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Topics - deathknight1728

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / I wish this game would come out
« on: July 16, 2013, 03:41:10 pm »
Yeah, you gotta really understand, there are only so many games like this in creation. Fallout 1 and 2 are excellent examples, Eschalon Series 1, 2 and 3 are good examples, The Quest is a good example. Other than that, all you have are roguelikes like Dredmor and Tome which frankly I am not into.

My favorite likes are turnbased single character based rpgs that rely on exploration and what not. Fallout and Eschalon are prime examples but the Quest delivers as well.

I still do like Turnbased party based games like Avernum and what not but this area is just much more diverse.

1-I don't need this game to come out soon, I just hope it would come out eventually and hope that it doesn't get cancelled like other projects.

2-Ok I just purchased the game and only wish I could do more to help your project. Hopefully spreading the word will help you guys.

General / Just bought on Desura-Few Questions
« on: March 26, 2013, 11:25:25 pm »
1-Very glad that theres a company out there right now that still has high hopes/ideas on a cool rpg genre-The Post Apocalyptic Roleplaying game. I just recently got into fallout 1 which I have yet to complete. Im playing now as a pistol wielding wanderer and its alot of fun. Im hoping that when Im finished, Ill move onto fallout 2 and then maybe this will be ready ;)

2-I was going to ask if/when this will be ready. I bought the game but it wont play on my windows/vista pc. If anyone knows of when this might be realized, that'd be great.

3-I know this is a stupid question but will this great game be on mac? Im only asking because my mac is my main computer.

4-Are you looking for any qa testing? I just finished a consultant job as qa testing for a company and I would like to broaden my skill.

Thanks and all the best

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