathounds, restarting the power stations, catching hoppers).

Bugs / Re: All Problems i found
« on: October 04, 2013, 05:52:57 pm »
I also think english is not a native language for you, and some of this is a bit difficult to read.

1) I don't have much of a problem with loading times.

2) Yeah pathing/line of sight can be buggy. Worst is getting acid-sludge rooted in doorways and attacked from diagonals where you can't attack back.

3) The extra toolbars were added on request because we needed them. But yes targeting can be tricky at times.

4) Agreed. Silly that they dodge attacks they can't see coming.

5) I never really noticed this.

6) I am not entirely sure I follow you, try to be clearer.

7) Yeah agreed here. In fact the clickable area could be increased as well, what is this, 90s pixelhunting point&click?

8) Couldn't hurt.

9) I forget if there's a shortcut for switching weapons... I'm pretty sure you can drag hypos, bandages, etc into the hotbar and use them from there via shortcut(this is also where multiple toolbars help). But the game could definitely use more shortcuts. (A personal pet peeve is no "take all" shortcut for looting).

Suggestions / Re: Unarmed Combat
« on: October 03, 2013, 04:00:48 pm »
I for one is supremely annoyed that dirty kick doesn't work regardless of weapon or lack of it. It should probably just use your unarmed stats(what you'd have without a weapon) regardless of your equip(but of course counting in bonuses from boots/armor). Maybe double any applicable boot bonus?

That too, I'm perpetually running into the "not enough points for concept" when I'm character building, and indeed required skills and crafting is a major reason for that.

There would be a lot more freedom to build with enough points for just one more skill as well.

Even something simple as "Stealth+Crossbows" or "Melee+Metathermics" gets me pulling hair trying to fit what I need.

Required skills:
Lockpick, hacking, traps, 1 weapon skill.

That leaves you with 4 more skills to pick. Which can either be crafting, or something like stealth, psionics, a social skill, etc.

Stealth has the additional problem that you need to pick up evade and dodge(why are these separate skills? Ugh! Skill tax!) since you need to restrict yourself to some fairly weak armors, to avoid encumberance.

General / Re: catching hoppers
« on: October 03, 2013, 01:51:51 pm »
Easiest way it to just kill the two Azuridae and stand at the hopper hole and catch them there, since that's where they retreat to. No stealth needed, just keep trying until you got enough.

The safer but trickier way is if you can stealth and catch two in the previous screen, and then stealth catch one without alerting the nearest Azuridae. Mind you this is a frustrating and time consuming endeavor.

Bugs / Re: Pathing bugs
« on: October 03, 2013, 12:12:30 pm »
Trigger spawn, run across rock path(the paths across the water), they can't follow, possibly too narrow for them. Pick them off at your leisure.

PS: Issue still present in

Bugs / Re: unable to target enemy standing near door
« on: October 03, 2013, 12:10:01 pm »
I've noticed this as well, also happens with the mutant dogs in the depot.

There's also times where if you are standing in the doorway, you can't attack enemies who are diagonally in your line of sight, but they can attack you, this leads to total screw in aforementioned depot when the dogs root you where you can't attack them, but they can attack you.

Bugs / Re: Stuck in overly high resolution settings
« on: October 03, 2013, 12:07:20 pm »
Sidenote to this, when I was on my last vacation I was saddened that I couldn't play underrail on my 1024x600 resolution laptop. It runs the game fine, the resolution just isn't supported, so the bottom part of the screen is off-screen, so to speak.

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