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Bugs / Wrong Music?
« on: January 19, 2016, 07:05:11 pm »
The music that plays in the Mushroom forest is called "MutagenTanks" in the game files while there is also one named "MushroomForest" that doesn't play anywhere in the game as far as I know.

Is it a bug, or maybe it's intended and "MushroomForest" file is just a leftover or something?

Bugs / Creeping Dread duration exploit
« on: January 16, 2016, 12:15:44 am »
While I appreciate you guys tried to balance it a bit by making it go away faster, the duration is too short now.

It's possible to get rid of all the debuff stacks by simply waiting until it has like 2-3 seconds of duration left, then initating combat and ending it. It will go away before it can stack again, so you will have only one stack again instead of getting more of them.

General / Shield rechargers?
« on: January 10, 2016, 01:30:41 am »
According to the wiki, there is not only a blueprint for them, but also unique components to craft it and such, all with textures, working formulas and basically ready to be put into the game.

But the only example of shield recharging I ever seen in the game are the plasma sentries in Arke power plant.

I wonder if there are any plans to implement them (perhaps in an expansion/DLC/sequel/whatever?) or is just an abandoned idea that didn't make it into the game? I predict it's the latter, but they would be great to have, especially in those rare fights where enemies use EMP grenades.

Bugs / Deep Caverns canister bug
« on: December 29, 2015, 01:42:34 pm »
I have all the parts already installed, high mechanics (160+) and the manual, all I'm missing is one fluid canister.

The problem is, it's like the game doesn't register installing it. After doing it there are still only two of them standing next to the mechanism and nothing changes in the dialogue, like in the screenhots below.

I already used the canister from the burrowers and elevator location, but I didn't notice the bug before so I got another one from the Tchortists.

I can also provide saves from before and after using the canister if it helps.

General / Deep Caverns missing canister (Spoilers)
« on: December 28, 2015, 10:22:26 pm »
So, I already managed to get rid of the Tchorts biomass covering the gate with biocide grenades , and have both all the parts and skills to repair the opening mechanism.

The problem is, it seems when I tried to install the first fluid canister I found (The one from the tunnel labyrinth) the game didn't actually register that, so I lost the canister but the game still wants me to install 3 of them.

I found another 2 in the warehouse, but I'm still missing one and have really no idea what to do now, reloading an earlier save is not an option.

My question is, is there any other place where I can found at least one more canister, and if not, is there a way to edit my save/cheat to get it?

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