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Topics - addictedorc

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / common sense vs. Game balance with crossbows
« on: January 06, 2017, 09:39:09 pm »
There are some feats like aimed shot, and bolt combinations like serrated and poison, that would make sense, but aren't mechanically possible in the game.  Was this intentional, should it be, would incorporating it be unbalancing? These are questions I can't answer but developers can, so I'm posting it here. I'm open to thoughts an opinions from developers and fellow players on whether changes like this should be incorporated.


Site Feedback & Suggestions / a character builder
« on: January 06, 2017, 07:28:06 pm »
For newer players like myself, a character builder that includes equipment would be helpful to answer some questions and understand how some game mechanics work.  Since there are level caps and no ability to redistribute skill / ability points, this would also help avoid the issue of learning that a character build doesn't work the way you thought it would, and then starting the game over.

Suggestions / "your" Under Rail (spoilers)
« on: January 06, 2017, 07:20:52 pm »
This suggestion probably entails a...(loathing) DLC recommendation...

Giving players the ability for the PC/protagonist to establish their own under rail station / settlement in an unclaimed zone would enhance the player's sense of ownership and pride in how their actions changed Underrail. For example, early in the game the player (usually) rescues a group of survivors who moved into the old base near the SGS.  Later on the player encounters people living in squalor in Junkyard (people who would probably leap at the opportunity to relocate to a better place).  Further on the player encounters rail crossing that is dying a slow death because they can't keep up their strength.  All of these present great opportunities for a player with a sufficient "reputation" score to recruit and establish a settlement of their own design. 

The player would also have an additional use for "loot" in terms of equipping recruited characters, buying "premade" structures from a vendor in core city or foundry (an ease for Underrail developers in contrast to building a full modding / builder package), etc...  If the player chose a place like an abandoned station, the player would need an ability to "assign" rooms to recruited PCs, etc...

If this idea is really liked, additional quests / plot lines like relations with other stations, contaminated water and/or wildlife issues could all come into play.

Thoughts anyone?

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