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Messages - cypherusuh

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Suggestions / Re: More Psi equipment!
« on: October 20, 2019, 09:09:54 pm »
Well technically, there is tchortist noble robe, but idk how viable it is until DC, unless you're going balls deep on dodge + Eva for a chance not to die in case you made a mistake

Builds / Re: A discussion on a few melee builds
« on: October 20, 2019, 12:52:04 pm »
I heard that sword is a bit bad due to how flurry and onslaught works and 1 miss could break your fun. Better check your IRL luck first, who know how many times you'll encounter that 5% on crucial times
As for shotgun, I think it's better if you main shotgun and use sword as alt, since shotty's perk is damn good. You could probably make due with Leading Shot only, since shotty's accuracy is pretty bad
I'd recommend just straight up throwing + grenade tbh. 50 throwing w/ three-pointer + grenadier is enough to gives some burst damage every now and then, and it's accurate enough for short throw

Builds / Re: Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« on: October 20, 2019, 12:36:37 pm »
My most fun build is 3 CON pure psi tranquility tbh. It's not as OP as Psychosis, and you could do more stuff per turn while thinking not to get hit by anything, making the fight more of turn-based puzzle than straight up murder. You could also put your points on all social skills (up to  Effective 75 Intimidation, 105 mercantile and 115 persuasion, I think). You don't have to invest too much in it, since you have lots of Wil that gives bonus to it, and you could enjoy lots of additional lore and story.

Alternatively, psi-monk which focused on both melee and psychokinesis and basically becomes JoJo reference and doing Ora-Ora all day w/ 4 AP punch and deadly [stand] TK punch

Builds / Re: The crafting question
« on: October 20, 2019, 12:26:17 pm »
I played as knifer and it's quite decent tbh (although fist-psi build is much better and smoother, and basically the same feel other than cutthroat). So far, I don't think you're "screwed" in any way. I wouldn't pick Intimidation and persuasion unless you knew the skill check places, since those two requires substantial investment that doesn't give you anything special in term of combat. I'd recommend psi 16 will build for "talker" playthrough tbh.

For knives, you don't have to max mechanic everytime you leveled up, since it's not that demanding. I'd recommend leveling your chemistry for a bit and 50 biology for good drugs. Check Grenade wiki to see the required chemistry. I think Frag Grenade MK3 should be good enough until ~16 ish. Ofc you could balls deep on it and get MK5 asap, but makes sure you don't gimped on your melee, dodge and evasion.

As for knives damage, every bit of improvement worth the upgrade imo.Keep in mind that light weapon relies on lots of attack. Use your electric weapon for tough enemies and robot, unless you want to burn through your battery every 2-3 turn. Also, I'd recommend to take Taste for Blood soon, it'll make your build a lot more fun

And I wouldn't recommend maxing pickpocket, 50 should be enough tbh. Get 50 effective throwing, it works wonder

Just finished Depot, early stealth is a good call, it feels a lot easier in early part. I'm stopping at 35, since anything can't really detect me. Probably better to focus on electronics and craft cloaking device for faceless quest later on. Although idk what's the good enough for them, they have really good eyes ???
For the persuasion, I just take it easy tbh, if I want to do the quest sooner, probably gonna drop a few.
BTW does additional plating affect DT, or its just increasing DR by a bit? Couldn't find any additional tungsten, so I couldn't compare it with 3x steel plating, but it seems only increased my DR by 4-6%

So I guess everything is cleared up. For persuasion, it's enough as is, and I'm planning on maxing mercantile first, since it helps a lot with early economy. I could gimped mechanic early, since I could get free AR from GMS compound, and I think it's good enough until Depot. It would be kinda tough to juggle all the points, since it's quite spread out.
For specialization, I think Premeditation and Commando would be good for a bit of breathing room, I'm still not sure whether I should put on SI crit chance or Crit Power, since both are "conditional flag" skill, although it should be manageable to stay on SI range after I get good enough tungsten and Juggernaut. Maybe split 5:5? Although full 10 on Crit Power would be damn good for chimera w/ aimed shot

My final build

Grenadier is a really nice feat, but wouldn't it make the build a lot more spread out? I hear that farming for good super steel is way more annoying, and full tungsten is better for true tin can, and i definitely won't use str food doping for the entire run

I'm not sure with shotgun as sidearm, since it need some perk to make a good use of it, and there's not much related feat between AR outside of Full-Auto.

For general utility and crafting, my revised build should cover everything according to Apostrophe suggestion. For now, I have so much spare points, so a wee bit of persuasion for huge early boost is pretty good, since I also invest moderately on mercantile.

I'm gonna double check on crit viability, although for AR, it should be good enough to go balls in on crit. Fast metabolism might be overkill if I'm going to stay SI all the time, but it really helps a lot in a pinch, especially on high CON

For premeditation, my initial plan is not take any Psi until I could get Haste mentor, and I only use psi for haste to replace Sprint and Blitz, so without it, it should be manageable w/ enough regen without psi booster. But my revised plan I took psychokinesis, so premeditation early would be great for free stun
Pack rathound would be very nice, idk how heavy my end game loadout would be, but it's mostly QoL and my early perk are quite tight, not sure how useful packrat near the end, maybe for hauling before getting to DC?

Suggestions / Re: Idea for a new melee weapon component.
« on: October 19, 2019, 01:29:26 pm »
psi beetle pneumatic carapace which boost TK punch and Force Emission :o

Suggestions / Re: Faster zone transitions
« on: October 19, 2019, 01:26:16 pm »
its probably affected by your HDD / SSD speed, just like any "loading" in general. the game need to render next area and dump previous ones. and pre-rendering all nearby area would increased RAM usage, although it wouldn't be as bad, since this game is light af anyway.
autosave adds few seconds, too

Suggestions / Re: More Psi equipment!
« on: October 19, 2019, 01:21:28 pm »
it would be nice to adds light armor / suit that's focused for psi but with lower defense. kinda annoying that you couldn't go full dodge build without sacrificing psi carapace.

you also have +2 intelligence drug and the Blueprint is fairly easy to get early in the expansion
it goes over my head, I thought that all temporary int booster got removed, that'll helps a lot to saves some crafting points, although I wouldn't count for Under Pie, it seems to be a chore to stock up, and 3 skill points isn't that much anyway

You can take 45 Psychokinesis for stuns and force-field, or even max Thought Control, with synergies it will work against a lot of enemies even on Dominating. 70 Temporal for Stasis. You can raise your trowing, effective 123 is required for 90% chance 10 squares away, or put some into traps early, bear traps are extremely useful.
extra stun might comes in handy, electrokinetic imprint is quite cheap and it doesnt need trap + quick tinkering, and force field would be neat. idk about Thought Control, though. Trap doesn't sound good on the overall theme, plus I need to swap to stealth gear to do setup before going combat. does "wasting" stealth point for some stealth result worth it, compared to just relies on gear / straight up kill everything? since I have 3 agi without nimble, it would get reduced quite a lot isn't?

you are over-capped on lockpicking and hacking
I thought the cap are 130 lockpick and 135 hacking?

You don't need Armor Slopping, I think that in tungsten you are going to be at a 95% armor penalty no matter what, also 30 movement points from Psycho-temporal Contraction are not affected by it. Aimed Shots will get you really low mileage at the start of the game, later you will never use it. Future Orientation is a weak pick for this build. Drop PER for CON and take Thick Skull. Take Premeditation at level 6, the best feat in-game. You can take Scrutinous for more crit. Take a look at Ambush, its great on AR if you pour some points into stealth.
it might be better to just balls deep with 95% armor penalty w/ 3x tungsten plating, I guess. even if I could reduce a bit w/ 3x super steel plating and armor sloping, it only gives me less than a step. I picked aimed shot because its good to kill some critters without spending more bullets. I could also use sniper rifle for opening (although idk if its good enough without snipe + max stealth) I just like it in general unless I'm feat hungry. wouldn't Future Orientation good enough with 70 TM point invested? I put premeditation a bit later because I dont want to instantly took the pill, since I'm focusing more on the fighting, and less on psi. the plan was to pick the pill after depot 1, then invest on TM and get Haste. although it might be better to go usual psi route if I take Psychokinesis. for thick skull is it better to start with 7 CON 10 PER -> 10 CON lv 12 or focus on PER and left the last 3 CON points on veteran? idk how much impact PER on accuracy, since it'll be frustrating if I have to deal with <80%. scrutinous sounds pretty good, but idk if my PER is enough as is

For specialization points don't take SI health threshold, you are not going to be one-shootable trough shield and armor even at 30% hp. Armor slopping is a total waste. Opportunists Slowed Target as well, passive damage bonuses are additive with each other and you have Concentrated Fire. You can take increased crit chance from SI, or Critical power, also Premeditation CD is a great pick.
I was thinking about SI QoL, I guess on end-game, my DR should be high enough to reduce everything to not quite fatal, and with high CON, it should be manageable. does suppressive fire no longer slows and combo with Opportunist? it seems like a good pick.

for weapons >
7.6 Marauder with Rapid Reloader&Muzzle brake or Anatomically Aware Scope
why this? the AP cost doesn't fit enough compared to the other 2 w/ haste and adrenaline shot

My revised build

I guess I could dump the rest on throwing softcap and stealth. Not quite sure with the feat progression and the last feat, though. maybe snipe? but it seems to be such a waste, since late game double AR with this setup would be a lot better. or maybe I should keep Future Orientation, since I'm dependent on the Haste for movement,plus I could get all TM spells anyway. And I'm not sure with the early pick between opportunist, juggernaut and thick skull. probably this order is good enough, I dont remember any annoying stunner early game, other than robots and 1-2 psi bandit (although its very manageable by bursting them before getting disabled)


I feel like this should cover everything, do I missed something?
I put little bit of persuasion for early goodies and Cliff quest, 25 metathermics for pyrokinesis to clear mines and saves some grenades, enough lockpick & hacking w/ huxkey + jackknife and 105 mercantile for capped skill check, according to wiki anyways.

a bit of question, since I never finished the game and always restarted in the middle :
1. is house crafting reliable enough to limit crafting skill as it is?
2. does the "soft-cap" for crafting still at 135?
3. does supersoldier drug worth the effort to fish with 3 dex? seems like its overkill and less worth for AR build
4. is there any better skill dump other than evasion? since I would assumed it'll be horrendously bad with tungsten armor + metal boots

I intended to run on hard difficulty btw. probably good enough to run dominating, but I dont have balls to do it

Final build :

Main weapon : 8.6mm hornet Rapid Reloader, Anatomically-Aware Scope
Sub / commando proc : 9mm chimera Muzzle Break, Anatomically-Aware Scope

Updated post psi nerf/balance/rework thingy :

What changed :
1. Removed Psychokinesis entirely and maxed TM
2. Reduced STR by 1, Increase INT by 1. It seems that Super Steel is pretty good, but insanely annoying to farm. with Ultra speedhack, you can get 3 SS every 30-40 mins-ish. just leave the game running in background WITHOUT PAUSING IT and watch youtube / anime / netflix or do something useful in your life.
3. Swapped wee bit of skills, and since we got additional INT, crafting skills becomes more relaxed and I have quite some spare point dump. can be put in throwing, stealth, or speech.
4. Changed feat progression according to my recent playthrough timing n stuff. You can swap Armor Sloping,  Juggernaut, and Fast Metabolism. FM might be good for Depot A, but it'll delay your heavy armor setup much further. You can also swap FM with Doctor, in case you wanna do Save Jenny quest before Expedition (Coagulation Shot).

Recommended starting stats : 6/3/3/9/9/3/7
stats progression : per, str, str, per, per, con. Basically take Con on level 24 for Thicc Skull, and put Str as soon as you want to wear heavy armor.

Oh as a side note, playing as Male character is preferable, you'll need it for certain place after you met a cool Dude. its very difficult to sneak around with low agi low stealth character, unless you want to delay it until you could make OP stealth gear. Female character gets up to 250 SGS Credit discount from learning TM, tho.

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