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Topics - Alenvire

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General / Another crafting question
« on: September 14, 2019, 03:44:12 pm »
I tried doing the search button for this question but either I have not gone back far enough or I missed something everyone else already knew.

Crafting effective level and actually skill points. Which matters? I assume effective level but if I assume that, I am worried that when I get to end game and want to craft a max grenade with chemistry I will find that crafting requires actual skill points and effective level only effects other things like guns max damage or whatever. Any clarification or directing me to the answer (I read a lot on the wiki but never found that exact info.)

Also, What is crafting levels that people recommend for fun stuff? I know that I am aiming for max frag grenades and making my own ammo so a chemistry of 112 (effective?) is all I need for what I want. For guns I need a effective 128 because I read that you can find up to quality level 160 and required numbers are .8 of the quality required of the skill.

But what about biology and electronics. I know I need 30 electronics for guns if I was not a SMG build. SMG builds can only use the smart module but from what I read they nerfed burst and it does not gain bonus damage as a special attack anymore from things that buff special attack damage.

And tailoring... Meh, I don't think I have the points to max everything.

Builds / Psy Hybrid upgrade.
« on: September 13, 2019, 07:14:59 pm »
So right now I am a level 7 SMG build with mechanics maxed, chemistry maxed, and 10 tailoring so that I can make my own weapons, and grenades. Full points in Guns, Throwing, Mechanics, chemistry, mercantile and persuasion. 40 in hacking and lockpicking (stole 5 from each for the 10 tailor) My stats are 7str 7dex 6agi 3con 8per 3wil 7int. Feats are Trigger happy, suppresive fire, gun nut, grenadier, and full auto. I am now at the point where I can take hits and destroy groups of lunatics and dogs.

So, I want to dabble in Psionics from this point forward. Basically getting 60 in temporal manipulation as a utility psionic Hybrid. For Those more experienced in the game, is this do able or would it just fail hard?

My thought was for 2 levels put nothing else in anything except guns and temporal till I get 60 temporal (for the 2 feats for Future Orientation, and Psycho Temporal Acceleration) using a temporal psyband to up my effective level because of the low wil, Then focus on getting my Persuasion back up (gotta keep this near max due to low will) then throwing, mechanic and chemistry up probably in that order. Mercantile hacking and lockpicking would fall a little behind. I planned to only take mercantile to 50 anyways, and I could start taking hacking and lockpicking up shortly after.

At level 8 I plan to grab commando, then 10 psycho temporal acceleration, and 12 future orientation. My goal would be to use Psycho-temporal dilation and contraction along with increment to give me 3 bursts (or 2 for the heavier hitting SMG's) and lessen the AP of my enemies sometimes. Increment would be helpful for health hypo's and for grenades. I know the weakness would be my Psy point regen. But, its really just for first or second round buffing and the odd debuff. The major hurt here will be my Low health with the 3 con. I 'could' offset this by putting my stat points into Con from this point on. Won't be great but would help.

Any comments or suggestions on how to make this work with the level 7 I have? Your welcome to say it will be bad, but ways to make it work would be much appreciated.

If you think this would work, would you recommend waiting till level 9 to start pushing points onto temporal? so that I would get Psycho temporal acceleration and contraction both at level 10?

***EDIT I could also put a point in con to offset the hps lost a little and a point in will so that I would not need a temporal psy headband to offset the loss from willpower. What do you all think?

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