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Messages - Gman

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Bugs / Re: 0.1.14 bugs
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:11:21 pm »
Almost all/most of the barrels are fucked up in the Foundry mine, they reset constantly and look full with stuff, while being empty. I as well mentioned how buggy the barrels were previously in this thread ,
Thirdly, it seems the barrels in the foundry, the mine area specifically are all empty for me and constantly getting rid of the (empty) status in ones I've looked in, after I leave the area and return.
For me, the entire foundry mine barrels were empty and bugged out. The city itself and associated housing and such within were all fine, problem began only... well, in the above guys screenshot, with the mine entrance and the chemist wife.

Suggestions / Re: Safe houses/storage areas
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:07:01 pm »
Given how the game currently works, pretty much everywhere counts as a safehouse once you cleared it out? Other than the 'red' private containers I suppose in towns, but even then, that won't matter if its an empty residence/you cleared out the previous ones. I was similarly hoping for though that we would get some more kind of uh.... options ot hang something on a wall, or something, at our SGS place at least. 

There is really nothing stopping you from moving into any of the hideouts or stuff you dig up in the game as is, other than moving all what you got at SGS to there.  The reason why SGS is default by common sense, as it has easy access to healing, and several vendors covering a wide variety.  Early game, important. Late game, you easily need higher quality things than SGS generally provides, and living in any other base is only a matter of 'how far is too far for me to walk back and forth to my new home with crafting supplies/loot.'  SGS and your present home, as is, is a very short train trip to almost anywhere atop of barge access and a safe way down to lower cavern stuff.

...Which is why I wish your apartment, or you could PICK which one in the dorms you wanted, got some kind of love.  As is, only thing I can really do is lock the room after I leave (which I actually do, because mah immersionnnnn) and organize your containers of items.

Fallout 2 -needed- an ammo mod after release because they released the game with broken ammo stats; the AP ammo worked backwards when used, doubling the resistance of your target when shot with it, for instance, and other shit.

As for the differing caliber and damage ranges, this is also an game abstraction of the quality of weapons/gear, with why one 5mm Hawker might do 10 damage but a good one made later you might get up to 20 damage out of it. It's fine the way it is, really.  I'm fond of massive inventory lists and a very realistic amount/variety of items, but i'm alright with what we have now, too, and think it fits for the game while simplifying what needs to be to cut down on clutter.

Suggestions / Re: TNT and Components
« on: April 30, 2015, 05:06:44 am »
Hexogen? Armory at SGS has one 'most' of its restocks. Easy to acquire, easy to check, shortest walking distance possible.  As a crafter that used nades Often, never needed more hexogen than my shelf stock. 

Rarely found that I Had to use the high tier frag/HE grenades constantly that would require me running out of hexogen, either, as there was often lower tier ones to stand-in for anything not boss-quality lethal.  Molotov/napalm stuff is also superior with its area-control firestorms.

Suggestions / Re: Wilderness
« on: April 28, 2015, 07:17:48 pm »
If you traverse the cave tunnels often in the lower areas, this is easily hunting grounds. As a crafter player too, the amount of usable leathers, adrenaline, and morphine if you wander far enough, was more than ample/profitable, to the point in most of my games I often travel exclusively these tunnels when going around unless I am specifically hauling stuff to sell and am loaded. 

With the addition of the deep caves in final release too, this might be more of a thing even more so, depending on what the environment is like/other additional tunnels to the ones we have.  There does need to be some more dangerous wildlife, though, than crawlers.  Enjoyed their challenge, but aside from them, the difficult wlidlife seemed to be few.  Burrowers I do not really count, as their only useable thing being plate or poison, neither of which you need in huge quantities or even to sell imo.  They are just difficult/costly to kill with no profit. And burrowers are not often in an easy to access area, for a variety of reasons. People gonna just cave in the area/path, or they are naturally isolated.  Because, screw Burrower poison...

General / Re: Talloski mannor
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:56:48 am »
One of his relatives, Sophie I think, is at the big bar thing in Core City, Hardcore or something?  Never got the dialog tree to go anywhere, though, despite getting to a 'lets pick on someone' or somesuch option.  Maybe you can figure it out. If your player is female, you May have another way through some other relative-dude I met outside the ticket booths leading into the Arena.

Discussions / Re: Valve now allow modders to charge for their games
« on: April 24, 2015, 04:03:59 am »
This is not a great move but honestly it should not come as a surprise to anyone if they've considered the way games are treated now and the variety of modding options and increased viability with games as times goes on.  Just like porn, really, there is a market for it, if you are good enough and cater to enough of a fan base.  There will be people out there who might pay for the extra content they Really want.  Is there enough of a market/modders/enough moddable games to require this now? No, I don't think so because modding is never even guaranteed, useful, or have quality content/good creators, so much is not really worth paying for.  That might change with this incentive.

Am torn as well, as I see it as both good and bad, with option to go either way depending on the future and how people handle it.  It has to survive the backlash because I doubt there is enough quality mod creators to be a positive push for it and so more commentary will come from the demand/customer side. Also has to survive the corporation stranglehold that is going to follow as money-grubbing/greed again tries to ruin gaming and their toys.

General / Re: Are point shot and rapid fire worth it?
« on: April 22, 2015, 06:04:48 pm »
That is part of it, perhaps, is that I don't think they were for automatic weapons? I mean, doesn't make sense when they already come with burst function, which largely accomplishes the same thing with better results.  And definitely not for sniper rifles, though a fully modded Spearhead might work in some cases.  Looked at the same feats when they came out and wondered what you are, anyhow, and came up with that they are mostly for pistols, normal, energy and chemical for the most part.  You get a high enough small arms skill and the aim penalties are going to be negligible when using these feats.  And hitting someone with 2-3 lasers, or acid blobs, with one action has to be fairly useful.

Expertise afaik is working fine, near end game, was still using a custom 5mm Jackrabbit to extreme effectiveness, thanks a good deal in part to the straight 25 damage increase from Expertise.

Carnifex cheats, and has jacked up Initiative with an entangling net gimmick. There is very little to do about it, and I was an evasion/dodge build myself when I did it.  It was ridiculously annoying and I essentially had to wait to max lvl to have the most hp and armor, and then tanked his stupid cheating first wave and lit his ass on fire with Napalm until he died. 

I never liked the fight because he's coded to be a cheating shit that tries to Always go first, net, and shiv you.

-Create a custom low-speed shield with modifications
-Use things like gas/fire and AoE fuck him up since he also has stupidly ridiculously dodge/evasion, so shooting him at a distance is bs, too
-This also means frag/he grenades are a waste against him unless he's stunned, since he'll just evade most of the grenade with his broken ass stats
-Tasers come in handy, though he can resist the stun but it's not guaranteed he will
-He has several hundred in HP, so unless you manage to stun+opportunist, shooting is not usually efficient imo given he will dodge probably +75% of any normal shot if he can evade
-No, there is no way to skip the cut-scenes and this might or might not be intentional to keep players from using drugs pre-fight to get their own cheating edge (which I find annoying given how jacked Carnifex is and is basically a little cheater shit himself)
-Said cut-scene also makes your shield use charge, so if its not efficient, you might be actually losing much charge before the fight even begins

Unless you have high Constitution to have good health, or to resist his stupid stun from melee, or Somehow avoid his net (despite being a dodge/evade guy, he never managed to miss with that damn net and apparently high grade shoes with the Immunity:Immobilization trait still means nets work on you) the fight is pft.  A custom shield will help mitigate his damage, which helps because if you fully nullify damage on a hit that would stun, the stun won't go through either.  Honestly was surprised I beat him finally with my crafter/burster guy, tried at lvl 20 and had to return at lvl 25 just to stand a chance.

..yeah if it wasn't obvious, I can't stand Carnifex and his bullshit fight. I can understand making a HARD opponent for PCs might be a challenge but he's not, he just is a little shit that reminds me of a minmaxed PC monk.  Fighting that ain't fun. It's just irritating.

General / Re: Does Burst count as a Special Attack?
« on: April 18, 2015, 04:20:49 am »
Offhand, I don't think so? Special attacks afaik are special bolts, kneecap probably, dunno if chem pistol effects count, probably Aimed Shot, that sort of thing. Burst is just an alt attack mode for enabled weapons.

Am agreeing it is a bit late for this kind of wide change to the economy. Also think the way he has it now is for a very specific reason.  Carry weights helps make you choose what to bring rather than walking around with an armory. How crafting is now, I'm rather fine with. Moving around and doing trade rounds across the stations doesn't bother me, and helps stretch the game a little while keeping my immersion, which is important to me frankly.  The world is not rolling in gear, either, so scarcity of parts seems very fitting.  Also helps cut down on superpowered items making the game real easy from early on just because of equipment. Saying that though..

-Biology  does need changing, you are right on this, and needs some serious love as a skill.  Having it increase effectiveness of bandages (not hypos) would go towards making it not so bland.  Hypos could also have varying recipe, letting different fluid/drug components go in to create a drug cocktail.  Would help give the crafting of Biology a bit more use, since unless you are a psyker, most of the high lvl drugs as right now don't help you at all.

-Diassembling is a feat sink agreed, for now. Unless there are some slim chance of superior gear showing up in some stores to make taking one apart for a kickass rifle frame/etc, it's just pft for now.

General / Re: Battery plant
« on: April 16, 2015, 06:28:58 pm »
Not every special reply has a guaranteed answer I believe. That is one of them right now, more or less just letting you feel smart.  The battery thing is not really something you could use as a player, as the plans relate more to the batteries the station uses for long term usage, which afaik are not the same as the portable things the player carries around.   Maybe in the future but right now, don't think it does a thing.

General / Re: Impressions
« on: April 13, 2015, 04:52:17 pm »
Think molotov should be nerfed.
That thing, made of shit and sticks can damage SOOOO strong, so really, it better to nerf it.
At least descrease its AoE on ~30%, I hit something every other time with 0 throwing.
Just in case I will cease to appear here, it means I died (some health issues). In any case, the game brought me many pleasant moments, and I'm glad I was here with you.

You're quite right, molotovs are vastly superior, not for the damage output really on initial throw but because it covers such a wide area, for such a long time, when put into game turns.  The AoE should probably be scaled back a bit for the early molotov, for the higher magnesium/napalm, can understand quite better and it makes sense.  Molotov dirt cheap honestly and if you get the skill, can ruin most any npcs day unless they're specifically wearing aluminized cloth junk or such.

0 Throwing does mean you will usually hit, because it only shifts 3 tiles afaik when you 'miss' with it, as someone pointed out about using EMP nades. Same issue imagine. 

As for your last bit, that went dark unexpectedly fast but hope you walk away from your complications and good luck to you.

Suggestions / Re: Beast Head from Foundry
« on: April 12, 2015, 10:20:49 am »
It appears to just be a heavy trophy for us, though having to agree being able to put it on the wall in the SGS room would be a wonderful thing to do with it.  Neat as is, but sadly after tucking it into the desk, will never get to admire it much.Maybe letting us take down the 'broken pixel' piece and hang up certain things.  Like a tac-vets overcoat on a hook.  Or Balors Eye in a glass case.  Beast's mounted head. Hrm, what else. Maybe that experimental weapon from Tchort.  Or the Shield Recharger blueprint.

Suggestions / Re: Crafting? Hmmmm.
« on: April 11, 2015, 10:33:57 pm »
You don't necessarily need high int given the unwavering 40 points a level and new cap of lvl 25, if you can play the long game and be patient enough to xp and spread the skills out evenly. Crafting lockpicks and haxxors just seems.... pointless, given that the first one are dirt cheap for basic picks and the haxxors are likewise other than batteries, and really never found so many electronic locks that it was an issue, and I open pretty much everythinggggg I come across.

Now, if you mean to craft them to get better bonuses, we already get that in the form of skill synergies, which appropriately give 10% and 20% to lockpicking and hacking.  There is also a unique lockpick/hacking tool that runs on batteries, gives a great bonus, but sucks up lots of power, somewhere in the game. Can't think where as never bothered to get it/just not gotten far enough.

I seen comments about flame-type such weapons in another thread, there was some code for them in the game hidden but it would be way too difficult to implement, and if anything, Styg preferred to try shotguns before that. Same cone problem, lot less work, or somesuch.  Combat code doesn't really allow it at present and brings up problems.  Anyway, closest you get is grenadier feat for now and molotov/magnesium/napalm stuff, or incid. pistols.   I think though there is a feat to make your psychic fire stuff go in a line, which is sorta like what you want, ish?

List of specific items? Like this  ?  Go to bottom of page for rest I suppose if this fits your criteria.

About knives, usually there are feats that make you do things like crippling strikes, doubled poison stuff, etc., they are not buffed directly since, well, a knife is a knife.  There are shock blades around too I believe    ?

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