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Messages - Trundel

Pages: [1]
Hi there, I registered because this was so weird.

During the sequence when you are trying to hold off the Faceless while waiting for the elevator to the Deep Caverns in the Institute of Tchort, I had my character take Morphine to survive the last round of combat before I could activate the elevator. As soon as I activated the elevator, and the scene of it descending loaded, my character died from the aftereffects of the morphine. I let the game run until the elevator stopped and an autosave was created. When I loaded that last save my character was at 0 hit points, they could not be healed but have taken no damage from any source that I can find, can walk but when they stop they assume the death position, psi points regenerate, and  they can otherwise engage in combat, talk and use all abilities as normal.

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