Author Topic: Love it!  (Read 5315 times)


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Love it!
« on: August 24, 2012, 03:19:02 pm »
    As a big fan of old-school games such as Arcanum and Fallout 1 & 2, this is an amazingly fun and responsive experience even in the Alpha stages. There's few games out there today that offer a good balance between an effective interface and leaving parts of the gameplay up to the player's imagination. Still haven't finished it yet, but barely escaped with my life rom an encounter with some Rathounds, which was one of those "unintentionally fun" moments I miss in today's games. The addition of secrets is great as well, and something that really adds to the gameplay. I'll keep adding to this post as I continue to play through it.

    Major "alpha stage" things I do miss (aside from more hackable / lockpickable things, but that counts as content and is probably not the main focus yet):

    • A "resting" function to slowly restore health & psi, maybe restricted to safe areas and at a food cost
    • An option to use the number keys to determine split stack sizes
    • The ability to open locked doors from the inside to prevent unnecessary backtracking
    • A "run" feature out of combat (the Sprint feat sort of fills this function, but if you're walking across the entire map the duration only gets you so far)
    • A shortcut key to reload the current weapon you're holding

    As far as graphical settings go, I'd love a Borderless Fullscreen mode to make alt-tabbing a tad smoother, but now we're in the realm of fancy requests. I'll definitely be keeping my eyes on this and supporting this project in any way I can, since the Alpha alone is already very promising!
« Last Edit: August 24, 2012, 04:03:43 pm by Kibbles »