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Messages - Hal900x

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General / Foundry prison break = psychic guards?
« on: April 07, 2017, 02:48:46 am »
OK it bugs me when RPGs don't let you innovate a solution. I tried something different. First off, this is an uncontrolled zone. So while stealthed I lockpick the storage room and kill the power. Supervisor enters. I close door behind him, kill him, and escape into the vent before anyone enters. Then I return and sneak into surveillance room, disabling the cameras. Re-enter the vent, kill Todor when the guard is across the zone and out of site. Go back through the vent back to storage room, stealth out through the front entrance. Cameras detect me but since I hacked the surveillance no problem, right? No witnesses saw me do anything.

However, Foundry is now hostile :(

EDIT: The issue appears to be that the logic of the game does not allow you to disable the surveillance first, in spite of the fact that the text on the terminal leads you to believe this specifically. You can only do so after killing or escaping with Todor. I think the text should be changed, since mentioning that you configure it to "spoof" normal activity is misleading.

General / Re: Critical Power + Sharpshooter?
« on: April 07, 2017, 12:08:13 am »
Critical power applies to sharpshooter bonus as well. You can verify this by having your combat stat, offense tab open and move around. You'll see a sharp down in critical damage bonus until you are focused.

Thanks. Planning ahead, so I don't have 2 feats to test.

General / "special attack"
« on: April 06, 2017, 10:15:29 pm »
How are Special Attacks defined? Looking over the UI I'm guessing it needs to say "special attack" in the tooltip. I've seen a couple folks argue that special attacks include Burst, but I don't think so. For example, I have Attack, Aimed Shot, Burst and Snipe in my Invokder. Snipe is the only specifically listed as a special attack in the tooltip. I think that is the only one that gets the bonus to special attacks from, for example, Smart Goggles or a Smart Module on a Sniper Rifle.

General / Re: Tabi Boots not showing Dodge/Evasion bonus?
« on: April 06, 2017, 09:38:10 pm »
Yeah I did notice they updated on the stats page, but I guess I just wasn't using "Styg logic" as you said. Now that you've made the distinction between combat affecting skills and global skills, I get it. Thanks.

General / Cannot target stealthed enemies
« on: April 06, 2017, 09:36:28 pm »
I notice that even if I can see stealthed opponents, I cannot target them. For example, I see a stealthed Lurker via his shadowy outline. If I go into Attack mode, the crosshairs will not recognize them. I have to physically bump into them before I can get a lock. My detection is very high, and I am stealthed also. Do I need to turn off my own stealth before they become attackable? I am looking at the Paranoia feat and the bonus against stealthed enemies seems useless given this issue.

General / Critical Power + Sharpshooter?
« on: April 06, 2017, 09:28:49 pm »
Does the Sharpshooter feat take Critical Power into account? Or does it only affect the listed crit%? For example, I use a Spearhead rifle, which only has a 90% crit damage bonus. If I take Critical Power that gives me a 30% bonus for a total of 120%. However, that is only if I'm fully focused. Does Sharpshooter add to that focused bonus? Just making sure that the feat is "smart" enough to be based on the current critical bonus when focused using Sharpshooter.

Bugs / Re: Mutated Pig leather tabi boots bug
« on: April 05, 2017, 07:28:58 am »
I resurrected this thread because I'm still having this problem today. What's the status on this Styg? Is the bonus given but not showing up on the character sheet? I see the other changes (ie Stealth bonus) but no Dodge/Evasion.

EDIT: just to clarify, dodge/evasion does show up in the stats page, but not the character sheet. However, Stealth DOES show up in the character sheet as well as stats page. Perhaps just a minor display bug?

General / Re: Kidnap Sarine (Spoiler)
« on: April 04, 2017, 07:11:14 am »
I confirm the stealth check for taking her out straight from her home. Doing so and killing the king will not complete the quest as it  is still appearing in the journal. It seems there is a way to do both as the person who wrote the quest description on the wiki has succeded to do so. np save so not able to reset this quest... I suspect that it is necessary to lure her out of the camp and then stun her. That might be the option for not turning the village hostile.

Well, what exactly do you mean by "completing the quest"? I suspect you can mark it complete in the journal/notebook, but not get your reward for it since everyone is then hostile. Hope that makes sense. I could certainly be wrong, but it's possible the wiki editor was being technically correct, just not quite the way you are thinking?

General / Tabi Boots not showing Dodge/Evasion bonus?
« on: April 04, 2017, 07:09:01 am »
I found an old bug thread from 2015 discussing the fact that Tabi Boots do not add the Dodge or Evasion bonuses to your character sheet. I see this is still the case with my current game. I thought I'd post here before adding to the existing bug thread. Does the bonus just not show up, or is this still an issue? At first I thought maybe the bonus was hidden from the sheet, but since the Stealth bonus on the Boots does show up on the character sheet, I'm concerned.

General / Re: Kidnap Sarine (Spoiler)
« on: April 02, 2017, 06:46:56 am »
The wiki mentioned that you can kidnap her and still finish rathound king quest. The path indicated is to lure her out of the village and then inpacitate her. But when you do in the house there is a stealth check that confuses me that you can do it from inside. Weird thing is that first guards are friendly from south entrances but not main camp part... so no hunter feat for crossbow build...

The wiki page isn't very clear. You can technically complete Kill the Rathound King after kidnapping Sarine, yes...the wiki suggests allowing the boyfriend and the hunters to attack him, while you hide or run away, to whittle down his health so you can return and kill him more easily. However, the camp will still be hostile afterwards. Regardless of how you stun Sarine, the camp will be hostile. Also, the wiki does not mention that you can simply stun her in her home via taser, flashbang etc, and which point you will automatically be transported to the King's lair with her (close her door before doing so). I believe there is an automatic stealth check for this option, but not sure as the game gives no feedback here.

First off: with such a great game, how is the Wiki not full of detail?

Really, the core issue is the convoluted registration. We don't have that many editors and nobody bothers to register because they'd have to personally ask somebody for an account - what a hassle. Until Styg finds the time and motivation to work on his website, we'll be stuck with this situation. :(

So let me or Styg know if you'd like a wiki account. Believe me, we'd be happy to have more (potential) contributors!

Thank you, yes I would like to be "part of the solution". I'll put my time where my mouth is and do some edits. I found a couple errors so I'll start there.

Suggestions / Re: This game needs a one-time single feat respec
« on: April 02, 2017, 12:09:55 am »
Cannot think of any reason it shouldn't be in there, other than perhaps elitism
One of the reasons respec is a bad idea is that it can be abused to get benefit out of abilities/skills that don't need to be used more than a handful of times (crafting being the best example) to benefit the player for the entire game.

It would be less of an issue with a single feat, but it could still be potentialy used to respec a crafting feat after crafting endgame gear. For example respeccing Power Managment after crafting a top end shield, it would effectively be a free feat at this point.

Hrrrm, well, wouldn't crafting endgame gear happen at...endgame? You need to have a high level in a given craft skill to make the real endgame stuff, which can only happen towards the end of the game. But if you think it's terribly prone to abuse then limit the respec to combat feats. Personally I don't believe in protecting the player from themselves. If someone wants to exploit they will...cheatengine, etc.

General / Re: Can burst crit?
« on: April 02, 2017, 12:06:19 am »
no points in biology :|

Suggestions / This game needs a one-time single feat respec
« on: April 01, 2017, 07:21:07 am »
Perhaps once or twice per game, there should be a chance to respec at least one of your feats. Considering the game is very combat-centric, and one's character build is a huge part of the game, those of us who are not complete masters of the game mechanics would love to be able to earn a respec, even just one feat once per game. Cannot think of any reason it shouldn't be in there, other than perhaps elitism. There could be a quest to earn it, a level requirement, or just throw it in there quick n dirty.

General / Can burst crit?
« on: April 01, 2017, 07:10:00 am »
Do the individual shots in a burst still have a chance to crit?

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