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Topics - Uptek

Pages: [1]
I completed all Investigative and Preservation Quests in the Institute, and after talking to eidein and specifying that I wished to be an assistant investigator, and then specificied the department of genetics.

After leaving the conversation I check my inventory the belt is not there. I am reporting this as a possible bug.

General / Using the Mutagen Puzzle Solver
« on: August 18, 2019, 03:43:05 pm »
I was able to find this mutagen puzzle solver after pulling out my hair in frustration trying to find the mutagen puzzle solution

So I installed Windows visual 2019, and now I have no idea how to run the program. I should be able to insert the mutagen information to the program, and it will brute force the combination, but how do I do that?

General / How to Repair Jet Skis
« on: August 06, 2019, 01:08:05 am »
Do I replace the parts inside them? When I try to repair them using either mechanical or electronic repair kits they dont work.

General / Quality Ranges for Items
« on: July 26, 2019, 06:45:57 pm »
For the ranges for items, do they all have specific ranges or do they all go from 1-160? I tried looking on the wiki but did not have much luck in understanding how they worked.

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