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Topics - Dickie

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / UI Improvements
« on: December 17, 2012, 02:26:41 pm »
First of all, let me say I love this game. I've already gotten enough hours out of it to justify the $10. I really like the combat system and the crafting system. I really like how perks add new attacks. And don't get me started on how much I love the UI, even if there are a few changes I'd like to see. Some of these changes have been suggested before.

Here's a list of suggestions in no particular order.

  • When holding shift to reload a gun, could you put a little number for ammo remaining over each type?
  • When I have an item in my utility belt, could items I pick up of that type go into that stack (if not full) instead of into the main inventory? For example, if I have 3 Mk II Frag Grenades equipped in one slot, and I pick up another Mk II Frag Grenade from a footlocker, could it go into that slot to make 4 instead of going all by itself into my backpack?
  • When crafting, could you highlight the items that can be used in the selected recipe and make double clicking add that item in the right slot in the recipe? When I have 100 different components, sometimes it's hard to see where my knife handles are or where all my padding is, even after sorting.
  • When choosing feats, can we get them categorized like skills or a drop-down like inventory for Metapsionic, Subterfuge, Sniping, Melee, etc? The list is already getting pretty long, so it's harder to find relevant things to my build sometimes.
  • Can we get equip slots for lockpick and haxxor, since it's something where you'll probably want to use your best one anyway? I'd prefer to not have to worry about accidentally selling it if I'm going quickly and maybe those could just be used like pickpocket where it's in your power list when you press F (don't remember the name). Of course, it would mention that you need to have one of these items equipped to perform this action.
  • Is there a hotkey to toggle active weapon? If not, could you add one?
  • Can using the mouse wheel scroll the combat dialog window when I'm hovering over it?
  • The text is really hard for me to read at 2560x1600. This one is pretty minor, as I can just play on a lower resolution without much bother.

I had more but I can't remember them all right now. I'm sure I'll find some stuff when I'm playing later.

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