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Messages - Greep

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Well, they should really give eidein a dagger or something so he goes leroy on them  ;)  Because I could seriously keep him alive for.... a while xD

Suggestions / Re: Suggested newbie builds
« on: April 02, 2015, 10:13:09 am »
Primary stats don't affect damage, but they effectively do because skills affect primary damage.
Not true =P
Think about some Melee weapons!

Oh fine, nitpicker :P  As for the int feats, it's mainly a matter of disassemble not paying off.  That -10% condition really bites you in the bum, as you end up finding better components in stores.

Suggestions / Re: Suggested newbie builds
« on: April 02, 2015, 10:05:54 am »
Primary stats don't affect damage, but they effectively do because skills affect primary damage.  Since primary stats bump skills by 8-10% (don't know the number) I'm assuming it's a 10% increase.  Possibly not, but I know it's pretty decent.  The extra damage is not shown on your guns, although it is shown on your psionic skills.

I mean really now.  I should've broght more rifles, these are going to go bust sooner or later.

Serious note: why isn't eidein getting on the elevator?  Or is the plot railroaded so you're the one who has to go down.

General / Spray and pray: Aiming to miss
« on: April 02, 2015, 09:23:08 am »
So, now that it pays to just ditch the sniper and dual wield an assault rifle with the new feats and components, I've noticed something really weird: it pays to aim for low percentage targets with bursts when there's a crowd most of the time!  The reason?  Underrail has a very strange way of handling burst misses.

It seems like when you miss with a burst attack, every time you miss a target it tries to attack anyone in your burst cone.  The result is that if you have 4 opponents the odds of missing altogether are very low.  As such, rather than waste bullets finishing off a close target at a chance to hit of 70 (you'll kill him after 3 shots and the rest go to waste), it's usually better to attack the far off guy with a chance to hit of 15!

With this tactic and commando and hornets, you can sometimes take out 4 guys in one turn because you get ~27 bullets and they're all going to hit something.  If you have 9 AP hornets and can toss a grenade and a premeditated pyrokinesis as well in the same turn... (27x2 + 15 + 0 = 69).. well... you get the idea.

Suggestions / Re: Suggested newbie builds
« on: April 02, 2015, 09:14:40 am »
Well.. sort of.  Every point in your primary attack is about 10% more damage, so that adds up.  While most builds don't benefit from going all the way to 16 in a stat like they used to, most of the time you should go pretty high.  My current assault build is 8 str, 10 con, 11 perc, and 7 int, and I probably didn't need to go so high in int, the feats really didn't pay off.

But even then, a lot of players don't even get that feat access and damage is the primary purpose of stats.

Bugs / Re: 0.1.14 bugs
« on: April 02, 2015, 08:32:22 am »
Looks like you found clark kent.

General / Re: Black eel rampage
« on: April 02, 2015, 08:29:22 am »
Well it wasn't just the embassy, it was SRO and their base in core city :D  I'm not surprised at the protectorate, just the eels, as I swear this hasn't happened in a previous version despite pissing off the protectorate and also getting an alliance with the eels.

Maybe it would be nice if whenever you piss off a faction you get a notice? Example "For your actions, you have become vilified with the powder gangers!"

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #38: Version released
« on: April 02, 2015, 08:21:41 am »
Haha guys, you're so easy to troll. It's just an April Fools joke!
Styg is not joking here  >:(
Setting minimal AP cost to 4 is making it 4 times as bad and even Sid Meier/Obsidian balances things by 'just' doubling and halfing them.
_3_ will be ok)
Wait is this pre or post lightning punches? I.e. 4 ap or 2?
I think it's a hard limit of any ap cost)
Well it's 17 attack at 4 ap, so.. doesn't sound too far off anyways.  Stunlocking 8 people with cheap shots is kinda silly.
17? oO 17x4=68? Sutnlocking 8 people? with 15% chance to incapacitate?
It's easier to throw a flashbang into the crowd =P

Yeah adrenaline gives 70 ap, so you can get 17 shock fists in at 4 per round.  Given you can then run around a corner and not take any damage because of fancy footwork, doesn't that feel fair?  As far as stunlocking people with 1 ap fists, I bet hilf can tell you what that's like ;)

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #38: Version released
« on: April 02, 2015, 07:14:25 am »
Wait is this pre or post lightning punches? I.e. 4 ap or 2?

Well it's 17 attack at 4 ap, so.. doesn't sound too far off anyways.  Stunlocking 8 people with cheap shots is kinda silly.

General / Re: Black eel rampage
« on: April 02, 2015, 07:06:45 am »
No and yes (finished free drones, went rambo in free maura although I did kill the security guy first).  Pretty sure there weren't any cans at the dock even though there probably should have been.

I think it's just weird because this is the first time it's happened despite my having pissed off the protectorate before in other games.  Then again, I sometimes leave the scrapper assault for much later so I can scum those 2 hexogens off gort every junkyard visit xD

Alliance rampages are pretty unpredictable.  I trashed SRO one game and then walked up to fort apogee and was greeted xD

General / Re: [spoilers]Finding That Guy
« on: April 02, 2015, 01:18:40 am »
Ah yeah that would make sense -.-

General / [spoilers]Finding That Guy
« on: April 02, 2015, 01:07:24 am »
Okay so eiden just never stays still -.- lydia wanted me to talk to him and I can't find him anywhere... I've run into him by the fountain and the biology investigation place, but now that I need to find him I can locate him anywhere.  Can he literally go anywhere or what?

General / Re: Assault rifle build kinda crazy?
« on: April 02, 2015, 12:50:46 am »
Yeah heavy armor really doesn't get any good until you start getting 90+ mech resistance.  But it's not like the beginning is hard anyways when you can craft an antithermic 15 dt tactical vest xD  Or I guess blast cloth these days...

General / Black eel rampage
« on: April 01, 2015, 10:01:54 pm »
So I enter junkyard docks and.. black eels everywhere start attacking me for no reason.  Towards the end game.  Has this happened to anyone?  Does pissing the protectorate off cause this if you allied with them to take out the scrappers?

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