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Messages - Bruno

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Builds / Re: Help with chemical pistol build
« on: August 31, 2021, 06:38:08 pm »
Isn't precision determined by guns skill? versatility gives when all is maxed and fully specialiced 280 efective, why wouldn't this be enough to hit enemies? are they that evasive?
Yes sure, at lvl 25 with full spec you can probably hit well enough.

But it is a long way to get there, and with the chemguns short range and lack of scope/lasersight, it is very painful to have poor cth and miss all your shots up close. You will need to deal with this somehow until you get to endgame. Remember, at 60% of melee skill, your guns skill is the same as if you had a perception score of 4. This is not cool at lvl 14, and equipping adaptive goggles/eating mushroom salad does not help.

And with max dex melee, as mentioned above, you can just pick up a combat knife or pneumatic glove and kick ass with that instead.

But I am biased against Versatility for ranged glass cannons because low per =low detecton= instant death by steslthed Lurkers, Crawlers, Death Stalkers, Muggers etc. If you don't mind that, or are good at dealing with such foes, it can probably be a fun character to play, with many shots per turn

Builds / Re: Help with chemical pistol build
« on: August 31, 2021, 04:28:09 pm »
I played chemgun before, and again now.
My stats are S3 D8 A6 C3 P10 W3 I7

7int for Mad Chemist
6agi for Sprint and stealth that is useful
10per to actually hit anything, and detect stealthed enemies
Rest in dex

Level ups into per and dex

Also, perhaps thos can help,
I am lazy, so I copy a post I made a while back:

Just a few pointers, as I just played a stealth/chemguns character.

-If you either have perception=8 or Versatility, you will have mediocre hit chance. You can have 95% cth against slow bricks or enemies up close, but against enemies at range, or e.g. Dogs, prepare for 60% hit chance. Cooked Shot can help as it is AOE, so does not care about target evasion.

-Max range of a chemgun is 7. You will need to get rather close to enemies. Prepare accordingly

-With melee Versatility, you will have to max melee to get any use of your chemgun, and have very high dex. At this point, when you need to be pretty close to enemies as well to hit them, you dont really need the chemgun, melee is better. So for me that kind of deafeat the point of the build. I would personally not do this, but that is personal preference. It is just a different build.

-Freezing enemies with a cryogun removes vision, so you can restealth and end combat. Occationally useful.

-Cooked Shot is awesome, take it at first opportunity.
EDIT: Cooked Shot at close range, like grenades, can have unforseen side effects. In my run, I managed to freeze myself, entangle myself in acid, and set myself on fire. Multiple times. Prepare accordingly.

-I used Quick Tinkering a lot. It works great with stealth. You craft heavy explosives with high chemistry, and blow enemies up, and set bear traps so you trap and actually hit evasive enemies, instead of missing 4/4 shots. Lifesaver #1 in the Arena.

Builds / Re: Creation order for builds
« on: August 28, 2021, 06:52:28 am »
I pick a weapon or two, and a playing style, maybe a feat I wish to try out.
Then flesh it out with base feats and ability scores.

To see if this character can work, I mentally test it against some of the more dangerous encounters.

Can it deal with stealthed enemies like Crawlers/Death Stalkers? Or Lurker ambushes?
And what about groups of humans or Azuridae? Greater Coil Spiders? A grenade to the face?
Do you detect traps or not? Do you die if you step on one?
Are you a glass cannon who need initiative/stealth, or a tank? What is your Achilles heel?
Can you survive an unexpected random encounter?

Is a character makes it through such a survival test, it is good.

Builds / Re: More fun build?
« on: August 05, 2021, 11:02:46 am »
Dexterity based light melee focus with Versatility feat. You can engage in close combat, use stealth and traps, throw grenades, and use light firearms like a chem pistol against heavy armor and robots with poor evasion. Versatile and fun. You can have good Con if you want too, to not be a puny glass cannon.

Builds / Re: Looking to fine-tune my "Psi tinkerer" build
« on: July 29, 2021, 10:11:40 pm »
I am just going to say that in general, 3 con, 3 per, 0 traps skill, 0 evasion is not a good idea unless you like reloading a lot. You have very poor detection and and will die every time you step on a landmine or similar trap.

General / Re: Oddity or Classic?
« on: July 21, 2021, 04:18:18 pm »
Oddity is clear favourite. Innovative system that rewards exploration. I would never play anything else.

Stealth system in this game can take a little while to get used to but is really really good.

Crafting system takes quite a while to get used to, but you can make items that are better/more suited to your needs than what you can buy in shops.

The gameplay, noise system, detection system, plethora of weapons and options etc work together to create a unique and very satisfying game.

This build relies on preparing the right psionic abilities for a given encounter.

However, it has 3 agility, and use psi beetle overcoat. Stealth is going to be very poor, and initiative is horrible. It will be detected and alpha striked with no chance to prepare by the more dangerous enemies. Does this build rely on save/load to progress?

These builds are interesting and well explained, thanks for the effort.

General / Re: Apparently, rathounds can smell you
« on: June 14, 2021, 08:36:13 am »
Your character does heavy physical excercises all the time, and never showers. He/she also lives in a world presumably without paper toilet paper..... (mushroom paper??)

EVERYONE can smell you! :D

Builds / Re: Thoughts on a Riot Gear Shield & Sword, pure melee build
« on: June 06, 2021, 11:09:21 pm »
Fun plan, but you play through all the game until level 26 with only 8 Dex as a sword fighter. Your melee skill will not be that impressive, so you will miss some times. Flurry, I think will be more of a death sentence than a helpful skill. But if you can incapacitate, stun, and tank a lot, sure it could work.

Personally I'd get Ripper and 10 Dex a lot earlier.

General / Re: The value of perception
« on: April 25, 2021, 10:49:58 pm »
This is a spam account. You need perception to spot them.

General / Re: NPC Trap Detection
« on: March 15, 2021, 11:03:27 am »
The check is individual for each enemy, their trap detection vs your traps skill.
You can see your own trap detection skill in the stats overview.

Trap detection is determined by your perception, your level, equipment like motion detection goggles, feats like paranoia and your own traps skill. Enemies do just the same thing. You can also make it more difficult for enemies to spot your traps with the trap expert feat (+25% difficulty).

If enemies keep avoiding or disarming your traps, then your set trap skill is too low for the particular enemy.
Most often, this is because character level plays a big part in detection. On higher difficulties, you can encounter early on high level enemies (like lvl 10, 15, 20 etc) who have really high detection.
Edit: Animals dont care, they just run into your traps.

In your particular case, 38 traps skill is probably quite too low for the junkyard mutant area.
Equipping Trapper's belt, Jacknife, eating an eel sandwich to raise dexterity are all ways to increase your skill but you need more hard points if you want enemies to walk into traps consistently.

Suggestions / Event suggestion: Time Bandits
« on: March 13, 2021, 08:57:18 am »
I suggest a random encounter or quest where you can meet a group of scavengers who knows about Time Manipulation and/or the rifts. They would call themselves Time Bandits, who might have stolen a map showing rifts in time/space, and are looking to make money from this.
The Time Bandits would be persued by some entity either looking for the map or the original owner who wants it back.

General / Re: Something you wish was different or added to the game?
« on: March 13, 2021, 08:55:55 am »
This is about stuff you think would be cool if it was in the game.


I wish there was a random encounter or quest where you can meet a group of scavengers who knows about Time Manipulation and/or the rifts. They would call themselves Time Bandits, who might have stolen a map showing rifts in time/space, and are looking to make money from this.
The Time Bandits would be persued by some entity either looking for the map or the original owner who wants it back.

Builds / Re: question on gun fu
« on: March 10, 2021, 05:29:34 am »
Well the feat does allow for a really high guns skill without versatility.
Just increase perception and guns all the way up, and melee too. Then you get a gun-fu skill up in the stratosphere.
Is it worth it? Doubtful

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