Author Topic: Version feedback  (Read 1958 times)


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Version feedback
« on: March 16, 2015, 08:49:44 am »
Played through the majority of the content on this version with a guns/throwing/lockpicking/hacking a little persuasion/mechanics/tailoring/dodge/evasion.

I'll bullet point these for easier consumption.  I know some of these probably have been said but I think some points need reiteration.  Some of these are just very minor things but maybe it would help to know what some of the players are thinking.

-Extra content did not disappoint.  The game world is turning out very well.   The extra people, quests, and gear are working out well.

-The vendor list of items they buy is really clunky looking and kind of hard to read.  It almost looks like a massive blob of text and is an eyesore.   Maybe a nice neat list style would be better.   Or doing without it altogther and letting vendors buy everything that they would normally sell.  I'm beginning to see elhazzareds points on how the current system is a little broken.

-The mouse controls are really picky.  I know I've meant to shoot things several times only to see my character walking towards the enemy instead of shooting it so it's really frustrating.  Even when the indicator is blinkning that I'm about to shoot the mouse will move maybe 0.5mm and all of a sudden it changes and my character ends up walking towards the enemy completely frustrating combat.

-Riot armor doesn't seem to be that great.  I get that it's supposed to be effective against melee but it doesn't seem to work very well against melee and is weaker against bullets than a tactical vest.

-Experience and leveling seems more balanced than before.  I think it's about right. 

-Money scarcity seems about right.  I ran out a couple times and other times I was barely able to get by but it was enough to survive.

-Items seem to need to be repaired way too often and is annoying.  I'm ok with deteriorating weapons but it seems like I'm constantly repairing stuff and it just adds to tedium and breaks gameplay.  The rate of deterioration should probably be cut in half or quartered.

-A map or scanner of some sort would be nice.

-Carry weight seems almost right I would give the characters just a hair more.  Like maybe add in 10 more lbs to each STR point. 

-A slightly more polished game menu and inventory would be nice.  Maybe separate tabs for weapons/armor/misc./etc.

-For some reason energy shields just seem out of place in this game.  I'm not against having them but it just seems weird. 

-Didn't do a whole lot of crafting but from what I saw and experimented with it doesn't really seem worth it to invest points in it. 

-New enemies are pretty cool and somewhat unique. 

-Maybe have a quick creation and default "classes" for newer people (or anyone really) during character creation.

-More face pics available for character creation would be nice.  Also a lot of NPC's have the same face graphics.  I would only make key people have faces and have them all be unique and different from the ones available for the character to choose from.

-Persuasion doesn't seem that useful in most situations.  It seems like there are a lot more options for intimidation to get what you want. 

I think I covered most of my impressions.  Overall the game is enjoyable but it still needs that bit of polish to make it great.  Good job thus far and best wishes. 


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Re: Version feedback
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2015, 09:20:52 am »
Hey, I have to second the map thing... sometimes, I feel like exploring the caves, but I just get lost so easily and say to heck with it after a while.  Which is a shame, you miss out on some fun areas, like the popsicle mutants.

Also agreed on persuasion... intimidation gets you yell, which is pretty dominating on psi characters.  Persuasion... not so much.  I think it'd be nice if mercantile and persuasion were just combined into speech :/  And speaking of that, it'd be nice if salesman affected how much merchants sell as well.  I've played a whole game once without finding a single napalm -.-
« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 09:26:26 am by Greep »


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Re: Version feedback
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2015, 12:01:03 pm »
@epeli - It was on classic.  I tried the oddity system for a couple hours but didn't like it so reverted to classic. 


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Re: Version feedback
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2015, 04:52:45 pm »

-Riot armor doesn't seem to be that great.  I get that it's supposed to be effective against melee but it doesn't seem to work very well against melee and is weaker against bullets than a tactical vest.

Yep, it also has higher armor penalty.
There's a discussion about it.