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Messages - TheAverageGortsby

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Suggestions / Re: Shadowrun Returns-style healing?
« on: March 04, 2017, 08:29:23 pm »
Is it abnormal that I'm swimming in healing items near the end of the game?
I don't know.  I was constantly running out of them on my psi character until I started doing shopping runs between city hubs; it's what prompted the topic.  If most people experience a supply surplus like you did, then the problem is just that I suck at the game.  That's not hard to believe =)

Suggestions / Re: Shadowrun Returns-style healing?
« on: March 03, 2017, 09:18:31 pm »
Right.  I understand all those things, but none of them relate to my question and proposed solution.  Are you saying that there's a tacit assumption that psi builds should expect to need more chems and to take specific feats?  Dedicated psi builds have fewer skill points to throw around then builds that eschew psi entirely, so it's even harder to afford the points to pump Bio to cook your own, and especially Tranquility builds will need to use them often to cover even the slightest of mistakes.  And sometimes not even mistakes.

My first playthrough was a dedicated psi character and he seemed pretty good.  Then I tried a stealth sniper and thought, hm, psi builds are actually really powerful.  Then just for laughs I made a 10 STR 10 CON hammer maniac and ROFLstomped the game.  The dude disarms mines by stepping on them and regenerating their paltry damage.  Combats are a primer in Dwarven fighting style.  "OK, I'll run up to him and hit him.  Then, I'll run over to him, and hit him."

As it is, with 25% health reduction, there's no struggle with health.  Pop a syringe and move along.  But until I tried something else I didn't realize how much it slowed down the game.  Go do trading rounds to pick up more hypos since almost every lurker gets one shot in before it falls.  Almost every group fight will have someone who gets a lucky grenade off, or your damage rolls will be bad and they'll get in close enough to get a hit in.  And with 50% health reduction, the struggle will be dead/not dead.  Not so much dead/hurt/actually quite fine thanks.  If higher med use and heavy weighting of Doctor is expected for Psi builds, no problem - it's what I was doing anyway with Psi builds.  But a four-school psi build with half health?  Sounds like it'll be pretty limited.  So I wondered if the idea of making error control available for the glass cannons, as it is for tanks, was interesting.  Perhaps it was not.

Suggestions / Shadowrun Returns-style healing?
« on: February 26, 2017, 04:04:38 pm »
I get that too much healing takes away from the resource management metagame.  But with the 50% base health reduction psi characters will be looking at in veteran levels, even small hits will pull them out of the regen range.  Moderate ones will take them out of bandaging range as well.  Maybe a dedicated psi character could be able to have roughly the same med reliance of a 10+ Con battering ram?

A stitch in time:  heals x% of the damage taken in the last hit (up to 75% perhaps?).  long cooldown.

Any big hit would still be brought back into bandaging range, and small hits might still come back to regen range, as long as the combat was handled well and not may hits were taken.  Because high armor, high Con builds will tend to take less damage per hit, this sort of ability would scale favorably toward flimsier characters, which don't get to benefit often from regen.

I know there's a sort of healing ability in the upcoming psi school, but it looks more like it's designed for abuse w/r/t Implosion echoes or morphine chains or some such.   A pure heal that can only undo part of the last damage taken wouldn't remove the need for healing consumables, and would still be only situationally useful (burst fire hit you?  Too bad.)

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #49: Temporal Manipulation
« on: January 27, 2017, 06:44:52 pm »
Entropic Recurrence repeats only a percentage (depending on Temporal Manipulation skill) of the original damage, not the full damage. Also keep in mind that Implosion does not ignore damage resistance. Besides, there is already a better Implosion trick for instant kills. ;)
Ah, the importance of the proper article.  The description in the OP says "the percentage" not "a percentage" so I thought that meant if you did damage equal to X% of the target health, ER would smear an additional X% across 3 turns, effectively doubling whatever the damage was.  So it's not a doubling, just some sort of additional DoT.  OK.  Thanks for the clarification.

I try to avoid instant-kill tricks so haven't really made much use of Implosion, but there certainly are a lot of shenanigans available if you've got all three psi schools at your disposal.

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #49: Temporal Manipulation
« on: January 27, 2017, 06:26:49 am »
Hello all.  Quick question, if I may.  At very high skill levels, Implosion can cause 75% or more of target health in damage.  If Implosion, on a full-health target, is followed by Entropic Recurrence, will the target be taking 100% of its health before it can act?  Sounds like 75% + (75/3)%.  Quick way to handle pesky boss-types, if so.  Thanks much, and thanks for making this game.  Been having a blast with it, even if your burrowers do give me angina.

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