Author Topic: Gas Grenades Disarming  (Read 713 times)


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Gas Grenades Disarming
« on: October 26, 2019, 03:52:27 pm »

Stealthy takedowns and assassinations are difficult. Gas grenades provide a bit too cheesy method of accomplishing them.

1. Unstealthed, stand as far away from the enemy as you can without triggering combat.
2. Initiate combat.
3. Throw a gas grenade. It usually can be thrown far enough to target the enemy or, if there are multiple hostiles, several of them.
4. Restealth. Throwing the grenade itself is silent, and no direct damage outright means no instant detection.
5. Skip turns in combat. Because you can see the enemy, the combat will not automatically end. And because you are in combat, enemies cannot disarm the grenades.
6. Enemies stand in toxic/freezing fumes indefinitely.

There could be variations of this method. Like throwing the grenade around a corner without initiating combat, and interrupting the enemies' disarming by entering stealth right after throwing and walking up to see the enemies (but not let them detect you) and, again, just waiting as they stand in the fumes.

Just stumbled on this accidentally, saw the cheese, but so far haven't tested it more.

Offtopic: Quite similar with throwing caltrops on the path of patrolling enemies without them noticing. They just walk around till they die.

I suggest these things to be nerfed if they can, or not, because things are pretty hard enough as they are.
