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Topics - UnLimiTeD

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Bugs / Medical Components
« on: July 10, 2014, 03:21:45 pm »
When  Pasquale asks for Medical Components, he isn't particularly picky about how medical they supposedly are, because I'm perfectly able to sell him Gasoline.  :P

General / Melee vs. Bladelings?
« on: July 09, 2014, 03:43:46 pm »
Aaaand yet another question, because I'm finding myself with time on my hands.

How does Melee work out versus Bladelings?
I remember in the days of old, when quests past Junkyard were a faint hope to be realized in better days and Styg was still shuffling on alone, that fighting burrowers was distinctly unfun with them kiting me through the level, and if it wasn't for the Spikes of DoomTM bug, I would have had problems with a variety of things.
Things PSI-Abilities could solve, but I'm planning without them.
In any case, I dumped the heavy ranged char due to a bad feat pick, and I wondered, if I'm restarting it anyways, if I shouldn't go for melee instead, and I worry if [suspicious]Bladelings might prove to be a barrier to the char since it wouldn't put out high damage per hit, aka it might be unable to kill them properly.[/suspicious]

Anyone got experience with that?

General / Ammunition Supply?
« on: July 09, 2014, 09:55:16 am »
So, as the thread title says:
What are your experiences with ammunition supply?
My Gunslinger with a .44 Hammerer and Energy Pistols obviously had only limited problems, but 8.6mm Auto seems to run out fast.
If I intend to burst SMGs or Assault Rifles, will 7.72mm do, or is the supply still too short? Should I maybe carry two weapons of different calibers?

Also, does Opportunist work on suppressed targets? And is there any reason to circumvent the automatic combat always interrupting what I was just doing?
I fire a burst, combat opens after the first shot, and I start the round with no action points and one measly shot fired.
And will "Suppressed" stack?
Edit: Just noticed Burst has a 1 turn cooldown. Ah well, there go all my ammo worries. A pity.

Bugs / Same Armour Materail bonuses don't stack?
« on: July 08, 2014, 11:33:33 pm »
I got a Pig leather body armour and pig leather boots.
Each say they grant +1 Constituation.
Alone, they do.
Together, they still do. +1, that is, which I figured is a bit weird.  ???

Bugs / Alarms of the Ironfists
« on: July 08, 2014, 11:13:57 pm »
So, whenever you go into the Ironfist's(Or whatever there name was) base being not particularly stealthy, they have a habit of sounding the alarm by using those switches on the wall.
It is either possible to deactive them, which I probably did, or the alarm just doesn't work in later levels, but the NPCs don't seem to know that.
They try again every single turn, unfazed by the complete lack of effect.

General / Viability of low grade Shield emitters?
« on: July 08, 2014, 04:24:51 pm »
So, just asking 'round if anyone here had experience with using a low grade shield emitter with otherwise very high quality components?

I took a look at the current upgrades, and while the high efficiency converter and Capacitor seem very useful, the amplifier is really just a sidegrade, and I figured, I'd love one that does the opposite.
Then I thought about it, and that may be very doable with a Q 80+ Plasma core and a mid frequency emitter of below 40.
Also, the Electromagnetic deflector says it's used for energy shields, but I guess not. Is there, or does anyone know if there will be, a recipe that makes use of it? Sides the stealth, I mean?
I'd love a deflection shield in the future that somehow makes you harder to hit, or scatters blocked hits to your surroundings.  ;D

Suggestions / More options for the Intelligent Combatant?
« on: July 08, 2014, 12:42:36 pm »
Aka how to fight with Science.  8)

I was thinking about drugs in Underrail, and how I tend to never use them, because either the fight is doable without, or it's so hard it either lasts lasts longer than the drug or it wouldn't make a difference either way.
So how about a feat or two to make that more of a build choice, like in, say, Witcher 2?

Example (for getting you think about it, no balance suggestion):

Featname here
Drugs last 1 Turn longer
Withdrawal Effects last one turn less, to a minimum of 3 turns.

Requirement: CON 5, 50 Biology
EDIT:OP old, newer content after post 5.

Bugs / Quest-Order
« on: June 29, 2014, 09:14:02 pm »
In Hathors camp, if you don't mention you killed the King at the earliest possible occasion, you have to go through the regular quest dialogue and say you'll kill him yourself to get back with the head.
Wonder what happens if you tell them to go there without you. Will they still die?

In Railroad Crossing, I figured I'd finish the Faceless Quest with a particularly snarky line by asking "Shouldn't you be more happy now that I took care of your Faceless Problem" or something similar, but that just starts the next quest and doesn't actually finish the Faceless quest by itself.

Bugs / Respawning Muties
« on: June 28, 2014, 09:08:11 pm »
Went back to the first Junkyard Area after the Scrapper Gate, because I didn't actually get any further. Bunch of Mobs there again, which I totally didn't expect, and got into a bad situation.
Empty map. Next area, mutants. Shot a few times, had to retreat.
Muties again.
Reload, empty map. I'm sensing a system here.^^

General / Lifting Belt/Conditioning
« on: June 27, 2014, 05:53:38 pm »
Will the lifting Belts damage reduction stack additively or multiplicatively with the Conditioning feat?

Bugs / Weird allocation of value
« on: June 27, 2014, 05:48:04 pm »
So, I failed to make a screenshot, but description:

I have two pistols. 7.62 mm hawker I think.
Both have the exactly same stats, but one has 122/240 durability, while the other has 123/300 durability.
The former is worth more, likely because it has a higher percentage of durability left.
I think that's a bit off. It just feels like it shouldn't be like this.

Bugs / Failed Level-Up?
« on: June 25, 2014, 08:39:08 pm »
I just found a wealth of oddities on a new char try in the warehouse near SGS, where Newton is milling around.
I was ready to level up, and in the process of opening a lock.
I wanted to see in the char window if I had enough skill, (Yes, I know I would just have to wait), then pressed escape.
It asked me if I wanted to abort the level up.
I clicked no and immediately pressed esc again.
Now I'm officially level 4, but I didn't gain anything for it, I got attributes 3, 10, 5, 4, 8, 3, 7, I didn't gain any feat (currently at 4, including PSI Empathy), and my skills didn't change either.
XP is at 2/8, which sounds about right, in contrast to everything else.

General / Melee- 10 or 12 Dex
« on: June 23, 2014, 01:07:48 am »
So, I started a new build today, after a longer break.
Gonna be a melee fighter with 3 Strength, so lots of dex and agi.
I seriously don't know why I got will and per on 4 instead of 3, but that's what I'm going to go with.

Anyways, I've been at that warehouse, and the place is seriously heavy on the oddities.
Got a [suspicious]periscope in the junk before the door, and a stock list + divers helmet in there for a total of 8 XP.[/suspicious] (And a wealth of other equipment)
I'm now in a position to spend my first attribute point.

The main thought-line:

Since I last played Melee, unarmed seems to have lost any reason for existence, but I'm not yet entirely sure of that.
I got some cave hopper tabi boots (early but, at my current knowledge of the stats, I don't think I'll ever need other footwear) and the 20% reduction from Dexterity,
bringing unarmed melee attacks down to 7 AP at 5-8 damage. My Combat gloves are 6-9 damage at 8, one attack less; the 20% reduction is apparently rounded to a reduction of 3 points.

If I got another point of Dexterity, I'll drop to 6 Ap for the unarmed attack, but it'll take me another Dex (So, level 8) to get the gloves one lower. The Important point here is that I'm not quite sure how Lightning Punches will stack up with it.
So, should get the Dex, maybe take Agi instead, or even go for Constitution(The points on Will/PER are missing there, obviously, so that's 5 atm)?
Are there any Items with +Dex that I missed? Is the whole path a recipe for failure?

Suggestions / Witcher-Inspired Feat
« on: September 30, 2013, 12:11:50 am »
So, recently read randomly through the Witcher-wiki (the games by CD Projekt), and found out in the first game, there's a potion giving the character poisonous blood.
Figured that'd be an actually really awesome feat to be unlocked by some quest line, or maybe a recipe of the same origin, to kill those annoying bloodsuckers and damage anything attacking without weapons.
Now don't tell it it doesn't make sense, spiked armor enhancing electric sledgehammers didn't make sense, either! >:( ;)

Bugs / Uberspikes?
« on: May 14, 2013, 01:32:14 pm »
So, I just made a short test run in a basically finished game, to get the values I posted for Styg in the recent devlog thread.
I figured I'd try out some recipes, sold a bunch, bought a bunch, used Junkyard surprise a lot. Then I went to the Fixer, scrapper thugs attack me. I go there, hit one, he takes 270 damage and dies.
Turns out my Tungsten Armor spikes suddenly convey 219-379 bonus damage.
After killing both with my sledge, the bonus damage is now 259-449.

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