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Messages - JeffTheShark

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Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: February 02, 2013, 10:10:37 pm »
oh cool. good for them.

« on: February 02, 2013, 05:37:36 pm »
OK OK not those things PER-SAY but a dodging mechanic, like how in say... Dwarf fortress, someone fires a bow. an arrow isn't SLOW its not a speeding bullet either. so you have a (low) chance for it to miss, and a (skill based) chance to dodge away like the awesome Neo-Esque bad-ass you truly are. something like that based on how fast an attack is, like melee and far away-ish crossbow shots. things like that

and not unicorns PER-SAY but somekind of mutated wildlife that are more iconic. sure theres the rathounds and the burrowers, and the cave hoppers. but what else? the fallout universe had brahmin, bighorners, deathclaws, cyotes, radscorpeons, giant spiders, AND the newest one, new vegas, has added a ludicrous amount of plant life as well, PLUS a huge amound of enemy HUMAN factions, raiders, the masters army, powder gangers, the legion, the NCR, etc. and then theres still the securitrons and whatever else robotic. and thats just one game! this game is a mash up of 15 other sub genres and takes from so many more in spirit, you'd think there were more than large rats and evil slugs to pump full of lead.

and not broadswords pe- actualy broadswords is good! becauase i was gonna say something in between a GIANT SUPER SLEDGE  and a dinky ittsy bittsybaby boo little knify wify and a broadsword fits the bill pretty ok! i mean the other weapon types are well fleshed out. the guns have high powered sniper rifles and dinky baby 9 mill pussy guns. the psy powers have mind rape, then SUPER HOLY FUCK SHIT ASS OH MY GAWD IM MEEEELLLTINGSMAAAAAAASAJSASHDBSH... come to think of it the psy powers could use some balancing too... hmm.... anyway thats my ideas.

Site Feedback & Suggestions / the accountlist
« on: February 02, 2013, 05:13:25 pm »
it appears the forum has a pretty bad bottfestation i found out about the accountlist feature; the first 3-4 pages are accounts that have bogus websites and contact information, and are all !abdjflskjbfa type deals. just to let you know.

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: February 02, 2013, 05:05:37 pm »
well your not getting it. i refer you to 5 posts ago where i said the save file was currupted. it still is.

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: January 27, 2013, 05:23:50 am »
i..... have been avoiding this... honestly.... i.... the save file.... is.......*sigh* corrupted. fuck. every time i load it, even with a fresh program, it says that the file is corrupted. and honestly i am NOT playing the entire year over, with like 5 forgotten beasts, 3 caravaans, and umpteen trillion mother FUCKING 'path not found's! no. im done. mahzeus, if you want, the save from the beggining of the year is there, and i'l even upload the corrupted mid-winter save if you want it. but no. no more beastes, no more 'miserable' dorfs, no more sober forts, and for Armok's sake, i didn't even have !!FUN!!

Other Games / Re: Space Station 13
« on: January 23, 2013, 03:13:21 am »
or when the admins give everyone a shitton of guns and ammo and playes random pink floyd! or other !!FUN!! stuff!

Other Games / Re: Forum game : *Insert Generic Title!* (IGT)
« on: January 19, 2013, 03:19:39 am »
*cough*shut the hell up if you enjoy your current levels of insultedess*cough*

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: January 19, 2013, 03:18:18 am »
nope, i've been working on getting my butcher to stop stanking up the first level. easiest thing was to just make the whole level 'outside' by digging out the top. its worked so far, but these *rotten crundle brains* have to go somewhere and my dorfs don't understand what dumps are for. sigh.

Other Games / Forum game : Random rpg, now with more betterness
« on: January 17, 2013, 10:11:38 pm »
Hello and welcome to IGT with me! Jeff. in case, you know, you couldn't read the name tag or anything. so, just to lay down some rules here's a list.

1:!!FUN!! is happening. as it ALWAYS does. we could discuss the !!SPECIFICS!! of !!FUN!! on a later date. but for now, doen't worry about it.
2: i am the DM here. that means i have secondary ruler-ship over the thread. Styg has the wheel, i'm holding map. if someone particularly pisses me off, then so help me, i will open the can of verbal woop-ass and apply elite liberal justice!

3: this isn't a damn college course of Norse/Slavic/pre-Jesus history, its a forum game. great discression on the part if the viewer is needed. There WILL be inaccuracies, there WILL be miss spelled things, and there WILL be liberal levels of meta shit going on. its part of the atmosphere, embrace it!


now that, that's over i can lay down some game rules

1: submit a character profile like this



you can now put points (5) into any of these given skills!
each should be self explanitory, cuttin is fighting with edged weapons, bashin is fighting with blunted weapons, hackin; with axes, shootin; crossbows, etc.


axe + chainmail
sword + chainmail
bow + chainmail
tools + bag


any given stat  with any number of points, you dont HAVE to choose a the 'appropriate' pack as your starting items, you could get the tools, bash a bandits head in, and steal HIS sword! its free flow story here!

ok so more than likely everything about this topic will fly under the radar and no one will do anything here, but on the off chance that you do somehow find this and enjoy it, then holy shit im famous. but other than that, this will be illustrated with MS paint and awesome stuff will happen (mabye)

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: January 17, 2013, 09:45:59 pm »
wait so im not the only one who watches one f jef? AWESOME.

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: January 15, 2013, 02:51:41 am »
alrighty this the list of goals i set for myself.  i now have to do all that i didn't check in 2 MONTHS. BINGE TIME!
-- leavers to shut in all of the civilian dorfs rooms in the advent of SEIGGGGG

--lava amnemities CHECK

-- meeting room with 2 levers, i leave the finding out of what they do to you... heh... heh....

--several levels of stockpiles (QUANTUM FIXES WHAT THE FUA WY YU NAW WARK?!)check

--stripper pole in the bar

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: January 15, 2013, 02:44:02 am »
armoks beard! maheuzs! traps are soft elven wood in comparison to my solid adamantine Batistai! also, after some dorfen therapy (a shitfuckTOOOOOONNNAAGE! of hard booze, "golden salve" and a few days in vegas, im finaly ready to do my duty as dwarven leader! for armok!

ok! so i recently had a falling out with my girlfriend that has left me in a veritable PIT of self pity, tears, and not a small amount of hard liquor. i don't really know what i did, or how it happened, or even why i did it, but now my significant other has just become my 'other' she won't SPEAK to me, she won't TOUCH me, she won't be AROUND me, and she can hardy even LOOK at me! halp!

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: January 12, 2013, 04:26:31 am »
well considering the MASSIVE amount of *candy* arming, the immigrants should be splurging in! that AND my wonderful ladies! I've decided to introduce a strip club! what i'll do is make adamantine standing poles/spears or something, and the make a 3-by-3 burrow around it, with *masterwork* plump helmet food, assign some lovely lady to it, put a bar in the corner full of exotic alcoholic delicacies, and rat-weed, which i mistook for actual weed when i bought the caravans entire crop of pot, and masterwork  candy pipes. its gonna be great! (disclaimer: all or none of these things may or may not be possibly inapropriate for the consumption of children under the dwarven working age of 10. they contain jokes, bay 12 references, liberal levels of liberally applied liberal justice, and/or copious amounts of sexual references.(disclaimer disclaimer: i was at least slightly buzzed (read: falling over drunk) due to the recent breaking of my blood circulation muscle(s) by a certain close-held female associate during there writeing of the previous paragraph this left me in a state of slight disarray.(read: IM FUCKED BRO!)))

Other Games / Re: What games are you playing?
« on: January 04, 2013, 05:58:36 pm »
    what am i currently playing? what am I CURRENTLY PLAYING?! i am playing
    • dwarf fortress
    • overlord
    • far cry 3
    • assassins creed 3 (it sucks... :'(
    • fallout 2
    • fallout new vegas.

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