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Messages - blackmoor

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Suggestions / Re: Blackmoor's Money Suggestions
« on: April 29, 2013, 02:18:30 am »
How far in the game are you, blackmoor?
Money stops being an issue, for most players, after the GMS compound quest.
Characters that are more dependent on equipment may have a rougher time at the beginning of the game, but overall the economy isn't too harsh on the player.
Hello, LazyMonk.

I'm at the end of the Alpha main plot with a jack-of-all-trades, meaning my characters needs to do a lot of shopping in addition to basic survival supplies. I realize the game is about being smart with resources and not taking a single hypo or bullet for granted. In my experience money isn't any easier to get later in the game, but that's a matter of opinion. This thread is merely a collection of suggestions I thought of during my play through.

Being able to steal money or items back was one of the funnest bartering mechanics from Planescape Torment, Baldur's Gate and Fallout. These classic RPGs are the giant shoulders that Underrail stands on. I merely leave this thread as a reminder and hope that the monetary system as a whole is expanded and has added depth in the future.

Bugs / Re: Minor Cliff Quest Bug
« on: April 29, 2013, 01:52:12 am »
Fixed this. Should work correctly with the next version.

I should have known, my apologies.

Thanks for the response.

Site Feedback & Suggestions / Re: captcha & question after every post?
« on: April 28, 2013, 11:25:35 pm »
Captcha is almost impossible to read by people with bad eyesight which makes big number Fallout fans.  ;)

I had to click dozen times just to get one barely readable, isn't there something like math problems as protection? Like 2+2=?
I've found the only way to solve them is to click "Listen to Captcha" and a recording will pronounce the letters for you.

General / Controls - Keybinding Question
« on: April 28, 2013, 10:51:26 pm »
Are there plans to allow the player to assign controls in the Options menu?

Note: I want to move the camera with AWSD instead of the Arrow Keys. Is there a config file I can hack?

Thanks in advance.

Announcements / Re: Underrail released on Desura and GamersGate!
« on: April 28, 2013, 10:43:13 pm »
Bought this on Desura and gave it a review that I think justifies a 10/10 rating.

Let's Plays / Re: A couple Let's Plays I've seen so far.
« on: April 28, 2013, 10:34:38 pm »

General / Re: extremely slow by steady progress..working as intended?
« on: April 28, 2013, 10:29:17 pm »
Thanks for the help, I tried posting, but I honestly couldn't read the captcha. I'll probably pick up the game, but I won't be going through this nonsense of figuring out the secret password everytime I post. Thanks but no thanks.
This is my first day on the forums and that confused me also. But after a couple of posts you no longer have to do the captcha thing. Until then you can click "listen to captcha" and don't have to worry about unreadable text. They must have had a major problem with spam in the past.

I'm really enjoying the game and would definitely recommend the full version.  Good luck.

Suggestions / Blackmoor's Money Suggestions
« on: April 28, 2013, 10:17:13 pm »
Would it be possible to implement any of these suggestions?

- Completing quests for merchants cause them to give you better deals--OR--if you save the town merchants like you more.

- When you pickpocket a merchant, you can steal the amount of cash they have in their barter window (the amount dynamically updates).

- Characters with skilled bartering or intimidation can use dialogue challenges to win discounts with merchants.

- Major story quests grant you more money, plus bonus items if you do a really good job (note: 500 is not enough to restock on supplies).

- Locked chests contain money (currently none of them have cash in them).

Note: I really like the difficulty in the game (it's a big part of the appeal), but I think the economy could be improved.

Bugs / Minor Cliff Quest Bug
« on: April 28, 2013, 09:19:10 pm »
(Possible Spoilers)

I used up all the antidotes Cliff gave me fighting the Burrowers to get to his wife. When I realized this I decided to go back and buy more before opening the room his wife was hiding in. When I climb out of the trapdoor Cliff dies, but I figure I can at least save his wife. So I buy more antidote and go back and save his wife. When I give her the antidote, I'm transported to the surface where Cliff's dead-body is talking to his wife. Not even in death will his wife cut him a break. :( Poor guy.

Note: But at least I got the EXP and it didn't break the game.

Discussions / Re: How did you find out about this game?
« on: April 28, 2013, 09:04:44 pm »
I found out about it browsing Steam Greenlight, then I started recommending it to people on various forums.

General / Re: extremely slow by steady progress..working as intended?
« on: April 28, 2013, 08:54:01 pm »
The difficulty in combat is part of the appeal for me.

This is a role-playing game where the odds are stacked against you. So for the rathounds, might I suggest using more tactics? You could get them lined up and toss a grenade to soften them up, or set a mine and lure them into it. If you had a crossbow and tranquilizers, you could stun them all and shot them point-blank. If you had psi powers you could freeze one of them, stun the other and focus your gun fire on the third. The difficulty requires a little more planning and consideration for each encounter, because as you say... it's challenging.

Note: You can always export your character and start again with the leveling progress you've made as well.

Announcements / Re: Underrail on Steam Greenlight
« on: April 28, 2013, 08:37:33 pm »
I up voted, then introduced to this game to a friend and he up voted as well.

Good luck with the Greenlight.

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