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Topics - Varrok

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Stun-Interact status doesn't trigger if player exits combat manually
« on: February 21, 2020, 11:53:55 pm »
Quests affected: Pacify Psycho, Kidnap Sarine (and any others that use it)
(Underrail (without Expedition yet))

Also mentioned in

In those quests you're supposed to stun a victim and go into the dialog mode to do stuff.
The problem is that if you exit the combat while the enemy is incapacitated but not yet permanently stunned (which I consider a default action that the player would do in such scenario), he never will enter the stun and instead will attack the player right after incapacitation ends.

A video of bug in action:

These kinds of quests, while really cool as an idea, can be very frustrating due to insufficient explanation of how the mechanic works (mentioned here ) and this bug.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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