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Messages - GunWizard

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Builds / Re: Ultimate hammer guide
« on: August 09, 2022, 12:00:02 pm »

I started a new melee oriented character and I wanted to try a hammerer. I used the Hammer Wizard doc as my blueprint but it seems that I'm starting to hit a bit of a roadblock and it may be because of my tactics.

Main differences of my build: I decided to take Biology and Intimidation because I wanted to craft my own drugs instead of buying them and for the early YELL perk. Aside from that I'm also levelling both Hacking and Lockpicking, although I regret the latter.

Currently I'm level 7: perks that I took, corporeal spatio projection, expose weakness, dirty kick. Fast metabolism and Conditioning from the start. Psy Empathy from the start for the force punch.

Gear: I got an electric hammer from the GMS compound and Antithermic, Insulated, Antirifle Overcoat (65% encumberance). The latter is the one that is saving my life in nearly every encounter I do.

Right now I'm stuck in a few fights: GMS compound, the raiders in the bottom cave led by Gerhard Page. I'm overwhelmed by the damage, the best I can do is use molotov cocktails to keep the enemies separated but there are still too many and I die.

Burrowers in the GMS compound. I'm overwhelmed by the DPS, i can't kill 1 in 2 turns and I can't clear my poison fast enough.

3 Raiders north of Junktown: I can stun 2, focus on one but I don't deal enough damage, they heal in between stuns and between critical shot, shock bullets and poison I'm killed. Caltrops, flashbang and molotov are not enough to control their movement.

Syphoners north of Junktown: I can't do enough damage to burn through their healing and I don't have the movement points to run away.

My questions:

1) Do I need to start burning through my morphine and adrenaline drugs? I'm playing on hard but I wanted to hoard as much as I can for Depo A
2) I have 2 options to buy metal armor in Junktown: one is 65% encumberance the other is 98%. I have tried with both and I'm seeing little difference compared to my overcoat.
3) Is biology a good strat? If I'm using morphine, adrenaline and late game drugs in each fight it made sense to pick them up.
4) Do I need to craft my own metal armor? My tailoring is at 0 and I wanted to keep it at 0.

Builds / Re: Assault Rifle / Thought Control hybrid
« on: October 11, 2021, 07:43:03 pm »

Short answers:

1) You can drop Neural Overload and the associated feats, AR damage is more than enough.

2) Psi crit does nothing for non damaging spells.

3) Must have psi abilities are Pseudo Spatial Projection, NO (if you for it), Mental Breakdown, Psycho-temporal Contraction and Stasis.

Now I'll just elaborate a little on how and why I used NO, but once again: dropping it for lower psi costs and more utility feats is perfectly reasonable.

NO is an extremely high damage spell in late game, as shown in my original post. But to be good it has to crit, and it is not possible to get crit chance high enough in that hybrid build. That's why I picked Psionic Mania, and only ever use NO after Mania. Psychosis is taken as a prerequisite for Mania, the feat in itself is indeed a net loss.

My experience is that the extra cost is okay, because the fights are short anyway. As I progressed through the game I used less and less CCs, it was faster and more reliable to just kill everything. Typically the first turn would be:
Premeditation -> LoC -> Mania -> NO -> Burst -> Burst -> Burst
Not many groups of enemies can survive that.

That sounds right up my alley, thank you very much for the strategy! right now I always started stealthed, approached an enemy, initiated combat, got a first burst, stunned the one I got close to with the tazer and threw a grenade or used adrenaline for the extra bursts.

Also, any good strategy for fighting crawlers? So far I could out-stealth them and initiate combat or throw pre-emptive molotov cocktails but I just wanted to know if this build had an anti-crawler strat.

Builds / Re: Assault Rifle / Thought Control hybrid
« on: October 07, 2021, 12:50:44 pm »
Hi! I have been using this build as a blueprint to my own character (I dropped throwing for Persuasion for roleplaying purposes, aside from that it's almost identical) but I wanted to ask about Neural Overload and psi crit chance.

So far I'm level 13 and only use psi for CC. I haven't even learned any TM spells because of the cost. I have taken the Psychosis perk but I'm suddenly running out mana very quickly and can't CC as efficiently as I could. TC doesn't have all that many offensive spells so I had a few questions:

1) Can I drop psychosis for Tranquility and drop this tree entirely or does Neural Overload become insanelly good after a threshold? I like having more spells to cast but it may be because I'm being short sighted at the moment.

2) Does psi crit chance do anything for non combat spells (fear, enrage, etc) or does it only affect the damage of combat spells?

3) What are the must have spells that I should always innervate (I have frighten, mental breakdown, enrage, neural overload and bilocation)? I always try to start with enrage and bilocation but non of the enemies are aggroed by bilocation. I want to keep frighten, mental breakdown, enrage and 2 other spots (already 70 in TM so I was going for some time psi abilities) in temporal manipulation.


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