Underrail > General

Syphoner man


Someday I will find you, you mythical zoa esc monster.

i have been conspiracy tipping that if you play the  game and wear full syphoners gear. kill all syphoners, you can get him to appaer. Closest thing I heard to syphoners and humans is that guy over at the junkyard, apparently he's such a good fisherman he can catch any syphoner...... You guys think that if we talk to rat hound king he would no the location?


I think I whacked him up by the bunker, where I got the power glove....


--- Quote from: Arclight on September 15, 2016, 04:24:06 pm ---I think I whacked him up by the bunker, where I got the power glove....

--- End quote ---

Wait wait you rn into him, can you please explain in detail where and how

It might be the motion talking but I might of got him...
No witnesses of course so If I tell anyone about it they'll all think I've derailed
At the end of the day I'm just another unreliable source


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