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Discussions / Tchort is Meowolution.
« on: January 30, 2016, 07:02:09 pm »

General / Unitary lore and story discussion thread (obvious spoilers)
« on: January 25, 2016, 06:50:50 pm »
I'm surprised we don't have an official, pinned thread for Underrail's plot and lore yet (or maybe there is one, and the search function just refuses to spit it out?). It's been officially out for a month now, with most of us having been familiar with the game for longer, and while I presume that a large number is playing the game for its mechanics more so than for its narrative content, I still think the latter is absolutely worth discussing.

I suppose the anticlimactic reveal of Underrail's origins and the decidedly unmysterious nature of Tchort, the Faceless et al. are not to everyone's taste, but I for one really love the way Underrail handles its buildup, remaining grounded and downright stoic from beginning to end, antithetical to the sweeping epic plots with their contrived twists and turns in many modern RPGs, and even pulling off a bit of a meta commentary on the genre itself, without going all self-aware and ostentatiously ironic unlike e.g. Larian's Divinity games tend to do.

General / Freeing Sharp and the boys unseen (spoilers)?
« on: January 02, 2016, 06:49:16 pm »
I wonder if there's a way to free the Rejects in the Institute of Tchort's secret research sector without having to kill guards and consequently turning the faction hostile (since it's a controlled zone, even stealth kills will not prevent you from being spotted), or if this option is reserved for a violent playthrough.

General / Influences and inspiration other than CRPGs.
« on: January 02, 2016, 04:45:48 pm »
While mechanically the game draws obviously from CRPG and tactical game classics, I'm particularly interested in the game's thematic inspirations. The setting is often compared to Metro 2033, but personally it reminds me more of the earlier works of Enki Bilal, including his debut film Bunker Palace Hotel. I also smell strong Zork vibes, particularly in the Institute of Tchort and their peculiar vocabulary.

Bugs / Waste Processing Plant: Storage room door cannot be locked
« on: January 02, 2016, 01:40:26 pm »
The door to Storage Room 2 in the Waste Processing Plant near Harpocrates Station (where you are sent during a Tchort investigation mission), which has a physical lock, cannot be locked again, even if you possess the key.

Bugs / Mass enrage combat crashes
« on: December 25, 2015, 03:04:58 pm »
Game crashed several times in the Deep Caverns during combat with Tchortlings. To specify, I was using Locus of Control combined with Enrage to hound a large group of them against each other. This generally seems to be a bit taxing on the engine, because it has caused the game to stutter severely (but not crash) on several occasions.

EDIT: I seem to have located the issue. After enraging a few Tchortling Devourers, other enemies (Devourers) that as a consequence turned hostile on them ended up turning hostile on everyone, as if affected by Enrage themselves. Whenever one of those bugged enemies managed to kill another enemy, it seems to have caused an exception, resulting in a crash.

Bugs / SRO Assault companion AI
« on: December 25, 2015, 05:40:59 am »
During the attack on SRO, Jazz always makes a beeline for the entrance gate and then refuses to move, blocking the bottleneck and making the mission very much unplayable without waiting for him to get killed (or clearing the outpost all alone).

Bugs / Jack Quicksilver disappearance in Core City
« on: December 24, 2015, 03:51:13 am »
Jack Quicksilver disappeared after half of his questline in Core City, despite fulfilling all 3 assignments flawlessly. Dunno if this is a bug or simply an oversight on my part.

Bugs / Mysterious Ladybug
« on: December 23, 2015, 02:15:22 pm »
The woman who recruits the player for the Free Drones questline seems to be bugged. I declined her job offer to come back later, and when I returned, clicking her opened an empty dialogue box with a portrait of the last person I spoke to before I talked to her. To specify, this happened at the Core City metro station; I don't know if it also applies when she approaches you elsewhere.

Bugs / Bugs still present in 1.0
« on: December 18, 2015, 03:15:52 pm »
An issue I had with the alpha still occurs in version 1.0:

Every now and then, the mouse cursor is confined to a small part in the centre of the screen for some reason. Alt-tabbing solves the problem for the time being, but it still happens regularly.

The game also occasionally doesn't start at all, and the executable needs to be killed via task manager. This might be specific to the Steam version.

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