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Topics - Othienka

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Motorcycles
« on: March 19, 2021, 01:27:11 am »
Although I don't expect any major work to go towards anything that isn't Underrail: Infusion anymore, Motorcycles are just essentially a sprite change way from Jet Skis to be a reality.

Think about it, we already have Jetskis with Storage and the Parts System. If someone just made a Jetski capable to travel on land (and disable water travel) and reduced their travel speed, what else would we need? Most of the work would end up being spritting all the different bike models (assuming the Quad Bike isn't usable as a base at least) and timing animations to the specific movement speeds.

We'd also need a Bike Store or two somewhere and maybe an intro quest (which I expected to happen when Travis mentioned his broken quads).

Am I the only one bothered by how the in-game appearance of a character changes depending on the armor equipped, while the portrait stays the same? Sure, we sort of got Custom Portraits in response to people complaining about how the available/official portraits didn't fit the appearance of the player, but even then Custom Portraits are refreshed only at game start.

Would it be that complicated to add several "Custom Portrait" slots of sorts for each unique armor appearance?

In theory, it should be possible. We already have the armor flags that, according to the armor equipped, point out when the in-game sprite has to be changed. Thus it seems that we could, instead of using a single portrait, adding an extra variable to consider the armor and thus have a custom portrait for each armor variation. Limiting this capability only to Custom Portraits would remove any need to do any extra sprites and leaves all work up to the players themselves.

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