Underrail > Bugs

Crash when killing Synesthete during a ritual


I tried twice and two times it crashed. It doesn't crash when i kill him before starting the ritual.

All right, an update: there's no crash if i kill him outside of ritual's zone.

It doesn't always crash. I tried again, chose same dialogue line (snatch the gemstone) and it didn't crash. This time i killed him in one turn.

I also observed a decrease in my throwing knife accuracy during second or third turn that i was unable to explain. And no, it wasn't due to throwing in melee range.

I've fixed the crash. It had something to do with the remaining Zealots immediately after you've killed Synesthete, not the actual location of his death.

About the throwing knife accuracy, were you by any chance standing on top of the hill or one of the forcefields while you were aiming? Due to isometrics, those tiles are a bit out place (the real distance is much shorter than it might actually seem). There's nothing else that should otherwise impact any of the player skills.

I guess melee range for throwing knifes is longer than what i thought and that was causing the THC drop after all.


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