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Bugs / Re: gang showdown protectorate ammo
« Last post by PhrygianDominant on Today at 06:14:17 pm »
Bugs / Re: Clipping dog
« Last post by PhrygianDominant on Today at 06:02:55 pm »
Before Heavy Duty, all options for getting hired into Expedition either involved serious, easily verifiable work or at least had a relatively high Persuasion check. But now simply returning from Compound does the trick, and that can be done completely trivially by just recharging the train and walking back. The Ladelman commentary doesn't sound convincing either. The situation can be summed up as "I was (supposedly) hired by some train operator that Ladelman arm-wrestled with, and (supposedly) he and his team are now dead and I'm the only survivor". It's completely unclear to me why this story should convince Briggs to hire you for Expedition.

I don't know whether the game is past the point of improving such things, but one very low-hanging option would be to require the player to wear or possess one of the Exoskeletons when interviewing. Gameplay-wise, this ensures that the player at least got to Exoskeleton Assembly room, and story-wise, Briggs should be impressed by Exoskeletons just as Protectorate Marines at the Rig are.
General / Re: Anybody know how to craft this gun?
« Last post by Anka on Today at 02:44:56 pm »
On the same line, cant seem to find gold chunks to craft the golden hammer seen in Oskars display
General / Re: Anybody know how to craft this gun?
« Last post by harperfan7 on May 07, 2024, 01:11:37 pm »
I have become 1337, speaker of worlds
Bugs / Compound Psychophract Training Room performance issues
« Last post by PaposikG6 on May 06, 2024, 01:17:47 pm »
Game becomes extrmely laggy in Compound training room on my save during the fight against four psychophract squads. Unsure if the issue is on my end or if it's related somehow to large amount of psychophracts (normal version of Training Compound battle didn't cause any issues)

Save link:
Suggestions / Battery action to recharge currently equipped shield
« Last post by yako on May 06, 2024, 09:08:02 am »
There's already a button to fully recharge the shield, however if you have several types of batteries in the inventory, it usually spends 2-3 small lithium cells, or starts with a fusion cell followed by lithium cells. When you need to do this quickly and fully recharge the shield with a greater battery (for example, when just disengaged from combat or exploring ice t.), you still need to select "recharge item", then move and click on the shield emitter. Would be useful to add fourth action to assign recharging shield for all types of batteries to do this instantly.
Bugs / Foundry Prison key double
« Last post by PaposikG6 on May 06, 2024, 07:51:21 am »
Armory Key (Foundry) carried by Delma and Prison Armory Key (Foundry) found in surveilance room are used to open the same door to the armory despite being two different keys.

Possible oversight caused by one of the following:
- It was supposed to be a copy of the same key
- Prison Armory Key (Foundry) was supposed to be used to open the lockers in the armory itself, not the doors to the armory (description suggests that this is the case). Currently lockers in the armory are not locked
Bugs / Foundry Prison Security Malfunction
« Last post by PaposikG6 on May 06, 2024, 07:28:55 am »
For some reason this one auto-turret didn't turn hostile
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