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Topics - LightningMonk

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General / Junkyard Fishing tour quest
« on: December 26, 2015, 01:47:14 am »
Anybody have an idea where Phantom Jelly and Ghost Face fishes can be caught? These seem to be super rare and I can't see them in any of the cave rivers no matter how much I look for them (Unless they're only in Deep Caverns which I've yet to enter).

General / What's the level cap for 1.0
« on: December 20, 2015, 11:20:09 pm »
Is the level cap still 25? I just want a heads up before I get too adventurous with my build. :P

Suggestions / Dreadnought Usability
« on: August 24, 2015, 02:23:35 am »
I think I forgot to mention this months ago so while it is fresh in my head...

The Hephaetus mission was fun except for one thing: it can be a pain in the ass for characters with no investment in guns. With a pretty bad chance to hit with everything except the drill, it can be difficult kill the burrowers and spawn in any significant number. Combined with the constant laying of eggs, it is very easy to become surrounded and kited to boredom as they can't really do that much to you either. I think something should be done to make non-gunners more effective in this scenario.

Suggestions / A Super Steel Addict's minor quibble.
« on: May 18, 2015, 03:02:41 pm »
Is it really neccessary to travel all the way to Gloria to give Charons to create super steel, leave,  and the return after a period to recieve them?
It would be more convenient to not have to traverse three whole maps four times just to get that done by just having to deal with Leone on Foundry's doorstep. She is the metal merchant and a player who wants steel shaping is going to visit her eventually. Just let the steel be delivered to her for pick up, even better if the charons could also be delivered through her. It would also be less of a hassle to know whether the steel has been produced already from her without having to make the trip up north. I know Bernard is lonely and all ,but I'm tired of seeing his mug. Plus he already has Gloria.

Bugs / Junkyard Freedrone Base and Gauntlet Electrified Level Bug
« on: February 19, 2015, 01:29:09 pm »
-Returning down the ladder to the Free Drone base in Junkyard just after the Protectorate sting leads to a zone transition error.

-Loading a save on the electrified platform level will cause the game to crash. It seems to happen after a few seconds without fail.

Bugs / Arena Undead Fighters Bug
« on: February 10, 2015, 01:53:29 am »
I was participating in the first arena fight and decided that instead of only killing rathounds it'd be better if I was the last man standing . I threw an incendiary grenade at one of the challengers and the legendary rathound which killed both then hightailed it behind the pillars to prepare to kill his companion next turn. When I moved from behind the pillars, the corpses were not in the spot they were in the previous turn and were actually capable of moving ,attacking and using special abilities. They couldn't be highlighted, looted and took a square just like any other live npc. This persisted until I killed the other challenger who had not experienced the same problem and died like usual, but the corpses of the others were still unable to be highlighted or looted and the game was not concluded leaving stuck in the arena.

save link

Bugs / Coretech assignment after warehouse job not starting
« on: January 27, 2015, 06:27:59 pm »
Made a thread of this in general, but it seems like I can call this genuine bug now.

I've completed the warehouse mission and was told to wait for a runner to call me for the next one. It's been a while and i'm not sure of the exact time frame but it's been at least four shopkeeper restocks since that happened with a gauntlet completion in between and i'm starting to get worried. Should it take this long?
I was already Invictus and completed the Core City Gorsky Missions before starting the Coretech missions. Apart from the Oculus missions, I can't think of anything holding me back. I had also gone up and down the route to the Arena because it seemed to be likely cause to be too, no dice  :(.

General / Long wait time for the next Coretech assignment...
« on: January 12, 2015, 01:10:26 am »
I've completed the warehouse mission and was told to wait for a runner to call me for the next one. It's been a while and i'm not sure of the exact time frame but it's been at least four shopkeeper restocks since that happened with a gauntlet completion in between and i'm starting to get worried. Should it take this long?

General / Combat Glove Energy Cost Conundrum
« on: January 06, 2015, 04:06:40 am »
While looking closely at the energy cost of using shock and pneumatic gloves, I've noticed that it can vary widely and there doesn't seem to be  a fixed aspect that determines it. Below if taken some shots of a few I've come across, the last two are ones I've crafted (with the power management feat active.) I'm not sure why, but the ones I crafted have are higher energy cost than the purchasable/scavenged ones. This isn't always the case, yet I haven't managed to get energy cost on par of the scavenged/purchased pneumatic ones for some reason. Am I missing something?

Suggestions / A few suggestions
« on: August 17, 2014, 03:48:21 am »
After playing the latest build ,which is excellent by the way, I had a few suggestions:
- I completed the Gorsky's quest to take down the gang in Core City I visited Dan in Foundry. After telling him about Gorsky and convincing him to join the Zone Rats, his dialogue was still written in a way that hadn't acknowledged that we already wiped out the gang. This should be changed.
-I noticed items which require energy that are placed on the quick bar can be recharged with batteries. However the cursor does not change to acknowledge that and shows a cannot use sign when hovered over despite being usable. I guess this isn't intentional.
-Dialogue for merchants in Junkyard still have the dialogue option for the Armadillo Drill quest still intact long after it's completed. A minor annoyance for sure, but I feel like it doesn't need to be there anymore after the fact for consistency.
-Not really a suggestion ,but the level cap is killing me! Seeing the over 100 exp I've acquired over this play through  go to waste after hitting the cap makes me real sad :'(.

That's all for now. Keep up the good work.

Bugs / Bug with The Beast cutscene near the Furnace
« on: May 18, 2014, 01:13:48 am »
I managed to fend off all the bladelings in the end battle , but died immediately afterwards due to bleeding wounds  :'(. The menu opened up as usual ,yet the cutscene for the Beast to walk under the smelter(?) still triggered after I died and left the menu unresponsive. The scene never plays, it's just stuck at the beginning.

General / Rathound King Kidnapping
« on: May 18, 2014, 01:06:20 am »
Is anyone aware of how to kidnap the woman for the crown prince of of vermin? I tried to stun her, net her and stuff her in a dog crate, but apparently that isn't a viable option :P.

Capturing Borer in dog crate with Force Emissions active crashes the game.

Title is self explanatory. Capturing borers in previous playthrough caused no problems ,but did in my latest one. The game crashes as soon as I use the dog crate on an entangled borer. After a number of tries, it appears that capturing always works as normal when Force Emission is not active ,but will always crash if it is active while capturing borers. Did not test with cave hoppers or whatever else could be captured in dog crates.

Bugs / Faceless Centaur drops Faceless Centaur Kick weapon
« on: May 05, 2014, 12:44:56 pm »
Based on the icon, lack of discription and the stats this probably was not something that the player was intended to obtain :P. This is in the Faceless cave west of Foundry.

Bugs / I managed to kill The Beast without completing the quest
« on: May 04, 2014, 09:13:22 am »
I killed The Beast with my bare fist (weapons) while exploring and without knowing that the creature was attached to any quest. :P When I found the mayor later, it turned out that I had knowing completed all his required quest ,but he doesn't acknowledge me killing The Beast. I completed as much of the quest as I could after that just in case the game  would acknowledge me killing the beast along the way ,but no dice. I guess it was never meant to be possible to kill the beast outside of the quest, so this can be considered a bug?

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