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Messages - Faeren

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General / Bad Performance in Proton compared to WINE?
« on: July 23, 2020, 12:16:36 am »
I used to run Underrail in WINE and didn't really have any issues, recently started playing it again using Steam and Proton seems to result in a lot of stuttering and general performance issues, has anyone else had a similar experience?

Tested a few times checking their bodies, none of them appear to carry an insignia, this is both strange in-universe and a bit of a pain as it's the only way (without pickpocketing) to obtain this oddity when siding with the black eels that doesn't involve killing someone just to get an oddity.

General / Re: Riot Gear optimal usage
« on: November 13, 2019, 07:07:34 am »
Honestly the RG shields are underwhelming, unless you really want to try a shield build for the novelty you're better off steering clear of them. At low to mid quality the recent threshold buff can make RG preferable to TV as a general purpose armor. For example a TV with 8 threshold could instead be a RG with 10, the latter gives you 20 threshold against melee and bullets as well as doubled resistance against melee, the TV only has 4 more threshold against bullets.

To top this off RG gets a bigger HP bonus from Sturdy Vests, Metal armor receives 100% of the bonus, RG 75% and TV 50%. Prior to completing Depot A you can't do much better than some Riot Gear with a good laminated plate and a sturdy vest, even low HP characters become fairly durable when kitted up in it.

Suggestions / Re: Net/Entanglement immunity state.
« on: August 18, 2019, 06:26:42 am »
No, bad idea.
Care to expound?

Also I hadn't noticed at the time since my Psion had enough range to kill them, but Creeper weavers can also just chain entangle you, Escape Artist is supposed to be for mobile/dodge/evasion builds to escape entanglement since it's a major threat to their defenses, not mandatory if you have low range just to pass through certain areas, with a Blob pistol I'm basically softlocked by them, I need to take a huge pile of grenades with me just to deal with weavers entangling me from outside my weapon range.

Bugs / Re: Acid Pistol entanglement bugs.
« on: August 16, 2019, 10:37:52 pm »
Ah, I see what you mean. If the blob damage was reduced by resistance then after the entanglement damage is resisted it would basically have been resisted twice, I guess that's not a bug then. Though the issue with entanglement getting replaced by worse entanglement still stands.

Bugs / Acid Pistol entanglement bugs.
« on: August 16, 2019, 09:20:04 pm »
The first is that, if the player applies a good entanglement (high damage per turn) then keeps firing at the target, they can end up re-applying a worse entanglement that deals less damage, while not a bug per se this kind of sucks since it basically disincentivises continuing to shoot at the target, as you can actually end up dealing less damage if you replace a 200DPT entanglement with a 50DPT entanglement. It would be preferable if a new entanglement was only applied if it has higher damage per turn than an existing entanglement.

The second is that entanglement damage doesn't seem to take the damage the target resisted into account:

Here I hit the strongman for 141 damage, with him resisting 76, my Acid pistols's entanglement deals 212% of damage dealt over 2 turns, that should be 106% per turn or in this case 149, however we're dealing 230 per turn, divided by 1.06 this is almost exactly 217, which is the damage I dealt before the Strongman's resistance was taken into account.

Suggestions / Net/Entanglement immunity state.
« on: August 16, 2019, 09:09:01 pm »
Currently, the player has a 4 turn cooldown on Throwing Nets to prevent them constantly netting an enemy. Presumably AI enemies do too, but this is rendered useless once multiple enemies have nets. The best example of this being the Sormirbaeren beach invasions. They throw nets so much that you can be rendered completely immobile for turns on end by nets, for a character with limited range this is nearly as bad as a stunlock, since you'll be exposed to fire from the crossbowmen but powerless to do anything except fight the melee skaeder that come in range. A 2 turn entanglement immunity state would make this less frustrating, and would also make entanglement from Acid pistols less cheesy.

General / Re: explain difference between shotgun frames
« on: August 16, 2019, 08:58:30 pm »
Not sure about Combat Shotguns but for the basic ones:

- Rebel is the vanilla model, standard crit and crit damage, average damage spread and firing cone. etc.
- Vagabond has a tighter damage spread and tighter firing cone than average, if I'm not mistaken it also has 1% extra crit (not sure though).
- Vindicator has a wide damage spread, with a very high upper limit, 120% crit damage, and 1 extra ammo per reload, as far as I'm concerned this is the best one by far, since multiple pellets mitigate the usual problems of a high damage spread, though it will make Trainshot and Boarshot less reliable.

Nope, if you want to make sure he finds out you currently need to work for Praetorian Security.

Suggestions / Re: Super Steel refinement
« on: August 16, 2019, 08:51:16 pm »
This would be nice, at the moment if I need higher quality Super Steel I just end up savescumming the smelting process because I have no intention of burning 60k Charons trying to get high quality Super Steel.

General / Re: Boot spring and Imagine Intensifier Tube rarity
« on: August 16, 2019, 08:48:14 pm »
Intimidation is a pretty hard sell, it's a huge point sink unless you have high will, whereas the better synergy bonus on Persuasion makes it usable as long as you take Mercantile. To top it off there seems to be less Intimidation checks and many of them are pointless, e.g. are in parallel to dialogue options without checks that will achieve the same result, or are in parallel to Persuasion/Mercantile checks. Yell can be a decent defensive ability, but it requires a high effective value to get you money's worth, which only Psions can really manage, the other speech skills are fine but I really think Intimidation should scale with the higher of Strength or Will. Sledgehammer (hence Strength) enemies commonly use Intimidation, and furthermore you should be able to intimidate if you're big and strong, pure Psions with 3 Agi, Str, Dex and Per are physically pathetic yet can apparently intimidate people better than a massive dude wielding Balor's Hammer.

Kinda hoping it gets smoothed out/gradually expanded in future updates, I loved the map artwork of Lemurian structures, Dude's new quests, rifts, and the new feats/weapons/etc. But as you've stated the main quest in the Black Sea feel pretty lackluster and have pretty limited encounter variety, both in enemy compositions and general options given to the player. To top it off there's not much to explore, the vanilla game has Lower/Upper Caves/Underrail and a few other small areas such as Drop Zone that the player can explore, Fetid Marsh, Native areas and Ceto (if the player doesn't join the pirates) are huge slogs of constant combat with poor pacing, so the only thing worth doing in the Black Sea is the main questline, and maybe grabbing materials from snakes and bison if you want the new poisons/armors/etc. The waterways have a few things you can find but are mostly empty.

General / Re: Cheats?
« on: August 12, 2019, 10:40:02 pm »
Can you open ventilation shafts? if you enter the shaft in the starting room and head east you can find an open locker with a uniform in it you can use as a disguise to get through the base. You can recover the oil with no stealth and no combat whatsoever, you just need to be able to open ventilation shafts and pick locks.

Suggestions / Throwing Knife recipe "fix".
« on: August 12, 2019, 10:12:55 pm »
Currently, producing poisoned Throwing Knives produces 10 for 1 metal plate and 1 bottle of poison, requiring 3 metal plates and 3 bottles of poison to produce 30, this increased metal consumption doesn't really make sense. The recipe could simply be changed so that it requires 1 metal plate and 3 bottles of poison, producing 30 poisoned throwing knives as a result.

Bugs / Crafting Screen carryweight bug.
« on: August 12, 2019, 08:34:05 am »
The crafting screen can be used to partially nullify carryweight if carrying heavy items. The player can place something heavy such as a suit of metal armor, or a large stack of fabric/mechanical/electrical scraps into the crafting window, at which point they no longer count towards carryweight, the crafting window can then be left open while they walk around.

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