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Messages - Gyrosser

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Find missing combat unit in west wing kill alternative
« on: November 02, 2016, 02:14:06 am »
Thanks, I kinda thought based on how the Psycho beetle thing went that they were going for that. I guess not though.

General / Find missing combat unit in west wing kill alternative
« on: November 01, 2016, 01:58:35 am »
Hey I'm just curious if it is possible to capture rather than kill Mateo. It seems implied that I can, judging by the options given when the guy tells you to kill him. I would think that I would use the same neural pacifier thing that I used on psycho, but I can't seem to set that up. I talked to the neural investigator guy and there was no option for obtaining it for this purpose.

Can someone point me at the right person to ask in order to get this to happen, or am I wrong an I have to kill him?

Bugs / Re: Port Zenith quest bug?
« on: October 02, 2016, 05:13:21 am »
i managed to get in by stacking agility enhancing food, agility and stealth enhancing shoes, and a stealth generator. Now im trying to use the Bob disguise, but the NPC's seem to realize who I am randomly. I realize bumping into them causes this, but they will sometimes call me out from like 8 spaces. is there a trick to this?

Bugs / Re: Port Zenith quest bug?
« on: October 01, 2016, 04:09:10 am »
I'm having a bit of trouble on this one, so the only way in (after Ruben stops talking to me) is to pickpocket him, or pick the lock? I tried setting off a bomb to get him to move but he stayed put while all the other guards went to check it out.

So, currently, I can only kill him to get the key since I have 0 pickpocket and cant pick the lock fast enough to get in before he tocies me. I figure killing him is off the table since I dont want to piss off all of the city guards

any help appreciated

General / Re: Yet another build help request
« on: September 22, 2016, 04:09:38 pm »
Thanks guys, much appreciated. This game seemed too in depth to just wing it. Ill go sniper main, psi for CC and pistol for close enemies.

General / Yet another build help request
« on: September 22, 2016, 03:10:16 am »
I know there are a lot of these, but here's what I'm looking for: sniper/psi with accessibility. That is, lockpick hack ect. Also open to psi/assault weapons or smg/psi. I hate getting locked out of areas/options in any RPG, so I want high hacking/lockpicking/persuasion, never really use pickpocket. I kinda thought snipers would be primary, then when the enemy gets close I use psi stuff, also for CC. I'm new to this game, should I only specialize one weapon type, are the above combos viable? which crafting specialties? which psi abilities? Ideally give me the initial values (strength ect) then tell me the skill areas to emphasize and I'll go from there. my first character was a bit thin so I'm restarting.

fallout spoiled me, so Im not used to not being able to do everything lol.

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