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Messages - Amannamedsquid

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Development Log / Re: Dev Log #71: New Year's Resolution
« on: February 01, 2022, 04:42:48 pm »
Great stuff. Guess it's time for another run.

Looking forward to encountering Jookhela's art.

Suggestions / Re: Endgame Content
« on: October 16, 2021, 03:17:50 pm »
Btw, When Final Update Arrives?

My guess is December at the very earliest. Could be a bit later though, if it's a really big update.

Now that you mention it, I also did not receive this ite under the same circumstances.

I did manage to get the Tchortist Vathosphore Armor but none of the belts.
The Vathosphore armor should only be received upon joining Preservation, if I remember correctly.

Suggestions / Re: area suggestions for the final update
« on: September 19, 2021, 10:30:43 pm »
It would be nice if another zone or two was added in the mutagen tanks after the electric ladder. Like, you descend the ladder and then have to fight through a maze of fleshy barriers that can be destroyed with biocide grenades while fighting off attacks from tentacles, or you can take a longer way around that doesn’t require you to use biocide grenades. Another area could be accessed after you destroy the eye of the final boss, as a second phase of the fight. You crawl inside the hole left behind by the eye and fight against the heart, where you use biocide grenades to damage it while fending off waves of tchortlings and tentacles.
Would certainly give us a reason to use the four grenades we're left with after getting past the door. Also, the gas itself could debuff tchortlings and tentacles exposed to it (and the heart). At the very least, I'd like to see the biocide grenades influence the boss battle in a more substantial way.

General / Re: Make a Monster
« on: September 08, 2021, 03:32:42 am »
Alright, my turn. Got quite a few actually.

Bear: I figured if there are regular pigs, warthogs, bison, dogs, rats, cats, bats and roaches living in underrail (along with all of the crazy mutated stuff), bears aren't that much of a stretch. Basically, they are the epitome of the more "normal" creatures in underrail. Pretty tough, They have decent mechanical and cold resistance and immunity to fear effects. They also have a powerful bite attack, an attack with it's paws which can daze the player and a roar ability which is similar to the yell feat. For feats, they have Conditioning, Bone Breaker, and Pain Suppression.

Screecher: One of the ferry captains mentions rumors of screaming bat monsters while talking about the black sea and that is where the inspiration for this one comes from. The screecher is an oversized, mutated bat with atrophied wings so it can no longer fly. It can do a sonic scream attack that ignores damage resistance and passes thought targets, like attacks from the Sonocaster but also has a chance to deafen the player, which decreases perception and weapon accuracy. It also has a bite attack which inflicts anticoagulation.

Behemoth: I can't be the only one who did the forsaken island quest and now really wants to fight one of these. A big, monstrous lizard that has high health, powerful attacks, and a few feats like Taste for Blood, Expose Weakness, and Cheap Shots.

Mutated Rathound: A rathound that was exposed to potent mutagen gas and horrifically twisted into an abomination. Has less health than an augmented rathound but much more than an alpha. Bleeds acid and is immune to acid and bio damage like other mutants and also has pack hunting and rend like Rathounds. Instead of an acidic spray or acid glob attack, it has a spit attack that releases toxic gas. They also have the Vile Weaponry feat and are not afraid as of fire as regular rathounds.

Mutant Amalgam: A boss that I thought of, kind of like a proto-Tchort if you will. The result of at least a dozen people being exposed to mutagen and fusing together into a huge, crawling, hungry monstrosity. Has barely any movement points but has more action points to compensate. It can spit acid, pick up and throw barrels and rubble, and smack you with it's tendrils. It also has the ability to cast Telekinetic Grounding, Implosion, Psychosomatic Predation, Plasma Beam, Telekinetic punch, Bilocation and Neural Overload. Like Jet Eater, when it's health starts getting low, it will disengage from combat and try to devour one of the several piles of mutant corpses scattered throughout the area. This process takes a couple turns but when finished, it heals 30% of it's health and passively regenerates 50 health per turn for 6 turns. The amalgam bleeds acid, is immune to acid and bio damage and fear effects and it has a lot of health. It is vulnerable to JHP rounds, it's psionic abilities can be knocked out, and the corpse piles can be destroyed so that they can't be eaten.

Suggestions / Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« on: September 08, 2021, 12:28:54 am »
Just going to add my two cents to this thread.

I think it would be neat to have Omega Station become explorable with the final update. Maybe there's a corpse or a unique bandit you have to kill in upper underrail or the core city sewers with an omega oddity and a device that lets you power up one of the entrances.

Could be an interesting contrast to the clean, shiny, living SGS with the abandoned, decrepit, overgrown Omega and be a reminder of what could've happened to SGS if they had been the ones who lost their little war.

General / Re: Where do you find high-quality pig leather?
« on: September 05, 2021, 02:25:11 am »
Fatso is a unique warthog who drops very high quality pig leather. You can find him in the hunting grounds, which is across the river from Camp Hathor.

General / Make a Monster
« on: September 02, 2021, 07:59:55 am »
I always enjoyed reading similar posts in Dead Space forums about necromorphs so I decided, "Why not start one here?".

Basically, think of or make-up your own non-human enemy you believe would be cool to see. Simple animals, horrific genetic aberrations, robots, psionic ghosts, go wild. Only rule is it has to make sense in Underail.

General / Re: Random useful tips you've learned?
« on: September 02, 2021, 07:41:53 am »
If you kill enough of the Sørmirbæren leaders(2 I believe) before you reach Blistering Shores Research Facility, the Sørmirbæren will still sound the war-horn when you activate the generator but none will come after you.

Other Games / Re: Encased
« on: September 02, 2021, 06:50:40 am »
It's finally going out september 7, do you guys think it will be good ?
Hope so. Looks pretty cool.

General / Re: Soo, did i find Fallout 3? :D
« on: July 20, 2021, 06:06:31 am »
Bring lots of antidotes with you wherever you go. You will thank me later.

Don't go to the Black sea until you are around level 18 or so unless you are a complete masochist.

If you ever encounter any really bad gas, don't let it touch you. Or do let it touch you, could be interesting. Save first, just in case.


General / Re: (SPOILER) Utility tower's end
« on: July 20, 2021, 05:45:31 am »
was this part of the new update? where do I find it?
It's in Upper underrail, accessible via the Eos complex.

Suggestions / Re: Need achievement and achievement name suggestions
« on: July 20, 2021, 04:45:56 am »
Is this still going?
I have no idea, I just did it for fun.

General / Re: Crystal Mainframe vision requirement
« on: July 20, 2021, 04:15:26 am »
I think that each respective vision is based on each psionic discipline and that you need said psionic discipline at a certain skill level the see the vision. I think that it's around 70-75 or so but I'm not entirely sure.

General / Re: What do you think the best OST track in Underrail is?
« on: July 20, 2021, 04:03:21 am »
I like a lot of the soundtrack. The ones that stick with me the most though are probably Deep Caverns, Caves, Faceless, Gray Army Base, Abyssal Station, Ferry Man, Savages Battle, and the final boss track. In no particular order.

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