Underrail > General

Chem pistol synergies?


Hey guys, what weapons or abilities synergize well with chem pistols? The reason I ask is because chem pistols only need like 2 feats, 3 if you use the XAL and leaves a bunch of feats to play with. Thanks guys.

There is quite more perks that are good with chemical pistols (aimed shot, point shot, kneecap shot, execute, opportunist, steadfast aim, sharpshooter ...)

But best synergy for sure is with crossbow and deadly snares.

I thought most of those feats dont work for chem pistols? I'd be pumping dex and dumping perception (using versatility to compensate) so i'm not sure if i'd meet feat requirements for crossbows. Does sound cool though, chem pistol for short-medium range and robots, crossbows for long distance engagements. I'll fiddle with the character builder and see if it's possible.

Edit: Here's a build that tries to combine the best of both worlds. Will probably be using eel sandwhiches for further ap cost reduction. Couldn't fit in Ambush. I'm deciding to forego tailoring because eventually i'll be using the XAL and and the CAU armor. Until then, I'll be rocking rathound king armor. I'll be using the advanced catalyzing belt. for boots, I guess i'll try to find the best tabi's I can find. Can I hit the acid resistance threshold without crafting sea wyrm tabis?

Here's a mock up of the build : https://underrail.info/build/?HgMLBQMOAwcjHsKgAB54wqBTQgBGUFBkMEgAAABGAABMJsKjL2FWwpHCgCJMagJLTisqwrXChycaw4jCncKtbOKyuwXita4K374

It's hard to beat xbow.  Cooked shot + a mk3 shock bolt with all the relevant feats can autokill a group of enemies. 
Cryo freeze is an incap, which lets you enter stealth and hide or just end combat and run.  It also lowers their evasion to 0 if you want to aimed shot them with a sniper rifle or whatever.
Incendiary sets them aflame which can trigger ambush.


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