Underrail > Suggestions

Drag 'n' Drop


Drag 'n' Drop food vendor should sell all new food/drink items instead of a randomly rotating (?) limited selection and in larger quantity.

Since it's also randomly located I think it should appear on your map once you discovered it.

As a side note: is All-in a pickpocket exclusive? It never seems to be for sale at Drag 'n' Drop. Sleight of the Night also seems to be available only by *secret* and pickpocketing?

Currently there is an unintended behavior occurring when it comes to what items appear in the store. They should be tied to the current situation or event that's happening inside (the type of guests that are present). Right now, this is not the case due to a bug that causes it to generate only 2 different store collections, hence why you don't see those other cocktails you've mentioned. This bug also causes store to feel quite bloated on several drinks, which also shouldn't happen.

The randomness of the events and the stores related to them are here to stay, it'll just make more sense in the future once it's working properly. The drinks appearing will be tied to the events, there will be fewer of them (quantity), but the selection will vary quite a bit. The events occur relatively fast. This was made to give players a reason to return to the club rather than being one and done situation. Also yes, currently due to this bug, it would seem some drinks are pickpocketing exclusive.

We've discussed internally about the map feature when it comes to D 'n' D's location. We'll see what we can do about that.


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