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Topics - Hammer

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Dead balcony burglar cleanup
« on: December 04, 2023, 07:53:24 pm »
So, apparently the dead burglar on my balcony who died to a plasma turret is just going to have their empty, no-loot corpse sitting there for all eternity. I've noticed dead burglars you kill inside your home have their bodies disappear. I also imagine other houses in Core City have, at one time or another, had to clean the remains of individuals off their buildings.

Allow the player to purchase a lifetime cleaning contract with Core City Housing Authority's sanitation team as an option next to cleaning the graffiti off your house. Use the same disappearing package set-up that's used for moving the player's goods from SGS to their house, but for loot from dead burglars.

If not that, then remove the empty burglar corpse when there's no items in the inventory.

Bugs / LMG Burst has variable bullet count
« on: November 18, 2023, 08:07:10 pm »

I'm can't seem to replicate, so apologies upfront.

My ergonomic compensated 65-round 9mm crafted Ratchet with Mag Dump (no specs) and Full-Auto (no specs) (13 bullet burst per the attack icon) seems to be alternating between shooting 12 and 13 Acid bullets when bursting, leaving me with ammo remaining after 5 bursts, which is how I noticed. I caught it when I was fighting coil and greater coil spiders in Phreak's pipe areas in Core City, but cannot replicate the conditions at the firing range in SGS, nor in the sewers with those coil and greater coil spiders.

Edit: Attached pic of same reoccurance with normal ammo in random cave. Still no idea what causes it but it seems to happen periodically.

Bugs / Font in Filter bar is invisible
« on: November 03, 2023, 12:51:44 am »

Apologies if this has already been reported and I missed it. It seems that the text font for the Filter bar is invisible or the same color as the bar itself and can't be seen.

Picture attached for clarity.

Bugs / [] Enemy mech resist distribution bug with shotgun
« on: February 20, 2022, 04:47:14 am »
I'm getting strange mech resist feedback from enemies when hit with the shotgun. Independent of critting, the first listed instance of resisted damage is much higher than the subsequent ones.

Apologies because this is the first time I've done this particular quest.

The wiki makes it seem like you should be able to report both Nicolas and Olivia at once, but I don't have a third option for that with the Chief.

General / Raw numerics for grenade precision with the throwing skill
« on: February 02, 2022, 10:41:22 pm »
I know Epeli put together that precision tool for calculating hit chance using attacker's skill v defender's evasion skill. That being said, what's the calculation used for grenade precision at X distance with Y skill? It doesn't seem to be on the wiki anywhere.

Suggestions / Second-tier of Special Merchandise
« on: March 27, 2021, 03:02:04 am »

I understand that there's no additional "Mercantile check level 2" dialogue to indicate you've unlocked the second-tier of special merchandise, but would indicating items generated by unlocking the second-tier with a red square instead of a yellow-orange square fit the theming and show visual progress?

I've made a simple mock-up with three items each using a different style of incorporating red into the palette for the "Special Merchandise" squares to denote second-tier items. The remaining items have not been altered.

Edit: I stand corrected, Kevin just let me know he got some new gear in after I passed 80 Mercantile. I think my suggestion still has merit, though I'm happy to see the merchants acknowledge the player's increased Merc score.

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