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Topics - cowboy curtis

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I heard that there was a "bug" where the two didn't work together. Was wondering if that has been fixed, or if the two are meant to not benefit from each other?

General / Locus of Control Range?
« on: May 11, 2020, 03:35:03 pm »
I have not acquired LoC yet, but I was wondering if it has the same or different range than the specified spell? For example if you use LoC with Enrage, is the range at which you cast it still 5? Or does it work like grenades where the further you are the less accurate it becomes?

No major spoilers please. I am at a point in the game where I have to return a train for Rail Crossing.

I was just wondering if not-helping The Drones will ruin my questline with Abram and his associates?

Builds / Opinion on this Sniper Thought Control build?
« on: May 02, 2020, 10:32:19 pm »

Was trying to work out a stealth glass cannon build that could utilize specific psi skills. Namely Neurovisual Disruption for quickly entering Stealth. Doppleganger / Enrage with Locus of Control for Crowd Control. Destabilization for AoE.

I have actually never used Thought Control so I don't know how well this would work. Also not sure if I should cap it at 75 or keep boosting it. This is not for dominating.

General / Where can I find different collectors for the blob pistols?
« on: April 22, 2020, 03:06:43 pm »
I'm around level 12 and I haven't found any vendors that sell incendiary or cryogenic collectors. Are they really rare or do they show up later?

Builds / Simple Energy Weapons Build. Is Riot armor "bad" ?
« on: April 18, 2020, 05:34:37 pm »

Here's the build I've been toying with. Some questions I had:

- My main concern is that I've heard riot+shield isn't all that great? Keep in mind this is for normal difficulty.

- Would 10 INT be better for boosting High Technicalities rather than 16 DEX?

Builds / Opinions on this Spear / Nade / Temporal Build?
« on: April 10, 2020, 09:11:00 pm »

My first attempt at creating a build after borrowing some ideas. Maybe paranoia over snooping?

 I had a lot of points leftover that I dumped into crafting... any input appreciated

This is my first playthrough and this build looked fun. I plan to go Oddity, and I noticed a lot of his new builds do not have Hacking and Lockpicking which I imagine would be a big problem.

Not sure how out of date it is though. Is there anything major I should change?

The build-

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